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Posts posted by JoSchaap

  1. https://github.com/A3Wasteland/ArmA3_Wasteland.Altis/tree/Development_main/client/systems/groups


    it realy isnt that complicated. thing is this is just the group system part, if you also want the collored dots above team members youl also need to adopt the group parts from:



    into it.


    the only real issue with this will be taming battleye and the other antihack scripts to not kick you for ESP hacking ;)



    In my opinion dayz realy doesnt need this. but if you play wasteland it can be a real asset to identify your teammates

  2. Try:

    If(!isServer)then{[]execVM "script.sqf"};

     without the ! though. spawning of units should be serversided, adding a ! reverses the functionality of isserver to isnotserver :P




    example of something to run on clients and NOT the server




    example of something to only run on the server and not the clients



  3. I dont have any experience using the arma2 editor preview (i work on arma3 scripts)


    But, the script is probably executed both server as clientsided.


    you can use the isServer statement in the init.sqf to make sure your script only run serversided.


    the client also generates an rpt log


    for Arma3 its located in %appdata%\..\local\Arma 3\


    maybe arma2 puts it in %appdata%\..\local\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\

  4. we've had the same issues with the bandit patrols breaching wood / stick / wire fence defenses. (base setup on ROG)


    Recently we've upgraded the surrounding wood+stick sandwiched walls to cinder block walls with tank traps around them. And yesterday I saw the bandit AI's run around our defenses instead of glitching though for the first time since we've started building there.


    Though the garage doors (even the cinder ones) are still a point where they can enter our base. (zombies glitch through those too)


    Since there is no real simulation difference aside from thickness and health/damage the walls can handle i think its related to how thick your wall is.

  5. you are giving titletext too many arguments (4 instead of 2).


    correct way should be:  titleText["string","type"]; and not titleText["string", variable "string", "type"];


    this should fix it:

    titleText ["My name is %1","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 2;
    sleep 2;
    titleText ["I've killed %2 Zombies.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 2;
    sleep 2;
    titleText ["I've Murdered %3 Survivors.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 2;
    sleep 2;
    titleText ["I've Killed %4 Bandits.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 2;
    sleep 2;
    titleText ["My Humanity is at %5.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 2;
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