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Arma 2 update 112555


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So every time that an Arma 2 has an update, and updates the client, the server will need to get updated as well? I hope the server companies can keep up with the updates. 


Hopefully they will have a way to automate it as even for a dedicated server like mine with 4 Epoch servers running on it it looks like a ballache to change over.

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If the server providers have TCAdmin/Equivalent configured correctly, then it should just be a case of using the steam update feature built into TCAdmin to automatically update the game files whenever an update rolls out on steam. :)


The current way of beta-patching must be a complete PITA for them with already deployed servers to go and update.


MGT, I use a master set of files in thier own directory that I update via SteamCMD, then just copy the game files over to my Server directories, that way I can test everything on the new patches before I roll them out onto live servers.

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