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Posts posted by Goatboy

  1. Not so easy as looking back at the two files you spoke about earlier?


    hehehe. I'm with ya. Been working on it all day. I can't find the process/function that is doing the cleanup.


    It seems that the 'EPOCH_TEMPOBJ_PVS' variable is the trigger, but I can't find where that value is being checked for objects.

    EPOCH_TEMPOBJ_PVS = EPOCH_localCleanup.sqf

    with all there ai EPOCH_TEMPOBJ_PVS gets called.

    Time to take the next step and brake into the EpochServer.dll lol GG Epoch Devs :P

  2. There are two files that i said to look in on my last post thy should help you get around the cleanup. Once i have fin all the testing with my mission system i will post where to get it.


    2 kinds of missions side and main. All running server side. No lag on the server at all. 

    I will put up the screen shots soon



  3. hmm I use this

    _marker = createMarker ["Marker1",[20340.3,6569.2]];

    _marker setMarkerType "mil_objective";

    are you setting marker type that might be your problem. could you explain where to locate the ai spawn script so I could take a look at it. I've looked everywhere to see what they use and cant find anything. in here? eserverfiles\a3_epoch_server\compile\epoch_antagonists?

    I see that's where the event is triggered but cant find where the actual script is that is used when it is triggered

    you need to look in the a3_epoch_code.pbo in there you will find EPOCH_supportCopter.sqf and EPOCH_unitSpawn.sqf 



    well the groupleaderbrain is called within the ai spawn script that is called by the drones when detecting players


    I only tryed to call it on my local pc, still a dedicated session though. worked out well but without that its a bit complicated..


    I create the markers just by using: _marker= createMarker["name",_position]

    this is how i set my markers.

    "goatMarker" setmarkerpos (position goatlove);
    "goatMarker" setmarkertext "Love Goat's";
    "goatMarker" setmarkercolor "ColorRed";
    "goatMarker" setMarkerAlpha 1;
    "goatMarker" setmarkerType "mil_dot";
  4. // Time based 
    StaticDateTime[] = {0,0,0,6,0}; // {0,0,0,8,0} would forces the server to start at 8am each time it is started while allowing the year, month and day to stay real time. Any values left at 0 will result in no change.
    timeDifference = 0; // Server uses real time this will allow you to offset just the hour.
    timeMultiplier = 4; // Sets a time multiplier for in-game time. The command range is now capped at 0.1 - 120 to avoid performance problems.
    Starts at 6am and it will go dark about 40mins b4 a restart that is if you have the server on a 4 hour restart
  5. epochconfig.hpp


    StaticDateTime[] = {}; // {0,0,0,8,0} would forces the server to start at 8am each time it is started while allowing the year, month and day to stay real time. Any values left at 0 will result in no change.
    0,0,0,8,0 means on server restart ot will be 8 in the morning
  6. I have scripts missions and other things, but I need help with the battle eye

    Are just needing be filters made?


    I have a mission system made and working but stall the ai get cleaned up lol starting to fuck me off lol.

  7. just nope isnt possible atm...


    the cleanup deletes any any vehicle not in the safe vehicle array which only includes the drone


    also it takes of the simulation of any playable unit which isnt related to epoch + deletes them shortly after



    After I finally made it through the battleyefilters I managed to see no makers are able to spawn and the units just stand there doin nothing and things like static guns are w/o gunner and despawn as soon as your in 20m range or something

    This does not sound right at all lol. I have ai on my missions atm an i am able to spawn in vehicles with my mission script as well. All you need to do is workaround shit that epoch has put in place what is easy to do if you know what you are doing. Also there is no point trying to use the wasteland mission system as it will just fuck shit up in epoch trust me i have tryd lol.

  8. The wasteland missions can work with epoch with alot of tweeking but thy are buggy as fuck. I am working on some AI/side missions atm. I am about 90% done. Atm what thy do is spawn a crate filled with epoch stuff aka one has building shit another has food and what not. Ai will spawn with the crate just like wastelands missions but runs sweet will a high load on the server. Once i have got everything working i will put up a link to download them. 

    All of this runs server side so your mission files is stall small :P  If anyone wants to lend a hand pm me on here to fast track things as its the weekend and i might end up getting drunk after lunch lol.

  9. ok so have played with this for some time now and stall no luck. some traders are there some are not. Can i use the traders that are working for the ones that are not working ?

    Or if some one is willing to look at my to see where i have gone wrong would be good to pm me

  10. so i haven't really worked with epoch but doing up a mission for a friend of mine i have everything working apart from some of the traders are not there. looking in my rpt log i have found this 

    15:46:00 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Profiteer4,
    15:46:00 Cannot create non-ai vehicle RU_Villager3,
    15:46:00 "Res3tting B!S effects..."
    15:46:00 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Worker3,
    15:46:00 Warning: z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\compass.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 863, 853, 852
    15:46:01 Cannot create non-ai vehicle RU_WorkWoman5,
    15:46:01 Cannot create non-ai vehicle RU_Functionary1,
    15:46:01 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Woodlander1,
    15:46:01 Cannot create non-ai vehicle RU_WorkWoman1,
    15:46:01 No owner
    15:46:01 Cannot create entity with abstract type Rocker4 (scope = private?)
    15:46:01 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Rocker4,
    15:46:01 Cannot create non-ai vehicle RU_Citizen3,
    15:46:02 Cannot create non-ai vehicle RU_Citizen4,
    15:46:02 Cannot create non-ai vehicle RU_Citizen1,
    15:46:02 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Worker2,
    15:46:02 No owner
    15:46:02 Cannot create entity with abstract type GUE_Soldier_MG (scope = private?)
    15:46:02 Cannot create non-ai vehicle GUE_Soldier_MG,
    15:46:02 Cannot create non-ai vehicle RU_Profiteer4,
    15:46:02 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Woodlander3,
    15:46:02 Cannot create non-ai vehicle HouseWife1,
    15:46:02 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Doctor,
    15:46:02 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
    15:46:02 Cannot create entity with abstract type GUE_Woodlander2 (scope = private?)
    15:46:02 Cannot create non-ai vehicle GUE_Woodlander2,

    so looking at that am i right i saying that if i change the traders that are not loading to ones that are thy will show?

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