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Overpoch + Infistar

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Hello guys , I see alot of people setting up overpoch servers , We have a VPS so have space to start another server using Overpoch , But a question we want too know is , Does Infistar still work ? Thanks in advance !

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Did u experience desync while using the overwatch mod? Tought is was caused by the dayz_code and other overwatch stuff... could I simply delete it to prevent that sort of desync?


I did on Namalsk OverPoch so went back to Epoch Namalsk.

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Thansk for replys guys ! Lont time to get back , Yeah infi menu you had all the updated weapons ect in it so was great :) .. And works great .. Still setting server up , Having problems getting scripts back as loads of the links are broken and down and when we had our last server we had some problems , So want all scripts fresh :) Also can some one link us good thing for adding custom buildings :) 

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