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Posts posted by Metalfoundry

  1. Hey folks,


    I´m using a serverside script (Loot crates from Darth_Rogue), it´s awesome, but I want to build in a condition, that it only starts, if more than 20 player are at the server.


    How can I do it?


    This doesnt work in the main script file OR the fn_init.sqf:


    waitUntil {count playableUnits >= 2;};



    I tried it in a separate loadscript.sqf with the code from ZCP capture points AND in the original script file, but it doesnt work for me too..


    ZCP_Minimum_Online_Players = 3;
    waitUntil { count( playableUnits ) > ( ZCP_Minimum_Online_Players - 1 ) };

    execVM "\x\addons\a3_custom_crates\content\fn_random_crateLoot.sqf";




     10:09:23 "Starting Custom Crates PBO"
    10:09:23 "Starting Custom Crates PBO"
    10:09:23 Suspending not allowed in this context
    10:09:23 Error in expression <= 3;
    waitUntil { count( playableUnits ) > ( ZCP_Minimum_Online_Players - 1 ) };
    10:09:23   Error position: <> ( ZCP_Minimum_Online_Players - 1 ) };
    10:09:23   Error Generic error in expression
    10:09:23 File x\addons\a3_custom_crates\content\fn_random_crateLoot.sqf, line 19
    10:09:23 "Altis-specific settings loaded"
    10:09:23 "[crateLoot.sqf] --- >>> worldname is altis"
    10:09:23 "_fn_spawnCrate [4575,15423,3.8], 0, false, false"
    10:09:23 "Static crates loaded successfully!"

  2. 1. Face, thank you for this awesome stuff, we completely replaced the Epoch AI with A3EAI and we´re very happy with it (our players too).


    2. Some soldiers leave a lockbox behind after they die.. I want to deactivate the lockbox, where can I do this? Am I right, theres no lootlist, it gets the solder loot from the epoch loot.h.


    Is there a loot blacklist, where i can add the lockbox?


    Cheers Metal

  3. We have "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F", but Redis is generating dayly new trader entries.... 9 static trader but 80 or more AI items in redis database...... it sucks.


    I think, "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F" doesnt protect against vehicles or AI weapons. The A3EAI KI is killing players (and perhaps trader) in our safezone with "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F".

  4. Thnx a lot! Last question, just for comprehension:





                                           X           Y              Z         Azimut?         ?               ?





    How can I Add pictures like this, they are lying on the ground with picture to the bottom (to trigger the picture files in the spawn zone):


    class Item65
                init="this enableSimulation false; this allowDamage false; [this, 90,0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank; this allowDamage false;this setObjectTexture [0, ""pictures\Waldi1.jpg""];";

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