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Posts posted by Radec59437

  1. Having a small issue since the database entry change patch, vehicles will often teleport back to the location the key script was used on them after restart.

    Basically every movement past the key change won't save to the database for some reason.


    This has happened 4+ times.


    Edit: Alright, getting even bigger problems with this, now it's actually teleporting vehicles to each other's positions and wiping inventories..

  2. Edit VehicleKeyChanger_init.sqf

    Find this line:

    	if (!isNull cursorTarget && speed player <= 1 && (vehicle player) == player && !isEngineOn cursorTarget && (cursorTarget isKindOf "Motorcycle" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Car" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Air" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship") && (cursorTarget distance player) <= 10 && cursorTarget getVariable ["VKC_disabled", 0] == 0 && cursorTarget getVariable ["VKC_claiming_disabled",0] == 0) then {

    replace with:

    	if (!isNull cursorTarget && speed player <= 1 && (vehicle player) == player && !isEngineOn cursorTarget && (cursorTarget isKindOf "Motorcycle" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Car" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Air" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Ship" || cursorTarget isKindOf "Tank") && (cursorTarget distance player) <= 10 && cursorTarget getVariable ["VKC_disabled", 0] == 0 && cursorTarget getVariable ["VKC_claiming_disabled",0] == 0) then {

    Server admins which are able to put Tanks on their servers, should be able to add this check themself ^^


    Next would be serveradmins which put locked static guns on their servers... :D








    Oh I've been doing that since V1.0 myself.

    I just mentioned it so you could add it by default :P

  3. Have been having this issue with 1.0.4 and now even more often on (for whatever reason); I do not use rcon restarts but process killing.


    I'm not saying this is related, but it's probably worth noting that for me problems started after I added the new Hiveext.dll

  4. The black screen is part of the global effect. The apsi device only protects you from damage, it doesn't stop the event from happening.


    Yes, but the input block + 3 seconds blackscreen can be really annoying for someone who isn't meant to be affected (people indoors, people with an APSI).


    Personally, I globally removed the blackscreen fading and limited input block to players who don't wear an APSI.

    Gonna test the AI adapter on my test server asap.

  5. So you guys mean that I have to do the afile edit in the SQL even after 1.0.4?

    Or is it only supported after (which is what I understood from vbawol's post)


    And yes Crystal, I'm using Ruby as high end currency, although the problem only presented itself after I added the other gems to trade_metals (not used as actual currency, they just give you some briefcase if you mine them).

  6. Thanks for the link.

    Unfortunately it seems that my traders also present this bug with gold, silver etc. 


    Pretty much anything can be bought or sold (yes, you don't even need the item to be sold, it will do the trading anyway) for nothing at all.


    That thread doesn't really help me, all I can see is that it says "update to" which atm I cannot do because I'm not on my main machine :(

  7. So you won't be using WAI.. Just something similar to it?


    Crate loot randomization is fine as long as the loot that spawns is always worth doing the mission; WAI's missions used this and mostly spawned really crappy loot that one could find by raiding a barrack.


    But hey, about time for this to get an update, looking forward to it :)

  8. Ever since after the 1.0.4 I've had various issues with traders, one of them was players reporting that sometime they wouldn't remove currency from a player's inventory.

    Completely out of the blue, after the last restart today, traders simply start the trading process regardless of what's in the player's inventory.


    They do not give currency back for items purchased with "null" currency, but they do allow anyone to buy anything.


    Just as a fyi: I use a custom fn_selfactions and a custom trade_metals since I have Ruby as a currency, the Ruby was the first currency to create this bug, despite working fine for the last two weeks before 1.0.4.


    So... Is there anyone who can point out what I fucked up in the process? :wacko:



  9. Those are DayZ and Epoch scripts, they're not related to InfiSTAR.


    It clearly says it in the readme that you should remove them:



    just follow the "AntiHack_installation.txt" and the setup should be really easy.
    please check your mpmission init.sqf file if it has this line:
    #include "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf"
    if it has this line, it has to be removed! (causing trouble)
    if it has those
    dayz_antihack = 0; // DayZ Antihack / 1 = enabled // 0 = disabled
    dayz_REsec = 0; // DayZ RE Security / 1 = enabled // 0 = disabled
    set it like this. They both have to be = 0;
    Epoch 103 and 1031 now has this line in the mpmission init.sqf aswell:
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";
    remove this line completely or you can not teleport.
  10. It was my impression you were working with DZAI. I like DZAI much better. It's my understanding that WAI AI don't respawn when killed. Is this true? DZAI comes with preformated static spawn locations throughout Chernarus and use Epoch loot tables. It's a much better choice.


    Last time I checked, WAI doesn't even come with pre-configured static triggers and whatnot.

    So ideally, we'd end up with using DZAI for everyday matters (dynamic and static spawns on the map), and WAI as mission-only AI (which is a lot better than stock ArmA 2 AI like it is now).


    Unfortunately I have no idea if and how DZAI and WAI work with each other. Never tested it.


    I only voted yes because I hope I can achieve this duo of scripts managing the two things separately on my server.

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