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Posts posted by Radec59437

  1. It is working, but only during that timespan of 9 days after buildings have been damaged over 10%.


    This is why I initially had the SQL event set to hand out damage after only 7 days, it gives people more time to maintain in case they'll be offline at a later date.


    The whole system is kinda wonky to be honest; if you set it to damage after 20 days, players have a way of knowing "You have 10 days left to do maintenance", yet at the same time, most players don't understand that, and they use AM before the time is due which has no effect on updating the buildings..


    So tl;dr the best way of doing it would be setting a short damage interval to give players more choice on when to do maintenance, it will show the option way prematurely, but as long as players understand that they have up to 30 days before cleanup comes, it shouldn't be an issue.

  2. My server people have to do that any way because i change the loading screen every reboot. Plus im constantly updating the server code and they need a new mission file. I can understand that downloading a file each time is a pain, but in the long run it should never be a real issue.


    I understand, but do you think it would work? :p

    I would like to do it that way because it would be easier for me, not only because of the downloading issue.


    I think I'll go and test it myself actually, I'll look into it and then post again.

  3. Anyone can use whatever you defined in your custom fn_selfActions.sqf

    Around line 211:

    if (_canDo && (speed player <= 1) && (_cursorTarget isKindOf "WorkBench_DZ")) then {
    		 if (s_player_maintain_area < 0) then {
    		  	s_player_maintain_area = player addAction ["<t color=""#ffffff"">Maintain Area</t>", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\maintain_area.sqf", "maintain", 5, false];
    		 	s_player_maintain_area_preview = player addAction ["<t color=""#ccffffff"">Maintain Area Preview</t>", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\maintain_area.sqf", "preview", 5, false];

    A WorkBench in my case (plot pole in vanilla Epoch) to pay for maintenance.

    I think in patch they changed Area Maintenance so it only counts and maintain items that NEED maintenance, that means that if you've set the SQL routine to damage every 21 days, players won't be able to do maintenance before 21 days have passed; or rather, they will be able to (Area Maintenance will still eat their gold) but it won't actually maintain the buildings.


    That is why your players' items have disappeared I'm afraid, some people don't fully understand how the system works and blame it on the server at the first issue.


    I was also thinking that you could drag back maintain_area.sqf into the missionfile and customize the prices again, because honestly the stock prices that Epoch devs put in make little sense to me.

  4. you could do a short script which executes a sql command which spawns this vehicle on every serverrestart back on this position...

    like the urals in sector b in origins for example...


    I thought about it, but then I would have to wipe the old one every time to prevent the two choppers from spawning into each other and blowing up; if I did this, players wouldn't be able to keep the Mi17 for themselves after a restart (much like the mission-spawned vehicles).


    I know there are better ways to do this, as I said, but for now I don't know any and I'm fine with doing it manually.. for now....

  5. Since Zelenogorsk is classified as "Big Town", but appears to be lacking in loot structures, I decided to use an empty concrete flat space to build an area worth looting.


    This includes:

    • 1x Firestation
    • 1x Construction Site
    • 1x Office Building
    • 1x Field Hospital
    • 1x Fuel Tank











    Installation is as usual:

    1. Make a custom folder in your missionfile's main folder named "map" (or use your own if you have one).
    2. Put "zeleno.sqf" into this folder.
    3. Then add the following line at the bottom of your "init.sqf" file:
    [] execVM "map\zeleno.sqf";
  6. This is a small base/military outpost I've built on Skalisty Island, with the purpose of being used in conjunction with DZAI's custom spawns.


    The Mi17 doesn't spawn in as default (it would be wiped by the "kill a hacker" function), so spawn in your own via the database, or if you use InfiSTAR's AH you can spawn and save it manually.

    Most people will raid the base for basic tent loot and the bandits' weapons anyway, but the Mi17 is what really motivates people to go in usually.


    Also, Skalisty is only reachable by boat unless you use a custom bridge, I use the Excelsior Bridge (couldn't find the original thread to the author :|)













    Installation is as usual:

    • Make a custom folder in your missionfile's main folder named "map" (or use your own if you have one).
    • Put "skalisty.sqf" into this folder.
    • Then add the following line at the bottom of your "init.sqf" file:
    [] execVM "map\skalisty.sqf";
  7. 1) Mission Gear / loot - the crates don't spawn. Has anyone enocuntered something similar? I have Infistar ( instaled which I guess could be the cause? Any thoughts on this would be great.

    Are you using the stock infiSTAR menu from Nitrado/your host?

    If yes, there's a high chance the HACKED BOX Check (_CHB) setting is turned on and you won't be able to customize the AH so that _CHB = false; this will usually result in the AH removing mission cargo crates.

  8. SargeAI does offer much more customization, but I find it pretty worthless if that same amount of customization is about features which are virtually useless on a DayZ environment :P

    The reason so many servers switched to DZAI is specifically because it doesn't clog up the map with predictable AI, but actually tries to "simulate" dayz player bandits by spawning them dynamically near loot locations.

    This is only my opinion though.

  9. We ran into a problem where players like myself are putting up  plot poles  in their bases.  The maintain area preview states something like   "0 building objects  found   Two 10 once gold to maintain."  and that is in the middle of a building that once stated 65 objects found, 1 briefcase to maintain over a week ago.  It seems that the 1031 patch broke it.          I  fed it the two 10 oncers  3 days ago and now the entire  bottom two floors of a once awesome base are now gone.  And  only 21 days after the last time I maintained these same walls with  lumber/plywood/ mortar.      I even took down the plot pole and bought a new one this morning and it still does not see any building objects  yet it is inside a 4 story building...


    Other players  walked right in  took anything of value and burned the rest of what they could not take until they ran out of jerry cans.


    As far as I could investigate this, it's intended.

    Area Maintenance now only counts buildings that actually need maintenance, and not the total number; this way you know if something needs to be maintained or not.


    You need to run an SQL event to frequently set buildable's damage level over 10% though, otherwise the option to maintain won't be there, and therefore I suspect the area maintenance will have no effect on them.


    Edit: Here, set the INTERVAL to how old you want buildings to be before showing a maintenance option:

    UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Damage`=0.11 WHERE `ObjectUID` <> 0 AND `CharacterID` <> 0 AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 7 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') )
    As for the OP, you need to tweak your HiveExt.ini to set the cleanup interval, and then do something like the above.

    And for the pole requirement DZE_requireplot = 1; in your init.sqf.

    Unfortunately I can't help you for the "last time owner logged in" thing, my coding knowledge can only do so much :(

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