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Posts posted by CrazyCorky

  1. Be aware that the last I checked the height map for United Sarahni was really jacked up. You couldn't really use it to set yourself up for missions or anything. Also AI had a horrible habit of spawning in the ground. But this was a while back. I'm not sure if it's been updated since.

  2. I think it's were it should be. It is a survival game. You sprint you expend the water and food faster.. You just do a normal run it doesn't go down as quick. It requires that you have food and drink on you all the time. And it's not like they take up much space.

  3. I've been reworking the satelite map more but haven't been getting a lot done because I've been in the process of moving. I'm almost all moved in now and will have real Internet's, so hopefully I will get more done this month. I've also been working on another terrain called Kings Isles. You can guess what I might have in mind for that, but I'm trying to make it epochable as well.


    I was just thinking I haven't heard about your map in a bit. Funny how that happens.

  4. I'm just curious as to what you guys as admins, server owners, and players consider griefing?


    While I'm a huge fan of base raiding, camping, stalking, and other forms of having an encounter. Where do you cross the line at griefing?


    Destroying a persons vehicles in their base simply because you couldn't get any benefit from them? Continually flattening a persons base causing them to leave the server? Consistently stalking someone on the server and harassing them?


    I know people have their opinions. Let's keep this civil and please don't attack another person.

  5. @KnightsTemplar - You're willing to "donate" for perks but not buy DLC?  I'm sure that makes sense in your mind.....somehow.


    @CrazyCorky - It seems as if you cry about KoS at least once a day.  Play PvE or pull up your big girl panties.


    You're funny. Show me another posts everyday where I've complain about KoS?


    Also if you look at the second line of my post you *SHOULD* be able to figure out that there was sarcasm involved. Sadly I guess it was lost on you!

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