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Posts posted by MrAshido

  1. Antagonists issues : were still in alpha, i cannot stress this enough , i still remember the days of Day Z Where rabbits sounded like zombies, actually all animals did . nothing more paranoid about that bug , reguardless  This is -Not- A zombie survival game.  

                                     As for bugs , its in alpha, alpha , and alpha . there will be bugs , Audio bugs can and will happen , its a part of the alpha process of finding bugs , tracking down the bug , and fixing the bugs ( all of these take time )        Generally i belive most bugs once identified it may take a few patches to fix said issue, keep in mind all of the Epoch team does this for -free-  ( only stating all of this because some ones gona act all self entitled of give me my game now ) . Thank you for Bringing the bug to the teams attention .

     AI Missions : im going to assume trader missions , yeah there basic. if your talking about AI Convoys n such they were just released, and they arent to my knowledge to be some massive battle , hit and run tactics to full out assaults , how ever you want to play. 

                         As previously stated, its in alpha. baby steps.

    Loot System : there actually is some items you will find more frequently in military area's  vs town houses , while you may still find military grade loot in houses , its not as common as finding it in building classified as military. i've tested this myself.

    Locking System : Mod is in alpha , yes the key system was good , but who say's epoch wont have something like that eventually ( As were in alpha) 

    Medical care : The mod takes place in the future , where medical tech like multi guns + Med attachments are a thing , could you imagine star trek having bandaids vs their super powered techie items?  i mean if were talking triage , lets get some vodoo shamans and make blood sacrafices to heal our wounds ( maybe ) .  


    Just my opinion and response , any of the team can actually step in as can any other members of the community, all of your points were valid and understandable but do understand , Epoch is in alpha. when were in beta, things of alpha will be so ancient in developmental terms , you'd think they had two rocks and some animal sacrifices for the bacon. 

  2. Testing effects of explosives ( at mines )  the mines went off , killed the occupants of the hemitt (covered )  and 50 cal trucks but did not destroy the trucks ( while occupied and or ai is alive trucks are invincible ) 


    Satchels also just .... flip the vehicles ..... 

  3. Adding the ability for jammers ( For administrators) to view Who it belongs to and to also show the jammer on the map ( like vehicles showing up)   , Both idea's would assist in watching bases and ensuring "suspicious activity" can be watched a bit better ( glitching and what not )  along with breaking into a base legitimately but failing to have to resources to destroy the jammer ( then asking a admin to remove it because its glitched ) .



    and tactical bacon.

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