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Posts posted by MatthewK

  1. Firstly, cheers for this. Though, I'm not sure this is working.. I've been the only person logged into my server for the last hour and so far I've not seen your missions mentioned anywhere on my screen, I've checked the map several times for map markers but nothing.. I do see this in my rpt file:

     9:16:04 "DEBUG: Mission Code: Start......."
     9:16:04 "DEBUG: Mission Code: AI Vehicle Pool: any"
     9:16:04 "DEBUG: Mission Code: Waiting...."

    So I'm wondering, does this mean the mission is simply waiting for a random amount of time to execute, or does it mean the mission is running and its waiting to time out ? I'm a little confused , sorry :(


    Also, what happens with players who log in after the event has started. Do they get a reminder, is the marker refreshed on the map?
    Does the mission time out after a set time? 


    Cheers :)

  2. BATTLE EYE KICK for Script Restriction #0
    _ai removeMagazines (_magazintypes select 0);
    _ai addMagazine (_magazintypes select 0);
    if (SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG) then {dia"

    Have been trying to get Sarge AI working for hours now.  The instructions for the scripts.txt file don't work for the Epoch set up.  Can someone help me figure this out, I'm no good with BE scripts unfortunately :(




    added      !"_ai addMagazine"

    to the list of exceptions on line 0 .. Total guess work !

  3. if(_ownerID != "0") then {
        _object setvehiclelock "locked";
        _object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",true,true];

    you should already deal with a bit of C++ before trying to it  :P



    I'm a php developer, so I understand enough to make this work. I was just clarifying for others on here who have posted with issues.  I've just finished getting AI missions working with the Epoch Event system, not bad for a arma coding noob :p


    9. Do the same thing in the "server_monitor.sqf" in this section:

    if(_ownerID != "0") then {
    	_object setvehiclelock "locked";

    10. Repack the server pbo and upload it to the server.


    For that last step , do I put "_object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",true,true];" before or after the }; ?


    I only ask because up until that point all your steps involved replacing the entire block, or putting the new code at the very end of the block.  Thought this may also clear it up for anyone having issues with the code not working.. 

    So to recap, is it:

    if(_ownerID != "0") then {
    	_object setvehiclelock "locked";
    _object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",true,true];

    Or is it:

    if(_ownerID != "0") then {
    	_object setvehiclelock "locked";
    _object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",true,true];

    Thanks :)

  5. I +1 Mathewjknott's suggestion and I'd like to ask that a REMOVE buildable option be added, so you can remove something if it doesn't look right after placing it.. Maybe just for the life of your current character.  There was some code on here to do it, but for some reason it didn't work on my server..  :(

  6. This is one I made back in the days when I could be bothered with late nights and scripting :P






    The key feature with mine is/was the ability to give admins a more advanced debug than regular users.  Unfortunately I've discontinued development and don't answer technical issues unless I'm getting paid (I was getting dozens of questions a day, mostly relating to requests for help that I'd already clearly explained in the readme).  It's easy to set up, just follow the instructions :)

  7. I cannot modify "HIVEext.ini" in my DAYZ.st server... so i cannot modify the period of expiration building... ç_ç and every 6 days is a lil low...


    Dayz.st have a FAQ on their wiki explaining how to do this. I noticed while doing a search a few days ago, you'll have to find it yourself.  But I promise, you it is there. 

  8. Part of the fun of gaming is finding loot, harvesting wood and materials to build a base, if you hand your players everything on a plate or give stuff to donators it unbalances a server and you end up making it harder for those that don't donate.

    Imo, the only donator perk that is viable to not make things unfair is humanity gains.


    Everybody gets it, no matter whether they donate or not.  IMO people donate because they like your server, want to reward you for your efforts and want to help with the running costs.  I've actually set up a small shed that only admins have access to, when a new player joins we go pick them up , give them some supplies from the shed and drop them at a location they'd like to start their journey.  Fro that point on, it's down to them.  :)


    Thanks to everyone for their input, there's a lot of really useful advice which is much appreciate.

  9. _isModularItem and _isUnlockedDoor are not added to private? Also, you can change all the characterID to the playerUID in the remove,build,selfactions, etc files to make it write the playerUID to the database for permanent owner.


    Why didn't the devs do this in the official release? I'm sure there must be a reason , can anyone shed some light on this? If its not an issue then I'll start replacing all the CharacterIDs with PlayerUID :)

  10. It depends what you have running already. My antihack lets me spawn things in game so its easy for me.

    If you dont have any such thing then you could always put the items in a ural you have control of via the database and then after the restart it would be in the ural


    I'm just running vanilla epoch and BE.  I guess I'll look into the doing through the database :) Thanks.

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