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Posts posted by Radec59437

  1. That's fine as long as the epoch config knows where the BE files are located. Verify the BE path with your host and go from there.


    Problem being, I can't edit the epochserver.ini to my host's BE location; the server will simply replace the file on restart once it detects the modification.


    I've tried checking the "use custom redis" option from my host's control panel so that it allows me to keep a modified epochserver.ini, but that will make the server crash on start up for some reason.


    It would seem that Nitrado is derping it up this time.

  2. I like the odd approach they're taking; it's like some Fallout mixed with The Zone from STALKER (I'd totally dig more Bloodsucker-style enemies).


    They just need to coagulate their lore a bit more and perhaps write a more convincing back-story for these antagonists, in my opinion.

  3. BEC only reloads the files it is our DLL that changes the publicvariable.txt so that it will work with our random vars.


    My problem is quite the opposite; all configs seem to be aiming at the right places but BEC doesn't touch publivar.txt at restart, it simply never happens.


    I'm running the pre-installation with Nitrado and I think they change something with the folder structure that breaks the .dll's job..

    Although the only thing that's different is the BE filters are in a "config" folder instead of the default "SC" you guys provide.


    I'm at a loss..

  4. Hi!


    In first line thanks for the author for this great idea and code!


    To solve the problem with disappearing and replaced vehicles, open VehicleKeyChanger_init.sqf and place the following code after function ON_fnc_vkc_reset in line 56:

    dayz_objectUID_vkc = {
    	_object = _this;
    	_position = getPosATL _object;
    	_dir = direction _object;
    	_key = [_dir,_position] call dayz_objectUID2_vkc;
    dayz_objectUID2_vkc = {
    	_dir = _this select 0;
    	_key = "";
    	_position = _this select 1;
    		_x = _x * 10;
    		if ( _x < 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };
    		_key = _key + str(round(_x));
    	} forEach _position;
    	_key = _key + str(round(_dir));

    I suggest to reset some variables as well, place the following code after waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_animalCheck"}; in line 83:

    lastKeyChangeCursorTarget = [objNull,objNull,objNull,objNull,objNull];

    I also changed the self action menu text in that case when you claim a vehicle without a key, text "Change Vehicle Key" changed to "Claim Vehicle" in line 118.


    And I got an odd 'general error' in some cases (probably when I had no key in my inventory but all other requirements were fullfilled)

    so, I changed

    if (_carKey != "0") then {


    } else {

    Now open VehicleKeyChanger.sqf and add the following code to line 129:

    	/* Giving unique UID for claimed vehicles */
    	if (_targetVehicleUID=="0") then {
    		_targetVehicleUID = _targetVehicle call dayz_objectUID_vkc;
    		_targetVehicle setVariable ["ObjectUID",_targetVehicleUID,true]; // It does probably nothing and it's not needed :)

    With these modfifications you can Claim a server spawned vehicle which has only ObjectID (MySQL primary, autoincremented ID) but ObjectUID=0.

    On our server you can claim mission vehicles as well, because for mission vehicles we generate ObjectID="0" and ObjectUID=_vehicle call dayz_objectUID; (Server side call.)

    dayz_objectUID and dayz_objectUID2 are standard ObjectUID generator functions from server_functions.sqf, and we had to place them to client side (_vkc added to names).

    To fix objects stored in your database with ObjectUID=0 just run this MySQL command on object_data table:

    UPDATE object_data SET ObjectUID=ROUND(RAND(1)*1000000000000000) WHERE ObjectUID=0


    [ Modifications made for Vehicle Key Changer - For making Masterkey - V 1.3 (Updated 02/20/2014) ]

  5. Not sure if mentioned in this thread already but do your missions all seem to spawn in the same ish place? Something broken or is it due to bases on the map? 


    At line 95 of DZMSFunctions.sqf, replace the values with this:

    _pos = [_centerPos,0,6000,20,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

    It should give you a similar effect to the original EMS missions, I widened the distance from the center a bit and higher maximum distance from an object from 20 to 2000; this should randomize locations a little bit again.

  6. Not sure if mentioned in this thread already but do your missions all seem to spawn in the same ish place? Something broken or is it due to bases on the map? 


    I'm not sure, but I think he changed or even removed BIS_fnc_findSafePos from the script, hence why he put a tutorial on how to use it on the first page.

    It's either using fixed coords or the BIS_fnc_findSafePos settings are so strict that it only finds acceptable 2-3 locations on the map; I still need to look into it.

  7. Pardon my ignorance, but where am I making this change?


    afile is a column in the Traders_DATA table of your SQL database.


    If you haven't already, get Navicat or any other MySQL management software; or if your host allows it, you can always use the built in phpMyAdmin.

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