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Posts posted by Georgie

  1. I'm thinking of purchasing a Dedicated Server quite soon. My budget is reasonably tight, so I'm trying to save where I can.

    My question is: ROUGHLY, How many Epoch based servers would I be able to host on a box with the following specs. Let's say each server has 10-15 players connected on average, at any given time.


    • CPU: Intel Xeon E3 1245v2
    • 4 Cores
    • 8 Threads
    • 3.2GHz+ Clock Speed
    • 32GB RAM
    • 3 x 120 GB SSD's


    Help would be very much appreciated... Thanks!

  2. Hey epoch community!


    I'm currently having an issue... I've installed coins, with everything working fine... Aside from one problem.


    The "Money Storage" menu does not appear on vehicles, or storage devices. So I suspected there was something wrong in my selfActions, so i replaced it with Zupa's as I have not installed any other modifications.. Still no look. There are no errors in the RPT and I've never had this before....


    Anyone have any suggestions/ideas on how I would fix it?


    Issue resolved, Easy solution I somehow missed.



  3. You haven't even said what missions system you are using or anything...


    If its WAI:


    Change this:

    wai_use_launchers = false;

    To this:

    wai_use_launchers = true;

    If you are using DZMS Then:


    Change this:

    DZMSUseRPG = false;

    To this:

    DZMSUseRPG = true;

    For any others I'm not perfectly sure as I don't use any others... But I doubt it is anything massively different :)

  4. No... "Creating" is a perfectly normal state after a server has restarted. The server is creating the missions and basically setting things up how they should be. Once you connect, it is setup and "running" - Don't worry :)


    EDIT: Or you can do that what Richie put^

  5. Have infistar?


    Go to location.


    Copy location to chat.


    Profit. (Don't forget the direction.)




    Don't have infistar?


    Go to map editor.


    Place unit.




    Open file.




    As he said he has the location of the trader... :P

    EDIT: Or the marker atleast.


    However I would strongly recommend having your traders config based. This means it's much easier to change and create a new traders whenever you wish :)

  6. Hey man!

    Looked through your code a little and noticed your fnc_addItem and fnc_removeItems functions. I didn't pay too much attention to them but noticed you have an awful lot of if statements. Unsure whether it is relevant to the code but if it is, you can write it a little better with:


    switch (_selection) do {
    case <value> : { /*...code here...*/ };
    case <value> : { /*...code here...*/ };
    case <value> : { /*...code here...*/ };
    case <value> : { /*...code here...*/ };
    <value> being  the _selected value so 1, 2, 3....
  7. I want to make a script that does something dependant on the skin a player is wearing. However I'm not sure how I would go about finding the skin that the player is wearing or creating a condition that will cause something to happen if the player wears a certain skin....

    Any ideas if this is possible - if so, how?

  8. logo.png


    Looking for someone with Dedicated Server Experience



    Here at OG Our community is growing very fast - our chernarus server has around 30-40 players consistently. Our taviana server also had around 15 consistently. Because of such growth we want to expand our opportunities here at the OG Community! We are looking for someone with experience in MAINTANING a dedicated server. In terms of scripts .etc we already have me and the owner. With the new introduction of our dedicated server - allowing improved performance and better opportunities, we need someone with more experience in maintaining this type of area. For example setup, and general maintenance of the dedi box, so the scripters can keep all the servers up and running smoothly.


    Please leave a reply here, or PM Me for further information about this opportunity!



    -Georgie [OG]

  9. Hey! I'm currently working on the server I am developing on. However we have quite a severe problem. When gear is placed in Origins houses on our Overpochins server - it dosent save. I believe this is even happening to the extent where a player can simply run away and come back, and their gear is gone!


    Anyone have any ideas about a fix for this?

    I'm with GTXGaming and had a suspicion it could be to do with their files, possibly?

  10. Hey!


    I'm looking to improve my knowledge of scripting even more in ARMA By helping to work on bigger community projects. I'm looking to fit a spot as a developer on a DayZ Epoch Server - Whether you have just started out, or you have been around for a while, Feel free to contact me.


    If you do require further information please contact me by making a comment below... Or messaging me on here

    Remember this is for fun and educational/informative purposes only...





    Open your Compiles.sqf


    Search for :

    if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith { diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!"; };

    Replace with :

    if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith {
                    diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!";


    Gr8, you sir, are... Gr8! :D

  12. Hi guys, i have made a similar post to this before, but this time I cannot see what is up.

    I recently installed plotforlife, however now, when I try to connect, I get this bug in which I am stuck at the loading screen but i can hear sounds and me moving around. I thought this would be due to an incorrect path, but i cannot find one!


    Here is my init.sqf:



    My server_monitor.sqf:



    No errors in the RPT.

    Further info can be provided.


    Thanks guys!,


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