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Posts posted by scet27

  1. I did this with Wicked AI in the custom vehicle patrol like so

    in this section -

    Custom Vehicle patrol spawns Eg. (Watch out they are stupid)

      [[563.343,588.667,13.1238],[191.676,94.0312,30.996],500,5,"Rhib","hard","Random","Bandit"] spawn vehicle_patrol;

    Turned out sort of ok, sometimes they were just floating along, not sure if they ran out of fuel or they were just being stupid.

    With DZAI it might be as simple as creating custom vehicle spawns?

    Create marker-

        _this = createMarker ["weedveh1", [9420.84,11479.1,0.00144958]];
        _this setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
        _this setMarkerType "Empty";
        _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
        _this setMarkerSize [100, 100];
        _this setMarkerAlpha 0;
        _weedveh1 = _this;

    Create vehicle type-

    ["weedveh1","GAZ_Vodnik_DZE",[3,1],2,false,1800] call DZAI_spawn_vehicle;

    Obviously this way with DZAI the vehicle will only spawn once the marker area has been entered by a player.

    Hope that is some help.





  2. Hello,


    For a while now, at random intervals, I have been seeing these show up in the rpt. I Havent seen one for months then today -

    22:04:06 Cannot create entity with abstract type UralReammo_Base (scope = private?)
    22:04:06 Cannot create non-ai vehicle UralReammo_Base,

    Confirmed that these do exist in the database also. Visit the locations of these _base vehicles in game and  there is nothing there.

    When this happens it then turns out that a player vehicle has vanished, and the missing vehicle corresponds to whatever _base version is in the database.

    So it seems some vehicles are being changed to the base models, I've seen it with nissan350z - UH60's - MTVR's - Ural's and more, but only very randomly.

    Anybody have any idea whats doing this?

    ( I may be wrong but this feels to have been happening since the Core patch? I mean I either NEVER noticed half of these _base variants, or they appeared with that update. )


    My first thought was this is down to the MasterKey script, but I removed that script a looooooong time ago.

    Cheers for reading.


  3. Hey bud.

    1) The cheytac is available by default if using the Epoch & Overwatch mod combo  = DayZ Overpoch.

    If using GTX then I'm sure they have specific Overpoch ready files in the one click system still? The Cheytac along with all other Overwatch weapons will then be included in the loot tables and traders with the Overpoch setup by default.

    2) Really need more info here, maybe showing us the line of code where you added these vehicles into the traders? Make sure you have entered the correct class names for those vehicles. 

    if you are unsure check here >

    Arma 2 Vehicles

    Arma 2 OA Vehicles

    Also check that your anti hack is not blocking any of these vehicles from spawning. In my opinion the vehicles available in infistar but not in the traders or spawn list usually have something wrong with them or are simply OP. Im not sure if I am 100% correct here, but if T810A_MG_ACR / T810A_Des_MG_ACR  are part of the BAF, PMC or other DLC's I seem to have it in my head that they will simply not work, I cant remember why or if there is a fix, I just have a vague memory, and honestly I dont recognize those names and I have nearly 7000 hours of Epoch server time, but I also do not own any of the DLC's.

    3) There is no numerical limit to the amount of AI you can add (basically). Server performance dictates this. Generally more AI = less performance, more AI + high player numbers = even less performance, so you can balance the number of AI to your player count in theory. Trial and error FTW.

    Again, to help with your difficulties with the missions, more info is needed. For example WAI comes with several missions included. There are other missions available on here that you can add to the defaults, but WAI is simply drop the folder into the server.pbo add 1 line of code to server_monitor.sqf pack it all up and its ready to go, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say "if I add 1 too many WAI missions ".

    WAI Thread


    4) Adding vehicle packs etc to Epoch means that every player will then have to download the very same mods,  which they wont (unless its on Dayz Launcher). That is why you don't see other (if any) servers doing this. If you are a novice to server hosting or coding then adding these mods onto the server, into the loot tables, vehicle spawns and traders is no small task, its a trial for the best of us. It goes a little like this:-

    0) Upload wanted mods to server ( this might be your biggest problem as you are with GTX )

    1) Add mod to start params - ( GTX have done this for me with extdb in the past )

    2) Find, then add all wanted contents Class Names to the loot tables and or Trader menus

    3) Add items to mission.sqm

    4) Allow wanted content through anti-hack

    4b) Update Battleye filters if needed

    5) Add wanted vehicles to Dynamic spawn and or Trader menus

    5b) Repeat the above for every mod pack you choose

    6) Spend LOTS of hours testing every single item to make sure they work properly and are not buggy  :dry: Skins/clothing are especially troublesome imo

    Hope that helps in some way.


  4. Hello :wink:

    Just downloaded the latest build a few hours ago to give it a go but...

    I'm coming across the following errors when launching the client -

    Picture z\addons\dayz_code\gui\loadingscreen.paa  

    and  autojoin.sqf is missing   when attempting to join the test server

    then I can join the lobby - manually start the load in when I get

    z\addons\dayz_code\gui\description.hpp  -not found then the game closes

    On the game screen it says Epoch106, so the correct mod files must be loading on the client side. I use batch files to launch the game which seem to be correctly setup

    and I have also tried manual selection of the mod via the game menu.

    Is this likely to be a problem on my end or not? 

    I can see the files are indeed in the correct folder paths and named correctly inside the dayz_code.pbo.

    I have tested earlier versions of these test files so I'm confident that I have followed the install protocols correctly.

    p.s. - I really hope its not me being dumb. :blink:



  5. Hey chaps,

    I'm wondering if someone can point me in the right direction with a spawn idea I have.

    What I want to do, basically is this.

    Every new spawn (and respawn) that joins the server is to spawn in the exact same spot. (kinda like in Arma 3 Epoch).

    I though it would be a case of trimming the spawn points in the mission.sqm, but of course it wasn't going to be THAT  easy :wacko:

    I had forgotten about the finding of a safe position etc etc the debug box and any other checks that might occur.

    Right now I've gone code blind and have been awake too long, any and all help is appreciated.


  6. make sure the picture is, and named, as a       .JPG  not .JPEG and make sure the line in description.ext reads as the image is named. then make sure the image is in the location as your description.ext and all should be well.

    So -    loadScreen = "splashscreen.jpg";            

    the image MUST be called           splashscreen.jpg  


    loadScreen = "splashscreen.jpeg";            

    the image MUST be called           splashscreen.jpeg 

    Most of my mistakes come from things as small as misspellings etc, you just have to learn to check things  and compare 2 or 3 times.

  7. Hey Jimbo.

    We spoke earlier on your server.

    So I have looked through the mission file and found some errors.

    Init.sqf  -   lines 140 & 142  (  2x };   ) need deleting

    Custom monitor.sqf -  lines 36 & 38  if you need to leave comments then you can place // in front of the text, otherwise the server will try to read them as code

    Custom monitor.sqf - line 22 add   "dayz_skilllevel",   to the private array on line 2     e.g.   private [ "dayz_skilllevel", "_kills","_killsH","_killsB","_humanity","_headShots","_vehname","_crew","_crew2","_crew3","_crew4","_crew5","_crew6","_crew7","_crew8","_crew9"];

    Custom monitor.sqf      -  - - -  "_vehname","_crew","_crew2","_crew3","_crew4","_crew5","_crew6","_crew7","_crew8","_crew9"   <<<< these don't seem to be related to the debug monitor script?

    Description.ext - Line 16 change to this  loadScreen = "splashscreen.jpg"; then change your   splashscreen.jpeg.jpeg to     splashscreen.jpg

    Finally I would advise you to place your custom buildings into the server.pbo, like so

    Open dayz_server.pbo place your folder 'mybuildings'  into the root of dayz_server.pbo. then open    system/server_monitor.sqf     and above

        allowConnection = true;    
        sm_done = true;

    is where i like to put my calls for custom stuff, before DZAI, DZMS or WAI -  like so

        call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\mybuildings\adminbasejp1.sqf";
        call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\mybuildings\jprstation1.sqf";
        call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\mybuildings\navydock.sqf";
        call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\mybuildings\mymilbarracks.sqf";
        call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\mybuildings\golddam.sqf";

        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\init.sqf";
        [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZAI\init\dzai_initserver.sqf";
        [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\DZMSInit.sqf";

        allowConnection = true;    
        sm_done = true;

    Then you can remove the loading execs from your mpmission's init.sqf and remove your 'mybuildings' folder from the mpmission file also.

    But take note, too many custom map addons can reduce server performance notably.

    Dont forget to check your client rpt for errors along with the server rpt. 99% of the time your problems can be found in one of those report logs.


    Good luck hope the server does well for you

  8. In your Config.cfg       (located inside the "instance_whateveryourmapnameis" folder ) check that this line

    difficulty="Regular";        is NOT     difficulty="Recruit";

    I had the same issue on Namalsk. If the diffuculty is lower than "Regular" some aspects are disabled e.g- Temperature effects, shivering etc.

    Took me ages to figure this out too, lol.

    Hopefully this is what you need.

  9. Did you try commenting out the global text 'The Del Grangos is getting robbed!'  in the robbank.sqf?

    Looking through my old files I see I did not change anything in the bank robbery script to stop the kicks, so looking through my AHconfig.sqf here are some (maybe) relevant

    options to look at.

    Also make sure your version of infistar is the latest one.

    **Check Actions ?       */ _CSA = true; ------  if you have this set to true make sure that "s_player_bankrob" is in the ALLOWED Actions list

    Also try these changing these options to false. ( these may open up doors for dirty hackers, be careful! )

     /*  Close Dialogs ?       */ _CUD =  false;    /* true or false */    /* Closes custom Dialogs (Menus) that are not in _ALLOWED_Dialogs */

    /*  Check CMDMenus ?      */ _CCM = false;    /* true or false */    /* only disable this if you know what you are doing. */
    /*  BLOCK ALL CMDMenus    */ _BCM = false;    /* true or false */    /* we don't need commandingMenus. so have this true. */

    I cannot see anything else in my files that relates to the rob bank script, so hopefully one of these is the key for you



  10. If I remember right, this is related to a dailog section of infiSTAR.    - */ _CUD =  false;    /* true or false */    /* Closes custom Dialogs (Menus) that are not in _ALLOWED_Dialogs */

    remExField TitleText: The Del Grangos is getting robbed! -- is why you're getting kicked

    To test, try commenting out that text field in the robbank.sqf,  OR  setting   _CUD   to false in the AH.sqf. (if you set this as false, you may open up a door for hacks )

    It was a while ago but I think the first option above was the compromise I made, being the quickest fix for me.

    I'm no expert either, and it was a while ago that I ran into the same problem, but I hope this takes you in the right direction to solving your problem.





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