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Posts posted by Kind-Sir

  1. Make sure the following ports are allowed through your firewall and are port forwarded properly:

    2302 TCP OUT
    2302 TCP IN

    2302 UDP IN

    28900 TCP OUT

    27900 UDP OUT


    Another probable issue:
    DayZ Commander [DZC] will only launch the mod if it gets the correct mod version of the server. So if your server shows up as an IP:PORT deal on DZC, then you will want to do a full server listing refresh.
    A quick test to see if your server is working is to join a random server running DayZ Epoch (one that's titled in DZC), then hit escape until you hit the main menu, then go to Multiplayer, hit "Remote", then type in the ip and port of your server.

  2. Why not? Can u explain ur comment? I dont live in an Ponyworld...

    People could go around and just get other's vehicles and sell them.

    I would recommend more or less a "break-in" system with hotwiring. The hotwiring will have a chance to set off an alarm on the car, locking the car until the person with a key comes in and shuts it off. It would make things a lot more balanced. Breaking in would have to be done with a crowbar, and hotwiring maybe with a special kit...?

  3. Here's an SQL script you can use:

    INSERT INTO traders_data (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["ItemComboLock",1]', 10, '[6,"ItemGoldBar",1]', '[3,"ItemGoldBar",1]', 662, 'trade_items'),('["ItemComboLock",1]', 10, '[6,"ItemGoldBar",1]', '[3,"ItemGoldBar",1]', 530, 'trade_items'),('["ItemComboLock",1]', 10, '[6,"ItemGoldBar",1]', '[3,"ItemGoldBar",1]', 508, 'trade_items');
  4. I understand completely about the domes, but I think it is a bit extreme. The current system (not tested latest modular build) of Epoch meant base building was pointless.

    No it's not. Base building allows you to create a system of organization for your base, such as vehicles and loot. You can use vaults and lock boxes to keep some of your loot safe.


    A base shouldn't be impregnable and should be able to be defeated but allowing people to destroy components when a person is offline is not good, essentially people will just not bother playing at all. We run the base building mod, have lockable gates and safes but it still doesn't mean you are safe. Even without mods such as heli fast rope, players can still be killed inside their base and their loot stolen.

    That's the game of DayZ, and I bet you that is what will happen in other games (refer to: Rust, WarZ, Wasteland........)

    The point is to make it a balanced system. Oh, yes, people can steal when you're offline, but wouldn't you? A lot of people who whine about admin abuse, or whine about getting their base looted will probably loot other people's bases when they're offline, and abuse admin tools installed on that server (teleport, spawn, esp, etc) if they had the chance to.


    The immersion factor doesn't count, the real life advocates don't count, as in real life people don't disappear and then re-appear nor do they magically show up on a player list.

    May I refer you to the following page: Video Game

    Arma is a military simulator. DayZ is built upon a simulator. DayZ was meant, originally, to immerse a player into a zombie-filled post-apocalyptic world. Now we're just spoiled with all the hootin' tootin' base-protection mods and all this loot we're able to gather with one run to a town.

    You're not entitled to anything when it's not "immersive" or "the real life", as the game is mapped out by a developer, and if it's able to be modified by server owners and players, then so be it.


    I presume you mean trader safe zones, they are required I'm afraid. On a busy, PvP server there would be no point use any trader. Especially since you conveniently placed them all in silly places, with all traders beside each other out in the open (Chernarus).

    Even on a relatively quiet server, all I would have to do is camp Stary and never really leave for anything I want.


    You can edit the mission.sqf file located in the missions.pbo and change the trader locations and how the trader cities are built.

  5. Is there going to be the option to toggle anti-teleport in the init.sqf?

    I believe you can just adjust the array listed in the init.sqf (in to allow teleportation across the map. I wont be helping on this one, as I don't really condone it.

    If this is the case, is there a workaround where we can move the server client files into the mission and force that on players?

    Only some of the client files, such as the code.

    The code could be done using the method I posted here

    You will have to find the corresponding call from the dayz_code for the specific code file.

    Some may be in compiles.sqf

    some may be in fn_selfactions.sqf

    some may be in another file, you will have to hunt it down.

  6. FIX:
    With small walls, there is a piece of plywood stocked up in the way of a window, however, when selecting "upgrade small wall" it hints back: "No Upgrades Available". Would the update perhaps be a window, with a PartGlass needed?

    Another thing would be the slant of the object. I know it's the setPos in the code, however, would it be possible to set a setVectorUp code to have it stick straight up? Or implement a sort of rotation system? The rotations could be either in the fuel database entry, or may the coordinate layout be edited (array maybe?)?

    If needed, I could write up a code and implement it into a server I work on for testing.

    Supports. Beams that would be placed down to hold a piece of wood at an altitude. It would look nice aesthetically for balconies and creations on mountain-sides.

    Moving objects after being placed. I would assume a good way to do this is treat the object like a newly placed one.

  7. Hi Guys,


    I need help really bad.


    We recently updated our server to the new patch of Epoch.


    Players are reporting that when they put stuff in their cars and the server restarts the items in the car disappears.


    Please let me know and thank you for your help! :-)

    Have you installed any mods into your server?

    Make sure you're using both the mission and server files for the 1.0.2 update.

  8. It's in the client files. Look in the @DayZ_Epoch>addons for dayz_code.pbo

    You'll want to get PBO Manager to extract it. I leave a copy of this whole dayz_code folder around just for fixes/tweaks.

    In your MPMission folder/pbo make a new folder called fixes or day_code.

    Copy player_spawn_2.sqf to there. You will have to call it in you init.sqf.

    Not 100% where to call at, but guessing under compiles call. Don't quote me on that because I haven't looked or tested lol



    Thank you kind sir! see what I did there? he he *ducks*

    All cheap and feeble humor aside, saving me alot of work.

    Just look at my post in the Server Addition's topic written by Radiix:


    Apologies for the lack of detail in the post above, should be fixed and linked to the above thread.

    Also, my name is a derivative of "kind sir". I changed it after I was playing DayZ strictly as a hero and players thanking me with "Thank you kind sir".

  9. Since this is declared within compiles.sqf, you could over-write the variable on the same level (when loading the mission) with a custom compiles.sqf line.

    You will need to do the following:

    Open up your mission.pbo file, create a dayz_code folder, and within that, create both an init and system folder.

    Within the init folder, make a new text file, and rename it to compiles.sqf

    Go into compiles.sqf and put the following:

    if (!isDedicated) then {
        player_spawn_2 = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\system\player_spawn_2.sqf";
    Then go into your dayz_code/system folder and then copy the dayz_code.pbo/system/player_spawn_2.sqf into your mission's dayz_code/system directory, then edit it according to the first post (modifying the lines specified).

    Now go into your mission's init.sqf file, and search for the line:

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";				//Compile regular functions

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";
    I tested this out by modifying the code specified in the first post in order to stop teleporting people when they desync in a heli, this has NOT been tested out with a teleport script.
  10. Makes sense.  Could have a "used car" menu that just spawns a vehicle without a key.  I cant imagine that would be hard to implement, I would just make it a different trader altogether and maybe randomize the available selection after each restart.

    When I first saw the "Used Cars" in the trader menu, that's what I assumed it would be.

    That would be a nicer addition overall than having to buy vehicles from other categories unlocked.

  11. Why would you need to buy a vehicle without a key? 


      For me its because I need one just to shoot across the map and then abandon the ride, but I just leave the key in the gear.

    I run a community base, it's been my habit in DayZ ever since it hit June of 2012 when the waves of people started populating. It feels better knowing that the vehicles given to players from the community base are provided without a key. I dislike spawning vehicles, and I do not have the time to hunt down specific vehicles around the map to bring them back to the base. It just seems like a feature that may or may not fit, it's up for discussion. That's why this board is here, is it not?

  12. The problem is player desync causing a mismatch in reported positions and the player being reverted when in a vehicle.

    Right! Working on 30 minutes of sleep, kind of skimming through the posts.

    I applied this to a server, and have not had problems in an MV22 when setting the vehicle position to 1600m. Have not tried it with stress-tests, but have tried it with 15fps and frequent stutter, if that helps.

  13. The built in teleport system from player_spawn_2.sqf was fixed, I believe it was not even working before. I suspect the problem is the player has script lag and or desync really badly and has somehow traveled more than 400 meters between checks. These checks should execute about every 2 seconds so the distance traveled should be really low. Working on a fix now, only problem is that it is hard to reproduce.

    Happens to me frequently due to cruddy internet, lots of desync. Latency hovers around 60ms, however, desync tends to spike up every now and again.

    Will test again ASAP.

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