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Posts posted by Rocu

  1. So we have quite a few infiSTAR users and threads keep popping up nicely. I wondering whether anyone developed anything for admintools yet?

    Things like:

    -spawn & pass <n> coins to player

    -set another player'sbank balance to <n>

    -set another player's wallet balance to <n>




    I am actually currently developing this. Am about half way through at the moment. If anyone has this done already would be nice to see it being shared.

  2. Would someone mind showing me an example of a working one?  It worked perfectly using Zupa's but then the one I downloaded from Soul's github doesn't show up at all. I am not a coding whiz but can usually pull apart and fix if I knew what a working one looked like using Soul's hive.  Thanks


    Do you have these lines on the top of your compiles.sqf:

    BIS_fnc_numberDigits    = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\numberDigits.sqf";
    BIS_fnc_numberText      = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\numberText.sqf";

    If you do, check if those files really exist and see if they're in the right folder.

  3. Try renaming/removing @DayZ folder from your Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead folder. Not sure if Arma is trying to load in @DayZ or Steam is doing it but even if you don't have it in your parameters it's still being loaded in sometimes. That's a problem because Epoch already includes all the core @DayZ files, which means that you're actually NOT allowed to load in @DayZ when connecting to an Epoch server. (Not sure if this applies to regular Epoch but I know it does for Overpoch)

  4. I had this issue a while back. It happened when a script was trying to call for a file that didn't exist. Mostly in complies.sqf. You start by checking if all the paths listed there are correct. It might not have anything to do with this at all but hey, it's a start...

  5. Hello I am having the same problem as the author of the thread, but could you explain to me how to install this DLL? I didn't install the mod on my server my host did and I can't wait all day for them to put this on.


    If you're uncomfortable with adding in scripts yourself I recommend waiting that 'whole day' and get it done professionally. 

    If you want to give it a shot anyway, here's the link for all the files you need: https://github.com/UK431-Soul/DayZ-Epoch_SCHiveExt


    If you don't have any other scripts installed then you can just copy, paste and overwrite the mission & server files over your current ones. If you do have other scripts, use a diffmerge tool like BeyondCompare, see where changes have been done and add the changes to your own files.


    If you have no idea what I've just said, I recommend reading up on the very basics of modding and adding in custom scripts.




    I have not tested, but this is the [Mission Folder]/custom/safezone.sqf file compatible with NoxSicarus Admin Tools:

    Whit that change, Gebriel Safe Zones will not disable Admin Tools God Mode.

    New/Modified lines have one of those 2 comments:





    Nice job with this. Will try it out as soon as possible. 

  7. When Zupa first released SC he was using a DLL that supported only 999 call. The 999 call pretty much means that you can make up any SQL query in-game and send it to the database. This enabled doing things such as manipulate with the humanity, headshots, player kills, etc counters. So he built the system so that headShots column was used for tracking cash. Clearly this wasn't the best solution because...well it used headshots. Headshots should remain headshots. Also not to mention the security risk that 999 call has. Then Soul came up with a DLL that supported calls that were specifically designed to mess around with a brand new column in the database called "cashMoney". This meant that you didn't have to sacrifice player's headshots counter to track money.


    The first version currently remains because Zupa hasn't had the time (I belive) to update the original files. But he stated that he IS planning to make Soul's DLL an official release.


    So tl;dr - upgrade to Soul's DLL because it's going to be an official update really soon anyway.

  8. Google Translate ftw :) . Didn't understand a thing from your explanation but the title says it al. Can't say I've seen a script like that but I'm also interested in something like that. Might be quite a fun result when merging with Epoch's events system.

  9. Hey loving the setup so far but a few issues have arisen since installing it last night, first whenever I go to buy or sell anything at the traders I get "any Zupa coins" and not the actual price is there any fix for this? Secondly is there a way to change the HUD so it only shows the coin icon but down over the in combat icon? Thirdly how do I change the map markers for the bank locations as they do not match the Taviana map? Sorry if these questions have been asked but I can't seem to get this stuff fixed.


    1) For your 'any Zupa coins' problem check a possible fix


    2) For your HUD problem check


    3) Bank locations can be changed @ your banks.sqf, which was in the server's pbo I belive

  10. Does anyone know a converter or the formula for converting Taviana 2.0's database coordinates to readable GPS coordinates? I'm talking about converting this [132, [2134.04, 5324.52, 0.1]] into this 121 073.


    I know there are a lot of Chernarus ones but they don't work for Taviana. Every map has it's own offset value.

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