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Posts posted by MadHatter05

  1. FOUND THE PROBLEM!!!!!!!, it had to do with a cleanup script we wrote.  We goofed up and basically what was happening was this, Woodwall has 0 fuel=delete, so yeah.  It deleted 1868 entries upon server starting which goofed everything, we literally had to  delete everything in the database table by table, until we found the table that was causing this.   Until we deleted them all and nothing was different.  We wiped everything then, I mean a completely fresh server and it was still happening.  So then we proceeded to check all our .dll's.   Nope, still happening.   Eventually found it by replacing the script.....Luckily we run a another server on our box for development and testing, and it pretty much identical to our live server which really helped solve this.  So point in case, check to see if you changed anything with your cleanup script for vehicles.  After investigating this more, you have to be careful what exactly you tell it do. Replaced all tables and we are good to go,like it never happened....minus the 2 hours it took to figure it out. Our console showed that epoch assets where getting split into two groups via our cleanup script, that's basically how we found it.



    BMRF runs 3 vanilla epoch servers that regularly get 40-45 players and no reports of any issues like this. 

    If your server is customized there maybe many possible causes, can you run 100% vanilla epoch for a while to see if you still have the issues? Also, how often do you restart the server? How many objects are spawning and are you performing cleanup?



    That isn't entirely true. Hatter has linked me some of the hiveext errors from epoch 2.


    (They may however be unrelated. )


    The issue seemed to have resolved itself once I changed the following form the SQL Event back to the default.



    DROP EVENT IF EXISTS removeDamagedVehicles;
    CREATE EVENT removeDamagedVehicles
        COMMENT 'Removes damaged vehicles'
          DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE Damage = 1;

    Back to the Default of:

    DROP EVENT IF EXISTS removeDamagedVehicles;
    CREATE EVENT removeDamagedVehicles
        COMMENT 'Removes damaged vehicles'
          DELETE FROM `object_data` WHERE Damage = 1;



    I'm assuming that if a building piece was destroyed, the system would freak out and start giving errors in the SQL code.

    (All assumptions though after reading the post about the damage = 1 cleanup one person did)


    or........ It might be that I turned the dogs to false instead of true.  :blink:


    Who knows, this may have been the fix or it may not have and it was just coincidence. The world will never know....rack another one up to "thats Arma". For now, it seems fixed but I will surely keep you all updated if it happens again.

  2. not possible as BMRF only runs the vanilla mod, any changes i would like to see have to come straight from the devs themselves, only epoch 3 for BMRF has god mode traders but thats it and that #3 is the carebear server


    ^ This is a true statement. I don't add anything the dev's didn't add themselves to the traders. I did however remove a few vehicles after speaking with them first.

  3. What is the best method for figuring out what information you need in your basic.cfg?



    This is what i'm working with and seem to get some desync around 40 players.

    class sockets
  4. Good day Dev team,



    Is there a way to have tents that are knocked down, update their damage field in the SQL database from 0 to 1 (so knocked down tents do not come back after being destroyed)?



    Is there a way to make it so players cannot place tents below ground level?



    Is there a way to have tents update their datestamp in the SQL database when accessed?





    I'm starting to get players on my servers using tents as griefing tools.


    i.e. they place tents all around someone safe or glitch sink a tent into the ground so it is near impossible to find.

  5. Does anyone knows the ID of the kilo of Hemp? And where we can hervest this? Are there some plants added in the mission.sqf?


    The hemp can only be harvested on maps that have it naturally growing on it. (I know chernarus does not have it)

  6. Bah I wish I could answer yes I am a low pop server but im always half full or close to full. I have a ton of people asking me for helis cause the trader is out. I was just wanting to stock 3 to the trader.


    Sadly, they will never stop asking. I tell the players on my server to search the map and they will 99.99% of the time find a dynamically spawned chopper.


    They stopped asking about the traders after a week and love the challenge of having to search and earn their prized heli :)

  7. The code that is stopping the vehicles traders from restocking is


    AND afile<>'trade_any_vehicle' AND afile<>'trade_any_boat';



    I HIGHLY urge you not to have vehicle vendors restock, unless you 1. have a low pop server or 2. have a super high powered server


    The reasoning behind this is, you will go well beyond your dynamic vehicle cap, player vehicles will be everywhere locked and your server performance will decrease daily with the added vehicles being saved / loaded to the server.



    This is where alot of the "custom" servers get a majority of their lag from.

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