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Posts posted by Charlatan


    got it, thx!

    if all work flawlessly, it makes sense to rewrite all to _bldObj?


    Objects, Structures, Decoration, Trees, anything not mobile, it's better to use _bldObj



    	_unit = objNull;
    	if (true) then
    	  _unit = createAgent ["RU_Doctor", [12528.427, 14978.729, 0.068014488], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    	  _unit setDir -4.0797386;
    	  _unit setUnitAbility 0.60000002; // need it????
    	  _unit allowDammage false; _unit disableAI 'FSM'; _unit disableAI 'MOVE'; _unit disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _unit disableAI 'TARGET'; _unit setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _unit forceSpeed 0;_unit enableSimulation false;


    4 things:


    1. You know you have to add soldiers to the mission file directly, yes? It won't work in a  .sqf


    2. For some reason, the game automatically saves these blocks with Position set a second time with setPos, it is missing in your example? IF your object MUST be placed absolutely exact, it makes sense to use it


    3. If you keep this setPos that normally is there, you have to put any setDir and setVectorUP and setVectorDirAndUP afterwards, because if you use setPos or setPosASL, the rotation is reset to default.


    4. setUnitAbility  it doesn't matter what you set there, but the game will want SOME value.


    5. Careful, I never created soldiers / AI units myself, but this should work anyway.



    Here's how the block should place the soldier exactly as it should:


    	_unit = objNull;
    	if (true) then
    	  _unit = createAgent ["RU_Doctor", [12528.427, 14978.729, 0.068014488], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
              _unit setPos [12528.427, 14978.729, 0.068014488];
    	  _unit setDir -4.08;
    	  _unit setUnitAbility 0.6; // need it????
    	  _unit allowDammage false; _unit disableAI 'FSM'; _unit disableAI 'MOVE'; _unit disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _unit disableAI 'TARGET'; _unit setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; _unit forceSpeed 0;_unit enableSimulation false;
  2. (+Optimization ! )  - what is optimized?



    My note "+Optimization !" means that I looked through all objects manually and mostly deleted unnecessary numbers/digits/lines. Also, it means I checked through most places to look for clipping / collision problems.



    _vehicle_22 = objNull;

    if (true) then


    _this = createVehicle ["Land_GuardShed", [14300.908, 12412.609, -0.16525249], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

    _vehicle_22 = _this;

    _this setDir 269.04272;

    _this setPos [14300.908, 12412.609, -0.16525249];



    If you use the code above, it will only work with small .sqf files.

    If your map is larger, it causes errors for the server, going as far as to spawn objects wrongly, and even stop spawning any new objects at some point. Why this happens, I can only guess, but I think it collides with the server vehicle limit at some point.


    For example, if you write the map code using _vehicle_ , my Trader City: Klen would cause errors when the server starts and only spawn less than half of the objects, with many spawning with the wrong rotation etc. But defining the objects as _bldObj   works flawlessly - it will not cause errors unless something else interrupts.

  3. Oi there !


    Here's a taste of my typical luck:


    My webspace upgrade deleted the old files AND my backup HDD conveniently stopped working right at this moment.


    So I am left with an outdated version of my own work, which is problematic when I want to return to Epoch for more. Also, people can't download the recent version atm.


    If anyone has the most recent files, could they rar them and upload them somewhere?

  4. First off I want to say thank you for the awesome additions. I have the maps working through the mission file fine, but end up with a large mission file. When I try to add it in the dayz_server.pbo, I make a folder called Maps and call the execvm....

    In the server functions sqf and the buildings dont spawn. It reports in the rpt that it cant find the maps


    Heya messeduprex !


    Hm I've seen that before. What's your server host ?

  5. @Brockie


    I understand exactly what you mean, the problems that certain game mechanics and editor mechanics pose were the main reason this project took many many hours to complete, and also why BSI, while actually next-to-finished, only exists as Editor-Files with only 1 platform finished for Server use.




    Thanks for the kind words, enjoyment is exactly what I intended :>


    @ Everyone


    As said above - the BSI WIP Files can be fired up in the Editor at any time. If you are curious what would have come to you, or want to give it a go yourself to convert them to a server-compatible format, feel free ! It'd be a pity if its never used at all just because my timescale is narrow.

  6. Hello people !


    Unfortunately I have to let you know that the additional content of BSI simply doesn't fit into my timescale at the moment, and support for the required AI is lacking. If Arma2 Epoch endures, i'll definitely look into it again.


    It's far more likely that i'll take this to Arma3 Epoch however once the resources are advanced enough.


    BSI was never official part of Ghost of Chernarus Map pack and started due to high demand - for GOC I'll ofc still work on fixing errors and all.

  7. so do i add each BS part as a separate file? so I would have






    as individual lines at the bottom of my Server_Function listed (with five .sqf's in the Map folder relating to each one?)


    or are they just updates of each other?


    Woah, no, don't add them to your server.


    These are the Work-In-Progress maps from the Arma2 Editor, they are not exactly compatible with DayZ ingame. I uploaded them since people repeatedly offered to help optimizing :)


    Hah, yeah, kinda silly of me but I thought the "Custom Bases" section is there to show in-game creations.


    When i add all of this to my server I just get Waiting for Host when starting up the game, Any ideas?

    Willing to pay someone to sort it out for me :)


    Add me on skype




    That is pretty common to appear occasionally ! After the first start I usually get Waiting for Host for ~30s longer than usual.


    Phenomenal work!  Puts to shame the map editor work I've done :-P  Question for you:  How did you rotate/tilt the objects in the map editor?  I'm referring to things like wooden pallets tilted at 45-degree angles to form ramps, like those on the hangar roof in the Boneyard (and other places), and the vehicle wrecks tilted at different angles.  I know how to use Shift and Alt to change x/y/z axis, but how do you *tilt* objects??  Please tell me you didn't have to manually change the lines of code in the mission file(!)


    I'd like to know too !


    In editor's normal controls you can only rotate an object around the Z Axis. To rotate the objects like I did, you have to apply rotation in the form of Vector Data. This can be done with   this setVectorDirAndUp[[x,y,z],[x,y,z]];


    PS: Yes the trial & error + exact placement related to this in the Arma2 Editor was a real pain. Some maps are littered with unusually rotated objects.

  9. Thanks for the report oshydaka !


    That is really strange. The Ramp and the Tent look different on my test-server. The objects aren't supposed to be so jumbled about.


    Setting up the new Issue List:


    • The ladders at the harbor loading bay are too low and cannot be used from below
    • 4 Objects: 2x Pier Platform, 2x CnCBlock Wall  are misplaced for unknown reasons.
    • 2 Transport containers in the loading bay are floating
    • The walls around the industrial hangar clip a bit
    • Overlapping model faces near the stairs upwards
    • Loot Boxes temporarily disabled as they cause errors
    • Bouncing Tire at the low harbor   (Error found, fix coming soon)

    • Floating Box at the Ramparts   (Error found, fix coming soon)

    • Ramp Pillar misplacement   (Error found, fix coming soon)

    • Tent crates jumbled about.   (Error found, fix coming soon)

    • Some Zombies seem to spawn, whereas DayZ Code should prevent zombies and loot over the ocean... and I used no zombiefied objects.
      This could be caused by the somewhat recent Epoch Addition spawning Zombies near wrecks, in that case it can't be changed.
  10. Update - 17.05.2014 18:34


    Most errors in the first Platform have been fixed:


    Upload of the new File coming soon.


    • The ladders at the harbor loading bay are too low and cannot be used from below
    • 4 Objects: 2x Pier Platform, 2x CnCBlock Wall  are misplaced for unknown reasons.
    • 2 Transport containers in the loading bay are floating
    • The walls around the industrial hangar clip a bit
    • Overlapping model faces near the stairs upwards
    • Loot Boxes temporarily disabled as they cause errors
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