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Posts posted by kaotix

  1. I would change 's_player_spawnBox' for each box...so 's_player_spawnMedBox' and so on.

    Make your scripts reflect this, since your script should be setting s_player_spawnBox to 1 while the script is in use and when it completes, it sets it to -1.

    I'd also put removeAction in the start of the script it calls, so you cant call it again until the first one has finished.


    Hope that helps

  2. I'd rather not go into much detail either ;)

    But it's pretty basic, just executing some pre-existing server side things based on timed events which I'd rather not have timed and only triggered when an admin decides to do so. Because of this, I need a client (admin) to tell the server it's ok to execute a piece of code.

  3. It only allows hackers to spawn in vehicles that aren't supposed to be there really. And if you're using anti-hacks, you should be pretty protected from them anyway. And battleye still gives you a certain level of protection against hackers too (although not a lot)


    If you've had problems with hackers before and often get them, I'd maybe avoid using that feature on your server. Other wise, if you've never had a hacker or very rarely get hackers, just comment it out.

  4. I have certain events I'd like to trigger from my server but I don't want 'zones' or anything like that, I want to have client triggered events but from scripts that currently run server side.

    For now, the AI mission system runs server side and cannot be executed from a client.

    I'd like to have an action (or similar) on certain players (admins using UID) to be able to kick off an AI mission event.


    My current train of thought is this:

    Have some kind of trigger waiting on the server looking for a client that has a certain variable set (mission = true)

    From the client, in game, have the client press the 'mission' action to change their mission variable to true.

    The server now sees this variable and triggers the required script on the server as it would do normally.


    Is this possible or am I clutching at straws or going about it the wrong way?



  5. Check your RPT log to see if there are errors regarding the chainsaw. if there is a spelling mistake, the game will error trying to load something that doesnt exist and spit out the error into the RPT log.

    Surely just because you haven't found one doesn't mean they don't spawn.


    If it's your server, spawn one in through SQL or something to ensure they're working on your server?

  6. Just having a quick thought on some script ideas me and my mates have been throwing around.

    Is there any way to reload the vehicle/object data while the server is running? I'm talking about deployed vehicles and objects from the SQL server.

    Even if this was just specific vehicles, for instance, if someone has a vehicle that is locked with a key and they lose the key or the key is stolen by someone else because the player died, they might want to change the key for their locked vehicle (much like you would expect to be able to change the lock on a car if someone stole your keys)


    Similar to locked safes or combination locks as well, instead of removing a combination lock or having to pack a safe and redeploy it for a new combination to be created.


    There's also some other attributes I'd like to modify 'on-the-fly' but I won't go into those just yet.


    Any help is greatly appreciated.


  7. Can you be a bit more specific? The server arma2oaserver.exe process crashes or something else?

    Can you paste the error log that should accompany the crash.


    Can you also explain your setup a bit better? What map you're running, the version you're running ect?

  8. I'm very interested in how you did this. Got anything to share? I'd be happy to supply you with with any missing removable or non-removable items/classnames you might have. 


    Sorry for my late reply, I've been pretty busy lately.

    For my deconstruction and returning of parts I wrote the following code into my remove.sqf file.

    You can probably expand on it and make more parts return items as they're not all listed there.

    It also has the option to supply admin ID's so admin's can remove any deployed item in the game. (apart from camo netting which is impossible to remove...)




    I don't mind who uses my code but I'd appreciate credit where credit is due.

    Let me know if you have any issues.



  9. I noticed yesterday that with my locked vehicle, I was able to take out a gold bar while it was locked.

    The option for 'Take Gold Bar' shows up along with the Gear option although when you use the gear option it says the appropriate 'Cannot access gear on a locked vehicle' message, however, when I press the 'Take Gold Bar' option, the gold is removed from the car and added to my players inventory...


    I wouldn't mind if it was a can of beans, but when you have a lot of gold in a vehicle for a reason, it's pointless even locking it if the items can be removed this way.


    Hope this can be addressed in the next update.


  10. In all honesty I think this is something that needs to go into the next release as a feature.  It's unrealistic to assume that if you can put up a wall that you can't take it down again.  Make it so that walls can't be broken down unless you have a sledgehammer, maybe?  I can't keep hacking my scripts with this stuff every time a new release comes out (I want to play the game too you know), so it should already be part of the mod.  I'm already looking at other mods for my server because I'm getting pissed off with listening to players moan about not being able to remove their walls etc (even I'm getting fedup on a personal level), when all the other building mods out there have this feature as standard! And why the hell are developers still using characterID's instead of UID's ? I've already asked in this forum why they do it, but didn't get an answer so I'm just going to presume its out of laziness.  Two of the other mods I'm looking at use UIDs and it seems to work perfectly for them.  


    Anyway, just my two pence worth.   Got offline earlier after a huge argument with a clan on my server.  They'd spent days finding the parts and building this really sweet base if I'm honest, only to get a message that they've reached the limit for objects in that area.  I can't really put it any higher than 350, but maybe a warning message pops up to remind them they're getting close .. Say at 100, a message warns them they can only place another 50 objects in that area etc.. Same issue for decay, when you've got a building made up of hundreds of pieces, some of which are days apart, how the fack are you supposed to know which ones actually do need upgrading, as the message to upgrade pops up even on walls that have just been laid.  If you don't keep up you log in one day to find your wall(s) vanished.  So now they expect me as admin to have some magic power to clear it all for them and they think I'm lying when I tell them this mod doesn't allow you to remove parts and going through the database for a 350 piece building will take me hours... fml! 


    Peace out.


    I would have to agree with you. The base building is a nice feature, but its far from finished.

    I removed the decay from my server, and I increased the building limit as well so I don't have these problems, it's just that certain things need to be hacked in all the time to make things worth while. Now I've spent about an hour adding in the returning of parts for deconstruction I feel that the base building is slightly more complete than it has been for a while.


    Hopefully more useful mods are added in with the option to enable/disable them in the future to allow Epoch to become the most complete build of DayZ!

  11. No, I mean for instance the 'sun shade' crafted from a canvas and lumber that has no remove option because I don't think it's part of the modular items list. Not sure what kind of list, if any, it's part of.


    Other than that I have everything listed and the game returns parts to you for everything you deconstruct.

  12. Since no one has managed to get returnable items from de-constructed parts, I have managed to do this myself. So far I've been working through manually and just returning the items it took to build each piece. (Slightly unrealistic I know).

    This is a WIP so far and I'll be happy to release what I've written once a bit more testing has gone into it.

    Has anyone got any better ways of getting returnable items from the modular parts since they don't have any pre-written tables to suggest the parts needed to construct them.


    I've so far done most of the wooden wall/floor items, cinder walls/doors and metal floors. There are some other items that I've found to be non-removable once placed which I'd also like to take care of if possible.

  13. hey guys,


    any idea how to do a script which can only be used by admins to remove abondend baes ingame ?


    You could manually enter admin UID's into the code and where it checks if the player is the owner of the modular building item, check if they're admin too and allow the removal if they're either the owner or an admin...

    That way at least an admin can remove any modular item from the game without having to find them and manually remove from the SQL.

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