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(HPG) Heavy

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Posts posted by (HPG) Heavy

  1. Hokay...


    Found this: http://www.404games.co.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/2438-rpt-log-file-spam-and-high-bandwidth-usage/


    Post # 13, did the following:






    e.g. _playerPos = getPosATL _player;






    e.g. _playerPos = getPos _player;


    Pretty much resolved all the spamming as you described. Tried it out on a friends server running WAI v0.173 and fix his so it looks to be an issue with the AI missions.


    This script is insta-Killing people What did I F' Up? :


    private ["_coords","_MainMarker","_wait"];
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\AIM\SMGoMajor.sqf";
    WaitUntil {MissionGo == 1};
    _coords = [getMarkerPos "center",0,5700,100,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    _uniqueid = str(round(random 999999));
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"Bandits have discovered a weapons cache! Check your map for the location!", "PLAIN",10] call RE;
    diag_log "AIM: Major mission created (SM1)";
    Ccoords = _coords;
    publicVariable "Ccoords";
    [] execVM "debug\addmarkers.sqf";
    _hummer = createVehicle ["Offroad_DSHKM_Gue_DZE",[(_coords select 0) + 20, (_coords select 1) + 20,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _hummer1 = createVehicle ["LandRover_Special_CZ_EP1_DZE",[(_coords select 0) + 35, (_coords select 1) - 10,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _hummer2 = createVehicle ["ArmoredSUV_PMC_DZE",[(_coords select 0) + 45, (_coords select 1) + 10,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _hummer setVariable ["ObjectID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer setVariable ["ObjectUID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer1 setVariable ["ObjectID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer1 setVariable ["ObjectUID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer2 setVariable ["ObjectID", _uniqueid, true];
    _hummer2 setVariable ["ObjectUID", _uniqueid, true];
    _crate = createVehicle ["USVehicleBox",[(_coords select 0) + 25, (_coords select 1),0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    [_crate] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\AIM\misc\fillBoxesW.sqf";
    _crate setVariable ["permaloot",true];
    _crate = createVehicle ["USVehicleBox",[(_coords select 0) + 40, (_coords select 1),0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    [_crate] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\AIM\misc\fillBoxesH.sqf";
    _crate setVariable ["permaloot",true];
    _aispawn = [_coords,80,6,4,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\AIM\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 1;
    _aispawn = [_coords,80,6,4,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\AIM\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 1;
    _aispawn = [_coords,80,4,4,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\AIM\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    waitUntil{{isPlayer _x && _x distance _hummer < 10  } count playableunits > 0}; 
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"The weapons cache is under survivor control!", "PLAIN",6] call RE;
    [] execVM "debug\remmarkers.sqf";
    MissionGo = 0;
    Ccoords = 0;
    publicVariable "Ccoords";
    SM1 = 1;
    [0] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\AIM\Major\SMfinder.sqf";


  3. Jay,


    Guilty and I have been doing a gripload of testing and from what we can see, its any vehicle, like vehicles from a mission or the dynamic_vehicles list, that does not have player ownership/key assigned to them cannot be sold, even-though they are DZE class vehicles. I'm not sure which non-DZE/player owned vehicles are saleable, if any. Anyone?


    Try this one for, haven't tested it tho it should work.

    //Repairing Vehicles
         if ((dayz_myCursorTarget != _cursorTarget) and _isVehicle and !_isMan and _hasToolbox and (damage _cursorTarget < 1) and !_isDisallowRepair) then {
            _hasKey = _ownerID in _temp_keys;
            _oldOwner = (_ownerID == dayz_playerUID);
            if (s_player_repair_crtl < 0) then {
                dayz_myCursorTarget = _cursorTarget;
                _menu = dayz_myCursorTarget addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_REPAIRV", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\repair_vehicle.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, true, false, "",""];
                s_player_repairActions set [count s_player_repairActions,_menu];
                if(!locked _cursorTarget) then {
                _menu1 = dayz_myCursorTarget addAction [localize "STR_EPOCH_PLAYER_SALVAGEV", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\salvage_vehicle.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, true, false, "",""];
                s_player_repairActions set [count s_player_repairActions,_menu];
                s_player_repairActions set [count s_player_repairActions,_menu1];};
                s_player_repair_crtl = 1;    
            } else {
                {dayz_myCursorTarget removeAction _x} forEach s_player_repairActions;s_player_repairActions = [];
                s_player_repair_crtl = -1;

    Gave it a shot, no go. The menu still comes up to repair or salvage (when vehicle is locked) however when clicking on either option, the list of parts doesn't appear. It produces the same thing when the vehicle is unlocked. On a regular vehicle (non-locked) it does the samething.  I also tried cen's way using the his format, however that failed to even bring up the option for repair or salvage for either lockable or non-lockable vehicles.

  5. *Update: According to host, they replaced all core files including the the hive.dll. I'm still seeing the error but not as frequent. Host is stating it's server lag caused by players with high pings/packet loss and the amount of scripts contained in Epoch and what I've added to the mod. If that's the case, their servers are not as powerful as they claim to be. I would imagine bare minimum clock speeds and non-SSD drives may play a part??? From what I read elsewhere, typically, DayZ.ST provisions 14-20 instances per 12 core server. You can do the math.....


    """I have recreated your core server files including the dll's in case there was corruption and restarted the server, but i do not suspect this to be the cause.

    This pending message is almost always related to at least one player that has low bandwidth or packet loss. Everything every player does is sent to every other player by the server. A server with a high population multiplies any issues caused by this problem, because not only do you have a higher chance of someone (or multiple people) with the problem, those people are having to send out more data as well. To further impact this problem, mods that have a high number of scripts built in like Epoch have a lot more data points to manage, and adding custom scripting multiplies it further. Things like AI and mission addons, timed events, lighting, etc cause a high load that when combined with someones shaky connection can desync and lag out the entire server.

    You can try to lower you ping limits to weed out problem players, but latency is not really the biggest issue, it is low bandwidth and packet loss that really kill you. You can look at the in-game player list to see if anyone has bandwidth of 100 or lower and kick them to alleviate the worst of it."""

  6. Seems my Epoch server is doing the same, hosted through DayZ.ST. Uhg....and of course I don't have access to replace the .dll which is a bummer, but I guess that's what you get for renting a locked down server. I see others are running Vilayer and HFB servers which provide more access. For admins running servers from those providers, do you experience huge amounts of server lag when 30+ players are on? Are the servers pretty robust? I wasn't able to find any server specs on HFB website. Many thanks!

  7. The keymakers kit is a tool, therefore classified as a weapon not an item.

    Needs to be:


    INSERT INTO `Traders_DATA` (`item`,`qty`,`buy`,`sell`,`order`,`tid`,`afile`) VALUES 

    trade_items is why you get the error, the keykit is not a "Magazine" item.


    Also, it's important that you follow the classification bFe:

    Weapons (+toolbelt) = 3

    Vehicles and backpacks = 2

    Magazines = 1



    Ah, makes sense now, thank you for the post, it's working correctly now.


    (I gotta quit doing this stuff when I'm half asleep)

  8. I am unsure if I am posting in the wrong section, so please excuse me if I am.


    I am both new to these forums, and DayZ itself.

    I am playing on this server and I am having trouble base building. Whenever I attempt to place a workbench or tent, I get kicked back to the lobby. I am then crashed to my desktop and given this error. I have been told that this is outdated anti-hack and that I need to contact server administrators. I am unable to find any in-game and was wondering if it were able to get a hold of them on here.

    If this at all helps, this is what happens when I connect.


    Thanks for reading :)




    Server IP is


    I bet that server was running a mod pack which included safezones? A community owner and myself tested out a mod pack for a dev and when it was installed, all players were getting that error. Remove the mod pack, no more error.

  9. Getting the missions to work is pretty easy.


    I will upload a mission and server pbo later with just the missions working.


    That would be most gracious of you. I was able to get missions working (somewhat) with, however they aren't spawning as well as they did before the patch.


    *Further tweaks and things are running smoothly now. Server_Cleanup was a breeze.

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