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  1. The target adjust menu isn't working. I can do the other target menu commands, but not adjusting wallet, bank, or humanity. When entering an amount and pressing Adjust, nothing happens, as if I didn't press the Adjust button. Is there possibly something I'm missing. I've gone straight into the server after starting it. I've only tried those 3 commands in admin tools, and there are no errors in the server RPT or my player RPT. I'm am using version 1.0.5 By the way, @BigEgg ...awesome work on this. Much appreciated. RESOLVED: Turns out it was because of the Player name having an apostrophe in it. For example, my player name was Jimmy's Dad. It worked fine after changing my player name to Jimmys Dad.
  2. So whatever happened to being able to set up specific deployable vehicles for specific users (i.e, Admins)?
  3. I got it. Wish this would be added into the instructions. It took me so long to figure this out. I had to add: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\clickActions\config.sqf"; below the top three lines in the deployAnything\init.sqf file call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\deployAnything\config.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\deployAnything\wrapper.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\deployAnything\functions.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\clickActions\config.sqf";
  4. I've installed both the 4.0 version of Deploy Anything, and reverted back to the 3.0 (previous version) and continue to get this error: Deploy Anything: ERROR -- Click Actions Handler missing! This is my client RPT file: "PRELOAD_ Functions\init [[L 1-1-A:1 REMOTE],any]" "MPframework inited" "Deploy Anything: loading version 3.0.1 ..." "Deploy Anything: ERROR -- Click Actions Handler missing!" "z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..." and, "PRELOAD_ Functions\init [[L 1-1-A:1 REMOTE],any]" "MPframework inited" "Deploy Anything: Loading version 4.0.0 for Epoch" "Deploy Anything: ERROR -- Click Actions Handler missing!" "z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..." I have click actions installed, per AirWaves Man's link in the ReadMe file. I've checked that the folder hierarchy is correct. I've checked that the lines of code are placed in the correct positions. I get the option to remove camo net when right clicking on the toolbox. I get options when right clicking on other items, but not any options placed in the DZE_DEPLOYABLES_CONFIG array. I've added the MMT_Civ_DZE to the createvehicle.txt in Battleye as well as making sure MMT_Civ_DZE is what is in the DZE_DEPLOYABLES_CONFIG array. Are there any suggestions on what I may be missing?
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