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Posts posted by oSoDirty

  1. Ok i will try that... Tell me can anyone here upload a working config file without there details? (passwords.ect)

    I wish to compare to make sure mine is right.

    This is my config file

    // config.cfg
    // comments are written with "//" in front of them.
    hostname = "HEG's Overpochins Test Server";
    password = "";					
    passwordAdmin = "***********";		// Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz'
    reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com";	// For Arma2: Operation Arrowhead
    logFile = "Bliss\server_console.log";		// Tells ArmA-server where the logfile should go and what it should be called
    // WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day")
    // It can be several lines, separated by comma
    // Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval
    motd[] = {
    	"Welcome to CM's Dayz Overpoch-Origins Taviana Server!",
            "Teamspeak: chernarusmilitia.teamspeak3.com:6729",
            "Server restarts every 3hrs with several warnings!",
            "Always follow restart warnings: Uptime isnt always correct due to occasional server maintanence",
            "Respect our rules and admins as well as players in side chat",
            "Player Data deletes after 14 days of inactivity",
            "Unused vehicles are deleted after 14 days of inactivity",
            "Lockables reset combos to 000, 0000, and RED00 if unused for 14 days"};
    motdInterval = 3;					// Time interval (in seconds) between each message
    steamPort = 2424;
    steamQueryPort = 2423;
    maxPlayers = 40;				// Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player.
    kickDuplicate = 1;					// Each ArmA version has its own ID. If kickDuplicate is set to 1, a player will be kicked when he joins a server where another player with the same ID is playing.
    verifySignatures = 0;					// Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. Valid values 0 (disabled), 1 (prefer v2 sigs but accept v1 too) and 2 (only v2 sigs are allowed). 
    equalModRequired = 0;					// Outdated. If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server.
    requiredBuild = 122548;					// Require clients joining to have at least build 12345 of game, preventing obsolete clients to connect
    requiredSecureId = 2;
    // VOTING
    voteMissionPlayers = 1;					// Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen.
    voteThreshold = 1;					// 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective
    disableVoN = 0;						// If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available
    vonCodecQuality = 10;					// Quality from 1 to 10
    persistent = 1;						// If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected.
    timeStampFormat = "short";				// Set the timestamp format used on each report line in server-side RPT file. Possible values are "none" (default),"short","full".
    BattlEye = 1;                                           // Server to use BattlEye system
    onUserConnected = "";					//
    onUserDisconnected = "";				//
    doubleIdDetected = "";					//
    regularCheck = "{}";                                  //  Server checks files from time to time by hashing them and comparing the hash to the hash values of the clients. Causes heavy I/O, uncomment to disable feature
    onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";		// unsigned data detected
    onHackedData = 	"kick (_this select 0)";	//"ban (_this select 0)";			// tampering of the signature detected
    onDifferentData = "";					// data with a valid signature, but different version than the one present on server detected
    // MISSIONS CYCLE (see below)
    class Missions
    	class DayZ {
    		template = dayz_epoch_13.Tavi; // DO NOT CHANGE THIS, IT WILL BREAK YOUR SERVER
    		difficulty = "veteran";    // change this for other difficulty settings, regular, expert is valid

    hope this helps. It's for Taviana so some things may not match up 

  2. Hello and thanks for reading my post. I have an issue. I have opened ports and setup a server. But when I look on dayz commander or dayz launcher or steam server list my server does not show. I can connect from my networked pc's via;2302 But it does not show on the server lists. I was wondering do I need to change something else in my configuration file? As I see my server on the remote list does not say windows ds server or any other info. And I want my friend to connect from his house... I have installed some scripts and the server runs fine on my local machines. I can assure you my ports are open. Also the config files got from epochmod.com says 1.0.5 and not is this correct and must I add the steam query port to config file? I have done this to no avail. I really hope it some line I need to add to my config file please help I have been trying this now for over 2weeks. I can run mine craft servers and team speak. But not dayz epoch mod. Thank you anyone who can help.

    Well since you can run Teamspeak and Minecraft servers, I would call your ISP. Usually either all or none work for me. Have you tried using a different port? If not, maybe give that a shot 1st. Maybe something other than your router or firewall is blocking that port, unusual but it happens.

  3. Hey guys,


    So i have some spare time this weekend and decided to work on finishing the 2.2.0 release of Wicked AI for ARMA 2. Did some minor updates to the testbranch today, but since i no longer have a dev server to test them on I'm going to need your help with this guys.




    Nice, can't wait to play with it. BTW buried in the fixes / C130 missions area in the github, i posted some missions i wrote that choose between a few planes and spawns them in running... the coords are fot Taviana so a cpl things will need changed. But it's there if you want to look into it. I use them on my server with no issues.

  4. A question for you oSoDirty. I used your example below for the static AI groups, and it worked perfectly. A crate spawns where I want it and it's got loot. However it keep disappearing. I've added an exception under server_updateObjects.sqf, which worked for all my other objects, but it is not working in this case. What else do I need to do? Working with WAI 2.1.4. Thanks again!


    The crate at the bottom works as well =]  Add more like so


    _crate = createVehicle ["USVehicleBox",[17468.3,5184.75,0.001],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];

    _crate2 = createVehicle ["USVehicleBox",[17473.3,5184.75,0.001],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];

    [_crate,[16,ai_wep_sniper],[8,crate_tools_sniper],[4,crate_backpacks_large]] call dynamic_crate;

    [_crate2,[16,ai_wep_sniper],[8,crate_tools_sniper],[4,crate_backpacks_large]] call dynamic_crate;

    I really don't know how to fix that, mine never disappeared so i never needed to work around it.

  5. Like only 4 or so ai spawn at a mission. not sure why. I am going to reload the wai system and try addin the weapons your way. Thanks for the info!


    Some missions dont have many AI, some have tons. Just depends on difficulty of the mission. The first part for adding weapons to the crates is tested working 100%, the second part i wrote to add them to the AI isn't tested but there is no reason i can think of that it wont work.

  6. What i did to add more guns is:


    I made an entire new line in the config like so:

    		ai_wep_over_powered         = ["FHQ_MSR_TWS_DESERT","FHQ_MSR_TWS_SD_DESERT","FHQ_RSASS_TWS_TAN","FHQ_RSASS_TWS_SD_TAN","USSR_cheytacM200","USSR_cheytacM200_sd","M8_TWS_SD","m107_TWS_EP1","m107","M110_TWS_EP1","M249_TWS_EP1","SCAR_H_STD_TWS_SD","BAF_As50_scoped","BAF_As50_TWS","BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS"];     

    and in the mission files:

            [_crate,[16,ai_wep_sniper],[8,crate_tools_sniper],[3,crate_items_high_value],[4,crate_backpacks_large]] call dynamic_crate;

    changes to this:

    	[_crate,[2,ai_wep_over_powered],2,3,1] call dynamic_crate;

    but only for the missions you want to load those guns into the crate.


    Now if you want the AI to have these weapons it's a bit more tedious.


    inside WAI/compile/spawn_group.sqf find:

    			if(typeName(_gun) == "SCALAR") then {
    				if(_gun == 0) 			exitWith { _aiweapon = ai_wep_assault; };
    				if(_gun == 1) 			exitWith { _aiweapon = ai_wep_machine; };
    				if(_gun == 2) 			exitWith { _aiweapon = ai_wep_sniper; };
    			} else {
    				if(_gun == "random") 	exitWith { _aiweapon = ai_wep_random call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; };
    				if(_gun == "unarmed") 	exitWith { _unarmed = true; };
    				_weapon = _gun;

    and change it too:

    			if(typeName(_gun) == "SCALAR") then {
    				if(_gun == 0) 			exitWith { _aiweapon = ai_wep_assault; };
    				if(_gun == 1) 			exitWith { _aiweapon = ai_wep_machine; };
    				if(_gun == 2) 			exitWith { _aiweapon = ai_wep_sniper; };
    				if(_gun == 3) 			exitWith { _aiweapon = ai_wep_over_powered; };
    			} else {
    				if(_gun == "random") 	exitWith { _aiweapon = ai_wep_random call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; };
    				if(_gun == "unarmed") 	exitWith { _unarmed = true; };
    				_weapon = _gun;

    then inside the mission files look for these lines:

    	[[_position select 0, _position select 1, 0],4,"random","random",4,"random","bandit","random","bandit",_mission] call spawn_group;

    use this as a guide to know the order of the array:

    	// Group Spawn Examples
    	// Parameters:	0: Position
    	//				1: Unit Count
    	//				2: Unit Skill ("easy","medium","hard","extreme" or "random")
    	//				3: Guns (gun or [gun,launcher])
    	//					Guns options	: (0 = ai_wep_assault, 1 = ai_wep_machine, 2 = ai_wep_sniper, "random" = random weapon, "Unarmed" = no weapon)
    	//					Launcher options: (at = ai_wep_launchers_AT, aa = ai_wep_launchers_AA or "classname")
    	//				4: Magazine Count
    	//				5: Backpack ("random" or "classname")
    	//				6: Skin ("Hero","bandit","random","special" or "classname")
    	//				7: Gear (0:ai_gear0, 1:ai_gear1, 2:ai_gear2, 3:ai_gear3, 4:ai_gear4 or "random")
    	//				8: AI Type ("bandit","Hero","special" or ["type", #] format to overwrite default gain amount) ***Used to determine humanity gain or loss***
    	//				9: Mission variable from line 9 (_mission)

    For the missions you want the OP weapons on the AI just change the weapon parameter to 3.

  7. I have installed the beta version to my server, Seems to be working great but, I have added and deleted weapons from the ai load out. The ones that i have deleted are persisting to spawn on the ai with them removed for the config file. I am also having a problem with the missions not clearing. It is completely random when it happens. I have also noticed in the rpt when the server first starts up the wai system looks for a file called customsetting and it says it could not be found and it continues to load up and run. Any ideas on how to fix this problem? Thanks for the great mod btw!


    The non clearing may have to with the % of AI you have set, it seem to happen randomly at 50% and gets worse the higher the %.  


    The weapons i find kind of odd..  are the new weapons working?


    The customsetting.sqf is worry free. It is there for you to make yourself and copy and paste your 2.1.4 config inside it to override the config aside from additions from 2.2.0. (All in the readme included in the download and on github)

  8. I always add my buildings into the mission.sqf. That aside, im not sure if this was intentional or even a problem but starting at line 4497:

    _vehicle_1409 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["WoodFloorQuarter_DZ", [6580.1279, 5630.3428, -0.32421464], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_1409 = _this;
      _this setPos [6580.1279, 5630.3428, -0.32421464];

    there is no direction set.

  9. Okay I've been looking through all the inits and configs and I can't seem to find how do adjust how much AI spawn, AI armed vehicles, or helicopter reinforcements.


    I wan't to half some of the AI at the missions and I wan't to disable the roaming armed vehicles and helicopter reinforcements at certain missions.

    The number of AI that spawn is determined in the mission files them selves.  WAI/missions/bandit  - WAI/missions/hero.


    This should help you a bit:


    Look for something like this: 

    	[[_position select 0, _position select 1, 0],4,"random","random",4,"random","bandit","random","bandit",_mission] call spawn_group;

    There can be several lines in each mission like this.


    This is the order to follow:

    	// Group Spawn Examples
    	// Parameters:	                0: Position
    	//				1: Unit Count
    	//				2: Unit Skill ("easy","medium","hard","extreme" or "random")
    	//				3: Guns (gun or [gun,launcher])
    	//					Guns options	: (0 = ai_wep_assault, 1 = ai_wep_machine, 2 = ai_wep_sniper, "random" = random weapon, "Unarmed" = no weapon)
    	//					Launcher options: (at = ai_wep_launchers_AT, aa = ai_wep_launchers_AA or "classname")
    	//				4: Magazine Count
    	//				5: Backpack ("random" or "classname")
    	//				6: Skin ("Hero","bandit","random","special" or "classname")
    	//				7: Gear (0:ai_gear0, 1:ai_gear1, 2:ai_gear2, 3:ai_gear3, 4:ai_gear4 or "random")
    	//				8: AI Type ("bandit","Hero","special" or ["type", #] format to overwrite default gain amount) ***Used to determine humanity gain or loss***
    	//				9: Mission variable from line 9 (_mission)

    Above can be found in WAI/missions/MISSION_EXAMPLE.sqf -- Lots of useful info in there.


    Sometimes it wont be a number. It may be _num  or _rndnum etc... If so, you should find somewhere above a variable like _num = (2 + round(random 7)); which simply gives a random amount of AI, could be 3, could be 9 and anything in between. If you wish to use a static number of AI, just replace the variable with a number in the group spawn array.


    Hope this helps.

  10. My home pc can run 15-20 players with WAI and DZMS 4 missions on WAI, 2 on DZMS, several added buildings, traders, and 2 static AI cities with zero lag.  I realize that isn't a lot of players, however i'm running an i7 4820k @4.5Ghz with 16GB ddr3 @2400 with a 50/5mb connection. Also, Arma isn't coded for multi-core support, 6 core CPUs are a waste of money with Arma servers unless you are running several.

  11. I have tried bringing the quantity of AI right down, making the missions spawn further apart, reduced the AI share your distance, reduced ai behaviour, reduced all the clean up times for missions, bodies, etc. I have even tried reducing number of zeds, loot chance to see if that would help and still got poor results.


    Same as you, if I switch off and go back to running the 2 old mission systems side by side (WAI & EMS) with an overall higher quantity of AI and 3 missions running at the same time, performance comes right back.


    With this system running, it takes 10-14 seconds for the trader menus to refresh, same for unlocking/locking a car and anywhere from 30-60 seconds for a car to spawn when purchased at a trader. Normally, with all these things, even when fully loaded with 55 players up they take around 2-4 seconds.


    I am also running serious enterprise level, dedicated hardware with 12 logical processors clocked to 3.9ghz running 1 A2 epoch server, 1 A3 wasteland server and 1 A3 epoch server.....


    I have a feeling that it may not be just load but, maybe more to do with the code of mission system (...without being rude.. :/). My reasoning is that I haven't seen a fall in server FPS of any noticeable amount.


    Help us F3cuk! My players and I absolutely love this system and how varied and random it is but, I won't be able to keep it running for much longer as I'll lose population due to lag.


    Your problem is a weak server. I promise you it's not WAI. 90% of popular servers use this script with no issues. If you run a high pop server (40+) you need a dual cpu (not dual core but 2 seperate cpus) dedi with at least 50mbps upload or you will have desync and lag issues with any AI system

  12. Hi, has anyone worked out how to fix the missions not finishing when completed in v2.1.4? All AI dead, crate empty and no smoke? Have the % AI killed set to 75% and done the obvious to check for any AI that have wandered off but, there aren't any.. I have noticed though that in some cases some of the AI seem to spawn already dead.


    Or, has everyone taken the leap to v2.2.0 v3 beta? Has that solved this issue?


    Thanks for any help. :)

    I have noticed when the kill % is 51 or higher it seems to cause some issues for me in both versions

  13. как включить правильно wai_special_missions        = [



    how to turn right? lol thats what google translated there. Not sure what you are looking for here with the special missions. BUUUUTTT.. Я не рекомендую использовать их, потому что они имеют основные вопросы об ошибках

  14. I use a test server that spawns missions within 2 min uptime.  I havent personally used that feature. If it doesnt work the fix for 2.1.4 should also work. It just changes the spawn chance to 0% for each bandit mission. You can also just try to remove the entire bandit mission array.  Edit: now that i think about it, that last bit will likely generate an undefined variable error.  This should work 100% though


    In WAI/config.sqf remove:

    		wai_bandit_missions			= [



    inside WAI/Missions?init.sqf 


    	wai_bandit_mission				= [];


    			if (_bresult == 1) then {
    				waitUntil {_currTime = floor(time);(_currTime - _delayTime > 10 && markerready)};
    				markerready 		= false;
    				b_missionsrunning 	= b_missionsrunning + 1;
    				_b_startTime 		= floor(time);
    				_delayTime			= floor(time);
    				_b_missionTime		= nil;
    				_bresult 			= 0;
    				wai_mission_markers set [(count wai_mission_markers), ("MainBandit" + str(count wai_mission_data))];
    				wai_mission_data = wai_mission_data + [[0,"",[],[0,0,0]]];
    				_mission 			= wai_bandit_mission call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    				execVM format ["\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\missions\bandit\%1.sqf",_mission];

  15. Also, if anyone can tell me how to totally disable bandit missions that would be fantastic. Cheers.

     If 2.1.4

    In config.sqf change:

    		// Missions
    		wai_hero_missions			= [ 								// ["mission filename",% chance of picking this mission],Make sure the chances add up to 100,or it will not be accurate percentages
    		wai_bandit_missions			= [


    		// Missions
    		wai_hero_missions			= [ 								// ["mission filename",% chance of picking this mission],Make sure the chances add up to 100,or it will not be accurate percentages
    		wai_bandit_missions			= [

    if 2.2.0


    inside config.sqf change:

    		wai_bandit_limit			= 2;


    		wai_bandit_limit			= 0;

  16. Thanks for this - I'd not thought of giving them waypoints. Will work these up for my Chernarus map and then post once it's working.


    Edit: Looking at my files, I do not have a patrol.sqf - could you post your complete file?



    You will have to download and install the latest test branch (2.2.0 v3) in order to use them. And they will already be in there. They depend on a few other added/edited files in the compiles folder.

  17. How can I remove night vision after kill AI from their body?

    I don't believe you can without removing them all together. Well you could with some coding knowledge.... but it's not in the config ATM. And to remove them all together  


    find and remove

    		if (sunOrMoon != 1) then {
    			_unit addweapon "NVGoggles";

    from spawn_group.sqf  


    If you do this, the AI are pretty much walking free targets at night.



    EDIT:  in on_kill.sqf found in compiles folder change

    	if(_unit hasWeapon "NVGoggles" && floor(random 100) < 20) then {
    		_unit removeWeapon "NVGoggles";


    	if(_unit hasWeapon "NVGoggles") then {
    		_unit removeWeapon "NVGoggles";

    Not tested, but no reason it shouldn't work.

  18. I already login into the server myself, my server is hosted on a rented dedicated server, and I play from my own computer, so it is not a port issue. I guess I'll just have to wait a few days then?

    And since it is a dedicated server, there is no configuration to do on some router, just to allow the rules in windows firewall; again, i'm able to connect to my server and play remotely

    I wouldn't say days, Commander and SiX take a day, DayZ Launcher usually only takes a couple hours. If it doesn't show up by tomorrow, i would contact your host and and have them look into it. I run all of my dedi's from home so I have no rented dedi knowledge unfortunately.

  19. i get kicked from my server something about variables #0 i know it has to do with battle eye fliters what edits do i have to make to use this with infistar?

    you need to look in your battleye folder for variables.log and inside look for the line that kicked you, then make an exception for it in variables.txt. Lots of tutorials on how to make and understand them. Just use the forum search or google.

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