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Posts posted by nightmare

  1. I'm getting ready to enable a whitelist on my server. Does the whitelist work on the current version? When I click on the Whitelist I see at the top, it has this:


    When I click on that link, it takes me to a topic that is very old at opendayz.net. Does the hivetools whitelist require that tool to work? It's not really clear.

    the new version comes with a WL plugin for BattleyeExtendedControls, then you can use Whitlister or BEC


  2. I had a question about the key generator & the new key names. I noticed the key name in game does not match the database key name. Example. I just bought a Camo SUV and the in game name is Blue Key (0398) but the database name for this key is ItemKeyBlue899 The thing i don't like about this is if someone lost a key but has the in game name written down it does not help us track down the key because it does not match up with the database name. If in game the key were called Blue Key (899) or even (0899) we could just easily put a key in there players inventory, but since it is the way it is now I was wondering if it was possible to edit the key generator to find the key we need from the database by searching for it using the in game code. Example, search for the in game code which is "0398" and have the key generator tell us that it is actually "ItemKeyBlue899". I don't know if its possible to do this but if it is possible it would make many admins life easier!



    the display of the "keys" in the inventory is not correct.


    i can do nothing about this..


    a example why,  from  "dayz_code\Configs\CfgWeapons\Item\ItemKeys.hpp":


    class ItemKeyYellow2211: ItemKeyYellow { <<<<<---- item key class id

        keyid = 9711;<<<--------- owner  / character id

        displayName = "Yellow Key (9f0f)"; <--- display in inventory ( this MIX of different CHAR'S for each KEY is not possible to generate ) 


  3. BANLIST feature added for "Battleye Extended Controls" users, is a BEC Plugin (Python) to manage your BANS over the HIVE TOOL.


    the latest BEC version is needed!


    i will make this plugin now as whitelist from db, then you have two options what you can use;  whitelist from db or from the text file.


    for a banlist i have first to look how it works to insert a ban through BEC. ( read from DB is not a problem )

  4. Thanks for all of your work on this outstanding tool!  However, I have a serious issue which I'm hoping you can help me with.  I'm using this admin tool for my Overwatch server.  With the current schema they are using for their version 024 when you try to add buildings, they go into the 'instance_deployable' table.  The only problem is that when the server loads up it skips everything in the table that isn't a tent and does not load it into the game.  I was able to get around this by following this guide: http://dayz.st/w/Custom_Buildings


    So currently, to add buildings into my server, I have to use the PHP tool, which adds them to the 'instance_deployable' table, then copy and paste the building id, worldspace, and other relevant info into the 'instance_building' table.  Is there a way that you could code the tool to have the option of using either hive schema so that items can be spawned to either the 'instance_building' OR 'instance_deployable' table, depending on which type of server you are running?  I've tried to edit the PHP code myself for that function and have been unsuccessful at getting it working right.


    i understand i will find a solution.



    I had a question about the key generator & the new key names. I noticed the key name in game does not match the database key name. Example. I just bought a Camo SUV and the in game name is Blue Key (0398) but the database name for this key is ItemKeyBlue899 The thing i don't like about this is if someone lost a key but has the in game name written down it does not help us track down the key because it does not match up with the database name. If in game the key were called Blue Key (899) or even (0899) we could just easily put a key in there players inventory, but since it is the way it is now I was wondering if it was possible to edit the key generator to find the key we need from the database by searching for it using the in game code. Example, search for the in game code which is "0398" and have the key generator tell us that it is actually "ItemKeyBlue899". I don't know if its possible to do this but if it is possible it would make many admins life easier!


    i had already noticed. on todo

  5. sorry guys, it will take bit longer as i think


    - ADDED itempool and item classname find & select box.
    - ADDED simple BEC whitlist.txt editor (over ftp) ( idea by ToejaM )
    - ADDED livemap for chernarus ( wishes from a lot of people )
    - ADDED permission system ( idea by ToejaM )

    - CHANGED epoch trader editor rewritten. will now use the tids from your "server_trader.sqf" through parsing. (no more instance troubles)
    - CHANGED design
    - CHANGED blacklist items infoboxes can now activate / deactivate, to fix problems due slow database connection
    - FIX missing setDir (mission parser)
    - CHANGED reality "world_id" will now selected from "instance" table
    - AND some changes in the code, i hope the most bugs will be fixed now

  6. Was just thinking also, if you're adding in a live map - I definitely would like to see a permission system, at least for this map. Anyway to add a password to it, as I dont allow my admins to use ESP. The tool is used for helping players 99% of the time!


    yes i understand, i will see what i can do



    is there anyway to add a weapon pool so i can add more weapons to survivor editor? and or a load out editor for player loadouts?


    item pool will be add. a loadout editor not, maybe later ( working on drag&drop system)

  7. A map that shows the location of all players would be nice as well, since not every host offers this in their control panel.


    a live map for chernarus is added




    Search function inside the trader items area.


    Search function for survivors (I know it works with a drop down box and you can type in there but with lots of players, it hangs sometimes and can be a bit fiddly so a search box without the drop down would be great!)


    Maybe a lot of work for this last one but a way to set access levels with diff admins? Like allowing certain admins to restart the server or use the whitelist.. or add objects to the traders ect :)


    Lastly, ETA on the new version? :D


    1. on todo

    2. on todo

    3. maybe...

    4. probably this week

  8. Anyway to make the whitelist button edit a specific .txt on the server? So that instead of using the whitelister we could use the BEC whitelister and not need to use FTP access for other admins?



     your wish is added.



    A map that shows the location of all players would be nice as well, since not every host offers this in their control panel.



  9. chernarus "server_traders.sqf" (v1.0.1.1) -->> is using "instance = 11"  from DB table "server_traders"


    chernarus "server_traders.sqf" (v1.0.1.4) -->> is using "instance = 17"  from DB table "server_traders"


    the trader item editor listed the traders by instance from table  "server_traders" .  please change the instance to "17" in "init.sqf" and in PHT settings 

    or update the "server_traders" table --> instance:  

    UPDATE `server_traders` WHERE `instance` = '17' SET `instance` = 'HereYourCustomInstance';   //YOUR CUSTOM INSTANCE IS THE SAME FROM "init.sqf"
  10. chernarus "server_traders.sqf" ( -->> is using instance = 11  from table "server_traders"

    chernarus "server_traders.sqf" ( -->> is using instance = 17  from table "server_traders"


    if you have  a custom instance in your "init.sqf"  e.g. by your server provider, then you need update the table "server_traders" where  "instance = 17" with your "init.sqf" instance.. 

  11. Hey, thanks for the response.


    We have installed and working fine, but following adding the updated files to the PH-Tools, there is still a problem for us with the Epoch Trader Items page. All the sections (Ammo Trader Klen, Ammo Trader Stary etc..) are as they were with, as are the weapons available at the numerous traders. The cans, vehicles, meds and other items are all listed and priced as they should be in, albeit at the old categories from as stated. 


    Tried a re-install of the tools and a fresh database.



    hmm.. it looks like a instance issue?!


    the trader editor selects the right trader + items by your given instance

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