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(HPG) Heavy

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Posts posted by (HPG) Heavy

  1. Face,


    Wonderful port and thank you for the updates.  *bows


    After installing the latest build, this error showed up in my report log, thought it might interest you.  Something to disregard?


    Error in expression <roup);
    deleteWaypoint [_unitGroup,all];
    _unitGroup setCombatMode "YELLOW">
    Error position: <all];
    _unitGroup setCombatMode "YELLOW">
    Error Undefined variable in expression: all
    File a3eai\compile\A3EAI_utilities\A3EAI_addVehicleGroup.sqf, line 24


    Thanks again, peace.


    events[] = {
        { 3600, "CarnivalSpawner" }, // SECOND <scalar>, EVENT <string>
        { 2400, "EarthQuake" },
        { 1800, "ChangeWeather" },    <------ thats new
        { 1200, "ContainerSpawner" },
        { 300, "PlantSpawner" } //No comma on last Entry
    Lg Jürgen



    I commented out ChangeWeather, all good, no rain in the last two restarts. Still using WeatherStaticForecast[] = {75.5,0,{0,0,0},0,{1,1}};

  3. Believe it or not ...


    I did this:

    waitUntil{!isNil "Epoch_my_GroupUID"};
    sleep 0.15;
    player switchCamera "EXTERNAL";

    I used float because "sleep" takes a "Number" and with BI it can be anything from float, double or integer.


    And now it's instant on 3rd person view. Yay!.


    I'll give that a try Kronky, thanks again.

  4. imho it would be best done using a waituntil so it happends exactly when it can and before the player is actually "spawned" so he or she does not experience the switch ...




    Halv, I added a sleep before the switch and it works flawlessly.  Called it from the (hasInterface) like you mentioned.  Respawn into the clone chamber, there's about a second delay, then you go 3rd person.  When you load into game not as a respawn, you are in first person for roughly a second, then blam, you go 3rd person.  I'll tinker with the sleep and see what I come up.  Thank you for the help and many thanks to Kronky for post.

  5. @Phail very nice upgrade :)  does that also adjust for antitank defense? and I miss the missions start sound  :rolleyes:





    Edit: Mission startup sound I have set :D


    Which file contains the settings for mission sounds?  Thank you.

  6. Try it on A3 epoch. Might work :)


    Seems to be working.




    waitUntil {!isNuLL(uiNameSpace getVariable ["EPOCH_loadingScreen",displayNull])};

    waitUntil {isNuLL(uiNameSpace getVariable ["EPOCH_loadingScreen",displayNull])};


    ..at the top.  Not sure if its needed but script is working.  Relogged, checked map functions/menus and clicks in all channels, seems normal. Cool lil script, many thanks Gr8!

  7. They are supposed to mostly spawn further away, much further. Which ones are you seeing and have you seen them appear in game, that wouldn't be good, am all for the immersion.


    Yeah, I have seen groups of 2 or 3 spawn within 50-75m of me and has happened to others.  I have seen them spawn further away but it's rare.  If there isn't a setting, I'm cool with it, I guess it keeps players on their toes.

  8. any ideas about creating a watermark like in a2 for a3  :ph34r:


    Same here, though I don't wanna use an image, just text.


    I configured things the way you would do on a A2 server, but text didn't show up.  No errors.  Assuming you have to use spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; or something???  Though configuring with an image works fine.


    keep having this in rpt, not sure what that is, :o


    6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead
     6:24:21 WARNING: Function 'name' - [WAI]342 is dead



    Same here...

  10. Heavy, please post the working coordinates for novy


    Not sure if below is 110% correct, however what I do know is I haven't seen a mission around Stary or Novy for the last four restarts.






                [[6941.7,7603.85,0],[7242.15,7773.18,0]],           //Novy Sobor

                [[7965.62,6354.58,0],[7999.62,6300.00,0]],         //Novy Sobor #2

                [[5977.83,7727.91,0],[6431.56,7679.69,0]]          //Stary Sobor


    22:26:22 "WAI: position Road"
    22:26:22 "WAI: Good position At [10801.9,10589.6,100]"
    22:26:22 "WAI: [Mission: Sniper Team]: Starting... [10801.9,10589.6,100]"
    22:41:19 "WAI: position City"
    22:41:19 "WAI: Good position At [10801.9,10589.6,100]"
    22:41:20 "WAI: [Mission: Rebel Base]: Starting... [10801.9,10589.6,100]"
    I had problems with missions spawning in the same spot on Altis, see above. I tried to add that position to the Blacklist like this,
    It didn't work. I changed it to this and it worked.
    My suggestion is to find the exact position in Novy, I am sure it is the exact same spot in Novy  over and over and make the position in the Blacklist very small. 
    I have made quite a few changes to WAI, personally I like to randomize the number of AI at the missions so they don't get stale. I also like to separate the guns that go into the box from the guns the AI use. You may want to have the M320 in the box, but don't want the AI to use it.
    Config.sqf setting   ai_wep_box  =[];
    I changed the sniper complete to "crate" instead of "assassinate", this has been known to cause problems in the Arma 2 version, I won't ever use this setting.
    I increased the roaming distance at the missions for the AI. They seem like shooting fish in a barrel at some of them, minimum 80 meters, maximum 180 meters.
    I added some crash missions, Ural, Mi-48, Dropside Truck and C-192 also the Communications Center mission.
    I also removed the bandit_behaviour check, I think that this adds to the lag these missions have caused on the server. The old 0.179 version of WAI didn't have this and the AI seemed much harder/smarter, more responsive.
    If anyone is interested in trying the edits, they are here.   



    That worked, made another set of cords using the exact position of the mission and made it to roughly 30 meters.  So far, no spawns in Novy (at least at the red brick structure)


    Thanks for the suggestion, sometimes it takes another brain to bang this stuff out :)

  12. Warning Message: Script x\addons\WAI\customsettings.sqf not found


    I commented that part out...



        if ((preProcessFileLineNumbers ("\x\addons\WAI\customsettings.sqf")) != "") then {

            ExecVM "\x\addons\WAI\customsettings.sqf";

            diag_log "WAI: Custom Config File Loaded";



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