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Posts posted by Donnovan

  1. they have a new FSM (zombie Logic) that make no use of any of the Epoch function. The functions it use are in the SQF file that comes with it.

    You can spawn then anywere, in groups, with 6 or more configurations.

    The zombies with one and two spheres above the head are special zombies, with bigger explosions.

    The zombie with two spheres make the "atomic" explosion you saw on video.

  2. If you like my work, please consider a donation:

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    Peacefull Conrads Refugee Camp is a place where peacefull people is know to be set up after the overall contagion of the zombie virus.


    There is some time from the last contact with this camp, whi don't you go there and take a look?


    1 - The Script: Run this on the server or in a headless client.

    //Number of buildings, tents, buildings, on the camp
    _camp_vehicles = [
    	["Acamp", 40],
    	["Land_A_tent", 25],
    	["TentStorage", 15],
    	["Land_Fire_Barrel_Burning", 15],
    	["Misc_Cargo1B_military", 5]
    //Zombie Spawn Array
    donn_terror_zomb = [
    		[[6624-3735,14212-5342,0],'cid_salv', 450, 3], //Special line, not realated to spawn
    		//	[position],
    		//	Spawn Radius,
    		//	number os zeds,
    		//	zeds view distance,
    		//	dist from player to start to walk,
    		//	special zed? 0 or 1 or 2,
    		//	zed life multiplier 1 is normal life ,
    		//	time to be on the ground after explosion
    		[[6660-3735,14177-5342,0], 25, 15, 60, 15, 0, 1.1, 60],
    		[[6786-3735,14320-5342,0], 25, 15, 60, 15, 0, 1.1, 60],
    		[[6791-3735,14091-5342,0], 25, 15, 60, 15, 0, 1.1, 60],
    		[[6668-3735,14121-5342,0], 25, 15, 60, 15, 0, 1.1, 60],
    		[[6599-3735,14260-5342,0], 25, 15, 60, 15, 0, 1.1, 60],
    		[[6624-3735,14212-5342,0],100, 40,100, 15, 0, 1.1, 60],
    		[[6624-3735,14212-5342,0],120, 14, 60, 15, 1, 1.2, 60],
    		[[6624-3735,14212-5342,0], 10,  1, 60, 15, 2, 3.5,120]
    diag_log "[TERROR-Z] Buildings INIT Initialized!";
    //Camp Center
    _bomberman = [2889, 8870];
    	for "_y" from 1 to (_x select 1) do {
    		_vehicle = createVehicle [_x select 0, _bomberman, [], 90, "NONE"];
    		_vehicle setDir (random 360);
    		sleep 0.001;
    } forEach _camp_vehicles;
    //Parked Buses
    _ikarus = [
    	[[2890,8988,0],25 + (random 16),"UNLOCKED"],
    	[[2898,8983,0],25 + (random 16),"UNLOCKED"],
    	[[2905,8975,0],25 + (random 16),"LOCKED"],
    	[[2912,8971,0],25 + (random 16),"LOCKED"],
    	[[2921,8967,0],25 + (random 16),"UNLOCKED"]
    	_vehicle = createVehicle ["Ikarus_TK_CIV_EP1", _x select 0, [], 0, "NONE"];
    	_vehicle setPosATL (_x select 0);
    	_vehicle setDir (_x select 1);
    	_vehicle setVariable ["ObjectID", "1", true];
    	_vehicle setVariable ["ObjectUID", "1", true];
    	_vehicle setVehicleLock (_x select 2);
    	PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor set [count PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor, _vehicle];
    } forEach _ikarus;
    //Alone Building
    _vehicle = createVehicle ["mbg_apartments_big_01_EO", [2753,9007,0.22], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _vehicle setPosATL [2753,9007,0.22];
    _vehicle setDir 130;
    _lootPos = [
    	[6660.3984-3735, 14177.261-5342],
    	[6786.0361-3735, 14320.882-5342],
    	[6791.7695-3735, 14091.711-5342],
    	[6668.1357-3735, 14121.218-5342],
    	[6599.8535-3735, 14260.836-5342]
    _lootPosOrder = [
    _order = _lootPosOrder call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _this = createVehicle ["TKVehicleBox_EP1", (_lootPos select (_order select 0)), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _this setDir -182.5;
    //Clear Cargo	
    clearweaponcargoGlobal _this;
    clearmagazinecargoGlobal _this;
    //Add Cargo
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["DMR_DZ",3];
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["M249_DZ",2];
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["Mk_48_DZ",2];
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["NVGoggles",2];
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["Binocular_Vector",1];
    //_this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_SUSAT",1];
    //_this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo",1];
    //_this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["G36K_camo",1];
    //_this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["M4A1_AIM_SD_camo",1];
    //_this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["FN_FAL",1];
    //_this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["M14_EP1",1];
    //_this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["M9SD",1];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["200Rnd_556x45_M249",3];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemHeatPack",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemPainkiller",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemMorphine",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBloodBag",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemAntibiotic",5];
    //_this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD",5];
    //_this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL",5];
    //_this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_762x51_M240",5];
    //_this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_556x45_G36",5];
    //_this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",5];
    //_this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["15Rnd_9x19_M9SD",5];
    _this addbackpackCargoGlobal ["DZ_Backpack_EP1",2];
    _this setPos  (_lootPos select (_order select 0));
    _this setVariable ["permaLoot",true,true]; //*DONN*
    _this = createVehicle ["TKVehicleBox_EP1", (_lootPos select (_order select 1)), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    //Clear Cargo	
    clearweaponcargoGlobal _this;
    clearmagazinecargoGlobal _this;
    //Add Cargo
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["NVGoggles",3];
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ItemToolbox",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["PartEngine",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["PartGeneric",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["PartVRotor",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["PartWheel",6];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["PartFueltank",7];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["PartGlass",10];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemJerrycan",15];
    _this addbackpackCargoGlobal ["DZ_Backpack_EP1",2];
    _this setPos (_lootPos select (_order select 1));
    _this setVariable ["permaLoot",true,true]; //*DONN*
    _this = createVehicle ["TKVehicleBox_EP1", (_lootPos select (_order select 2)), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _this setDir -178.83;
    //Clear Cargo	
    clearweaponcargoGlobal _this;
    clearmagazinecargoGlobal _this;
    //Add Cargo
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["NVGoggles",3];
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ItemGPS",4];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["FoodCanBadguy",6];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["FoodCanBoneboy",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["FoodCanCorn",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["FoodCanCurgon",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["FoodCanDemon",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["FoodCanFraggleos",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["FoodCanHerpy",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["FoodCanDerpy",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["FoodCanTylers",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemSodaMtngreen",7];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemSodaR4z0r",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemSodaClays",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemSodaSmasht",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemSodaDrwaste",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemSodaLemonade",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemSodaLvg",7];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemSodaMzly",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemSodaRabbit",5];
    _this addbackpackCargoGlobal ["DZ_Backpack_EP1",1];
    _this setPos (_lootPos select (_order select 2));
    _this setVariable ["permaLoot",true,true]; //*DONN*
    _this = createVehicle ["TKVehicleBox_EP1", (_lootPos select (_order select 3)), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _this setDir 90.560677;
    //Clear Cargo	
    clearweaponcargoGlobal _this;
    clearmagazinecargoGlobal _this;
    //Add Cargo
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["NVGoggles",1];
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ItemGPS",1];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBandage",50];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemPainkiller",15];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemMorphine",12];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBloodBag",12];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemEpinephrine",10];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemAntibiotic",12];
    _this addbackpackCargoGlobal ["DZ_Backpack_EP1",2];
    _this setPos (_lootPos select (_order select 3));
    _this setVariable ["permaLoot",true,true]; //*DONN*
    _this = createVehicle ["TKVehicleBox_EP1", (_lootPos select (_order select 4)), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    //Clear Cargo	
    clearweaponcargoGlobal _this;
    clearmagazinecargoGlobal _this;
    //Add Cargo
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ItemEtool",10];
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ItemToolbox",5];
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["NVGoggles",2];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["HandGrenade_West",10];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemSandbag",10];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemTankTrap",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemWire",10];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemTent",4];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["PartGeneric",5];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["TrapBear",8];
    //*DONN* Jon Weapon Loot
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["NVGoggles",2];
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["KSVK_DZE",3];
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["VSS_vintorez",2];
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO_SD",1];
    _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["FN_FAL_ANPVS4",1];
    //*DONN* Jon Magazine Loot
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["150Rnd_127x107_DSHKM",3];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["5Rnd_127x108_KSVK",7];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["5Rnd_127x108_KSVK",3];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS",3];
    _this addmagazineCargoGlobal ["20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL",3];
    _this addbackpackCargoGlobal ["DZ_Backpack_EP1",1];
    _this setPos (_lootPos select (_order select 4));
    _this setVariable ["permaLoot",true,true]; //*DONN*
    diag_log "[TERROR-Z] Buildings Finalized!";
    diag_log "[HC_ON] Terrozon script init!";
    donn_terror_deadZombies = [];
    donn_terror_mult = 1;
    donn_terror_zombDamage = {
    	private ['_zombie','_damage','_projectile','_zombie_explodeTrigered','_zombie_actDam','_source'];
    	_zombie = _this select 0;
    	_zombie_actDam = damage _zombie;
    	_damage = _this select 2;
    	_healt = _zombie getVariable ['donn_hp',1];
    	_damage = _damage * (0.5/_healt);
    	_source = _this select 3;
    	_projectile = _this select 4;
    	if (isPlayer _source && !(_projectile in ['SmallSecondary','G_Camel_HE','Bo_GBU12_LGB',''])) then {
    		if (_zombie_actDam + _damage > 0.5) then {
    			_damage = 0;
    			if !(_zombie in donn_terror_deadZombies) then {
    				donn_terror_deadZombies = donn_terror_deadZombies + [_zombie];
    				[_zombie] call donn_terror_explode;
    	} else {
    		_damage = 0;
    donn_terror_explode = {
    	private ['_zombie','_special','_radSearch','_blowMult','_nearZombies','_nearToBlow','_randExtra','_rand','_blowWait'];
    	_zombie = _this select 0;
    	_special = _zombie getVariable ['donn_spe',0];
    	if (_special == 0) then {_radSearch =  10; _blowMult =   1; _blowWait = 0.25;};
    	if (_special == 1) then {_radSearch =  25; _blowMult =   5; _blowWait = 0.25;};
    	if (_special == 2) then {_radSearch = 120; _blowMult = 100; _blowWait = 0.25;};
    	_nearZombies = (nearestObjects [_zombie, ['zZombie_Base'], _radSearch]) - [_zombie];
    	_nearToBlow = [];
    	_rand = random 100;
    	_randExtra = 1;
    	if (_rand < 80) then {_randExtra = 2;};
    	if (_rand < 60) then {_randExtra = 3;};
    	if (_rand < 40) then {_randExtra = 4;};
    	if (_rand < 20) then {_randExtra = 5;};
    	if (_rand < 10) then {_randExtra = 10;};
    	_randExtra = _randExtra * _blowMult;
    		if (count _nearToBlow < _randExtra) then {
    			if (_x getVariable ['donn_spe',0] == 0) then {
    				_nearToBlow = _nearToBlow + [_x];
    	} forEach _nearZombies;
    	_zombie setDamage 0.6;
    	_nearToBlow spawn {
    			_x setDamage 0.6;
    			if (((_forEachIndex + 1) mod 5) == 0) then {sleep 0.15;};
    		} forEach _this;
    donn_terror_getTarget = {
    	private ['_zombie','_viewDistance','_zTarget','_nearTargets','_playerPos','_playerPosZ'];
    	_zombie = _this select 0;
    	_viewDistance = _this select 1;
    	_nearTargets = [];
    		_playerPos = _x getVariable ['donn_pos',getPosATL _x];
    		_playerPosZ = _playerPos select 2;
    		if ((_zombie distance _playerPos) < _viewDistance && _playerPosZ < 4.5) then {
    			_nearTargets = _nearTargets + [_x];
    	} forEach playableUnits;
    	if (count _nearTargets > 0) then {
    		_zTarget = _nearTargets call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    	} else {
    		_zTarget = ObjNull;
    sleep 10;
    		if (_forEachIndex == 0) then {
    			donn_terror_check_var = _x select 1;
    			_x spawn {
    				private ['_center','_var','_rad','_cycle','_result'];
    				_center = _this select 0;
    				_var = _this select 1;
    				_rad = _this select 2;
    				_cycle = _this select 3;
    				call compile format['donn_terror_trigger_%1 = false;', _var];
    				while {true} do {
    					_result = false;
    						if (_x distance _center < _rad) exitWith {
    							_result = true;
    					} forEach playableUnits;
    					call compile format['donn_terror_trigger_%1 = _result;', _var];
    				sleep _cycle;
    		} else {
    			private ['_qtyZomb','_deployRad', '_insertPoint','_viewDistance','_unitTypes','_sphere'];
    			_insertPoint = _x select 0;
    			_deployRad = _x select 1;
    			_qtyZomb = _x select 2;
    			_qtyZomb = round (_qtyZomb * donn_terror_mult);
    			_viewDistance = _x select 3;
    			_distToWalk = _x select 4;
    			_special = _x select 5;
    			_health = _x select 6;
    			_inconTime = _x select 7;
    			_unitTypes = []+ getArray (configFile >> 'CfgBuildingLoot' >> 'Default' >> 'zombieClass');
    			for '_k' from 1 to _qtyZomb do {
    				private ['_agent','_type'];
    				_type = _unitTypes call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    				_agent = createAgent [_type,_insertPoint,[],_deployRad,'NONE'];
    				sleep 0.01;
    				if (_special > 0) then {
    					for '_x' from 1 to _special do {
    						_sphere = createVehicle ['Sign_sphere100cm_EP1', getPosATL _agent, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
    						_sphere attachTo [_agent, [0,0,2.25 + (_x - 1) * 1]];
    					_agent setVariable ['donn_spe',_special,true];
    				} else {
    					_agent setVariable ['donn_spe',0,true];
    				_agent removeAllEventHandlers 'handleDamage';
    				_agent addEventHandler ['handleDamage',{_this call donn_terror_zombDamage}];
    				_agent setVariable ['donn_terrorZombie',true,true];
    				_agent setVariable ['donn_hp',_health,false];
    				_agent setDir (random 360);
    				[_viewDistance,_agent,donn_terror_check_var,_distToWalk,_special,_inconTime] execFSM 'terror_zombies\zombie_agent_terror.fsm';
    	} forEach _x;
    } forEach donn_terror_zomb;
    [] spawn {
    	while {true} do {
    		_don_marker_put = createMarker ["Conrads Refugee Camp",[2889, 8870]];
    		_don_marker_put setMarkerShape "Icon";
    		_don_marker_put setMarkerText "Conrads Refugee Camp";
    		_don_marker_put setMarkerType "Flag1";
    		_don_marker_put setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
    		sleep 5;
    		deleteMarker "Conrads Refugee Camp";
    2 - Run on the Client, init.sqf for example. This makes the zombies explode when players are near then.

    if (!isServer) then {
    	donn_playerInTerror = false;
    	[] spawn {
    		private ["_nearZombies","_isTerrorZ","_Zdamage"];
    		while {true} do {
    			if (vehicle player == player) then {
    				_nearZombies = (getPosATL player) nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",2.5];
    				_Zdamage = 0.6;
    			} else {
    				_nearZombies = (getPosATL vehicle player) nearEntities ["zZombie_Base",5];
    				_Zdamage = 0.8;
    				_isTerrorZ = _x getVariable ["donn_terrorZombie",false];
    				if !(isNil "_isTerrorZ") then {
    					if (_x getVariable ["donn_spe",0] == 0) then {
    						_x setDamage _Zdamage;
    			} forEach _nearZombies;
    			sleep 0.25;
    	[] spawn {
    		while {true} do {
    			player setVariable ["donn_pos",getPosATL player,true];
    			uiSleep 2;
    	diag_log "TERROR ZOMBIES OK (CLIENT)!";
    	donn_noZombieAreas = [
    		_x spawn {
    			private ["_playerPos","_areaPos","_distCheck"];
    			_areaPos = _this select 0;
    			_distCheck = _this select 1;
    			while {true} do {
    				waitUntil {
    					sleep 5;
    					_playerPos = getPosATL player;
    					(_areaPos distance _playerPos) < _distCheck
    				diag_log "ZOMBOFF!";
    				player_zombieCheck = {};
    				waitUntil {
    					sleep 5;
    					_playerPos = getPosATL player;
    					(_areaPos distance _playerPos) > _distCheck
    				diag_log "ZOMBON!";
    				player_zombieCheck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf";
    	} forEach donn_noZombieAreas;
    3 - FSM file (zombie behavior): put that code in a text file, in the mission folder, with this folder and name \terror_zombies\zombie_agent_terror.fsm. See that the extension of this file is not sqm, but fsm.

    /*%FSM<COMPILE "e:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\Tools\FSM Editor Personal Edition\scriptedFSM.cfg, DayZ Zombie Agent">*/
    item0[] = {"Inicia",0,250,-250.000000,-425.000000,-150.000000,-375.000000,0.000000,"Inicia"};
    item1[] = {"Achou_Perto",4,218,-25.000000,-350.000000,75.000000,-300.000000,0.000000,"Achou" \n "Perto"};
    item2[] = {"Verdadeiro",4,218,-250.000000,-325.000000,-150.000000,-275.000000,0.000000,"Verdadeiro"};
    item3[] = {"Procura_um_Human",2,4346,-150.000000,-250.000000,-50.000000,-200.000000,0.000000,"Procura" \n "um Humano"};
    item4[] = {"Procura_de_novo",4,218,-250.000000,-175.000000,-150.000000,-125.000000,0.000000,"Procura" \n "de novo?"};
    item5[] = {"Andar_at__Humano",2,250,100.000000,-300.000000,200.000000,-250.000000,0.000000,"Andar até" \n "Humano!"};
    item6[] = {"Update_posi__o_",4,218,225.000000,-350.000000,325.000000,-300.000000,0.000000,"Update" \n "posição?"};
    item7[] = {"Perdeu_de_Vista",4,218,-25.000000,25.000000,75.000000,75.000000,0.000000,"Perdeu" \n "de Vista?"};
    item8[] = {"Humano_Morto_",4,218,-25.000000,-75.000000,75.000000,-25.000000,0.000000,"Humano" \n "Morto?"};
    item9[] = {"",7,210,-104.000000,-4.000001,-95.999992,4.000001,0.000000,""};
    item10[] = {"",7,210,-104.000000,96.000000,-96.000000,104.000008,0.000000,""};
    item11[] = {"Explodir_",2,250,400.000000,-425.000000,500.000000,-375.000000,0.000000,"Explodir!"};
    item12[] = {"Recuperado_",4,218,400.000000,75.000000,500.000000,125.000000,0.000000,"Recuperado?"};
    item13[] = {"Perto_Humano_",4,218,100.000000,-425.000000,200.000000,-375.000000,0.000000,"Perto" \n "Humano?"};
    item14[] = {"",7,210,-104.000000,-404.000000,-96.000000,-396.000000,0.000000,""};
    item15[] = {"Achou_Longe",4,218,-25.000000,-150.000000,75.000000,-100.000000,0.000000,"Achou" \n "Longe"};
    item16[] = {"Correr_para_mais",2,250,100.000000,-200.000000,200.000000,-150.000000,0.000000,"Correr para" \n "mais perto"};
    item17[] = {"Update_posi__o_",4,218,225.000000,-150.000000,325.000000,-100.000000,0.000000,"Update" \n "posição?"};
    item18[] = {"Chegou_Perto_",4,218,225.000000,-250.000000,325.000000,-200.000000,0.000000,"Chegou" \n "Perto?"};
    item19[] = {"",7,210,371.000000,-279.000000,379.000000,-271.000000,0.000000,""};
    item20[] = {"",7,210,371.000000,-179.000000,379.000000,-171.000000,0.000000,""};
    item21[] = {"",7,210,371.000000,46.000000,379.000000,54.000004,0.000000,""};
    item22[] = {"",7,210,371.000000,-54.000000,379.000000,-46.000000,0.000000,""};
    item23[] = {"Humano_Longe_",4,218,-25.000000,-250.000000,75.000000,-200.000000,0.000000,"Humano" \n "Longe?"};
    link0[] = {0,2};
    link1[] = {1,5};
    link2[] = {2,3};
    link3[] = {3,1};
    link4[] = {3,4};
    link5[] = {3,14};
    link6[] = {3,15};
    link7[] = {4,3};
    link8[] = {5,6};
    link9[] = {5,13};
    link10[] = {5,19};
    link11[] = {5,23};
    link12[] = {6,5};
    link13[] = {7,9};
    link14[] = {8,9};
    link15[] = {9,3};
    link16[] = {10,9};
    link17[] = {11,12};
    link18[] = {12,10};
    link19[] = {13,11};
    link20[] = {14,13};
    link21[] = {15,16};
    link22[] = {16,13};
    link23[] = {16,17};
    link24[] = {16,18};
    link25[] = {16,20};
    link26[] = {17,16};
    link27[] = {18,5};
    link28[] = {19,20};
    link29[] = {20,22};
    link30[] = {21,7};
    link31[] = {22,8};
    link32[] = {22,21};
    link33[] = {23,16};
    globals[] = {25.000000,1,0,0,0,640,480,1,174,6316128,1,-488.040009,633.607056,150.522751,-478.192963,983,551,1};
    window[] = {2,-1,-1,-1,-1,805,125,1333,125,3,1001};
    class FSM
      fsmName = "DayZ Zombie Agent";
      class States
        /*%FSM<STATE "Inicia">*/
        class Inicia
          name = "Inicia";
          init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"private [""_choosenEyePos"",""_agentOriPos"",""_timeLost"",""_choosenDead"",""_viewDistance"",""_grenade"",""_playersCanSee"",""_agent"",""_found"",""_choosen"",""_players"",""_start"",""_newPos""];" \n
           "" \n
           "_viewDistance = _this select 0;" \n
           "_agent = _this select 1;" \n
           "_varString = _this select 2;" \n
           "_ZdistToWalk = _this select 3;" \n
           "_Zspecial = _this select 4;" \n
           "_ZinconTime = _this select 5;" \n
           "" \n
           "_agentOriPos = getPosATL _agent;" \n
           "" \n
           "_agent disableAI ""FSM"";" \n
           "_agent setBehaviour ""CARELESS"";" \n
           "_agent setCombatMode ""RED"";" \n
           "_agent setSkill 0;" \n
           "" \n
           "_agentFugitiveQty = 0;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/;
          precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/;
          class Links
            /*%FSM<LINK "Verdadeiro">*/
            class Verdadeiro
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/"_found = false;" \n
               "_away = false;" \n
               "_newPos = getPosATL _agent;"/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/;
        /*%FSM<STATE "Procura_um_Human">*/
        class Procura_um_Human
          name = "Procura_um_Human";
          init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"_start = diag_tickTime;" \n
           "if (call compile format[""donn_terror_trigger_%1"",_varString]) then {" \n
           "	_choosen = [_agent,_viewDistance] call donn_terror_getTarget;" \n
           "	if !(isNull _choosen) then {" \n
           "		_found = true;" \n
           "	" \n
           "		_choosenPos = _choosen getVariable [""donn_pos"",getPosATL _agent];" \n
           "		if (isNil ""_choosenPos"") then {_choosenPos = getPosATL _agent;};" \n
           "	" \n
           "		if ((_agent distance _newPos) + (_newPos distance _choosenPos) > 20) then {" \n
           "			_away = true;" \n
           "		} else {" \n
           "			_away = false;" \n
           "		};" \n
           "	};" \n
          precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/;
          class Links
            /*%FSM<LINK "Procura_de_novo">*/
            class Procura_de_novo
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"(diag_tickTime - _start) > 5"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;
            /*%FSM<LINK "Achou_Longe">*/
            class Achou_Longe
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"_found && _away"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;
              action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/"_choosenDead = false;" \n
               "_distance_ZP_ok = true;"/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/;
            /*%FSM<LINK "Perto_Humano_">*/
            class Perto_Humano_
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"damage _agent >= 0.5"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;
            /*%FSM<LINK "Achou_Perto">*/
            class Achou_Perto
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"_found && !_away" \n
              action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/"_choosenDead = false;" \n
               "_distance_ZP_ok = true;"/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/;
        /*%FSM<STATE "Andar_at__Humano">*/
        class Andar_at__Humano
          name = "Andar_at__Humano";
          init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"_start = diag_tickTime;" \n
           "" \n
           "_choosenPos = _choosen getVariable [""donn_pos"",getPosATL _agent];" \n
           "if (isNil ""_choosenPos"") then {_choosenPos = getPosATL _agent;};" \n
           "" \n
           "_distance_ZP_ok = _agent distance _choosenPos < _viewDistance && (_choosenPos select 2) < 4.5;" \n
           "" \n
           "if (_distance_ZP_ok) then {" \n
           "	if (alive _choosen) then {" \n
           "		_newPos = _choosenPos;" \n
           "		_agent moveTo _newPos;" \n
           "		_agent forceSpeed 2;" \n
           "	} else {" \n
           "		_choosenDead = true;" \n
           "	};" \n
          precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/;
          class Links
            /*%FSM<LINK "Perto_Humano_">*/
            class Perto_Humano_
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"damage _agent >= 0.5"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;
            /*%FSM<LINK "Humano_Longe_">*/
            class Humano_Longe_
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"(_agent distance _newPos) + (_newPos distance (_choosen getVariable [""donn_pos"",getPosATL _agent])) > _ZdistToWalk"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;
            /*%FSM<LINK "Humano_Morto_">*/
            class Humano_Morto_
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/"_newPos = _agentOriPos;" \n
               "_agent moveTo _newPos;" \n
               "_agent forceSpeed 10;" \n
               "_found = false;" \n
               "_away = false;"/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/;
            /*%FSM<LINK "Perdeu_de_Vista">*/
            class Perdeu_de_Vista
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/"_newPos = _agentOriPos;" \n
               "_agent moveTo _newPos;" \n
               "_agent forceSpeed 10;" \n
               "_found = false;" \n
               "_away = false;"/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/;
            /*%FSM<LINK "Update_posi__o_">*/
            class Update_posi__o_
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"moveToCompleted _agent || moveToFailed _agent"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;
        /*%FSM<STATE "Explodir_">*/
        class Explodir_
          name = "Explodir_";
          init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"_agent forceSpeed 0;" \n
           "_agent setUnitPos ""DOWN"";" \n
           "_start = diag_tickTime;" \n
           """SmallSecondary"" createVehicle (getPosATL _agent);" \n
           "if (_Zspecial == 1) then {" \n
           "	""G_Camel_HE"" createVehicle (getPosATL _agent);" \n
           "};" \n
           "if (_Zspecial == 2) then {" \n
           "	""Bo_GBU12_LGB"" createVehicle (getPosATL _agent);" \n
           "};" \n
           "if (damage _agent > 0.7) then {" \n
           "	""G_Camel_HE"" createVehicle (getPosATL _agent);" \n
           "	_agent setDamage 0.6;" \n
          precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/;
          class Links
            /*%FSM<LINK "Recuperado_">*/
            class Recuperado_
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"diag_tickTime-_start > _ZinconTime"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;
              action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/"_agent setDamage 0;" \n
               "_agent setUnitPos ""UP"";" \n
               "" \n
               "_newPos = _agentOriPos;" \n
               "_agent moveTo _newPos;" \n
               "_agent forceSpeed 10;" \n
               "" \n
               "donn_terror_deadZombies = donn_terror_deadZombies - [_agent];" \n
               "" \n
               "_found = false;" \n
               "_away = false;"/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/;
        /*%FSM<STATE "Correr_para_mais">*/
        class Correr_para_mais
          name = "Correr_para_mais";
          init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"_start = diag_tickTime;" \n
           "" \n
           "_agP = getPosATL _agent;" \n
           "_agPX =_agP select 0;" \n
           "_agPY =_agP select 1;" \n
           "" \n
           "_choosenPos = _choosen getVariable [""donn_pos"",getPosATL _agent];" \n
           "if (isNil ""_choosenPos"") then {_choosenPos = getPosATL _agent;};" \n
           "" \n
           "_distance_ZP_ok = _agent distance _choosenPos < _viewDistance && (_choosenPos select 2) < 4.5;" \n
           "" \n
           "if (_distance_ZP_ok) then {" \n
           "	if (alive _choosen) then {" \n
           "		_cP = _choosenPos;" \n
           "		_cPX = _cP select 0;" \n
           "		_cPY = _cP select 1;" \n
           "" \n
           "		_nPX = (_agPX+_cPX)/2;" \n
           "		_nPY = (_agPY+_cPY)/2;" \n
           "		_newPos = [_nPX,_nPY,0];" \n
           "		" \n
           "		_agent moveTo _newPos;" \n
           "		_agent forceSpeed 8;" \n
           "	} else {" \n
           "		_choosenDead = true;" \n
           "	};" \n
          precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/;
          class Links
            /*%FSM<LINK "Update_posi__o_">*/
            class Update_posi__o_
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"moveToCompleted _agent || moveToFailed _agent"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;
            /*%FSM<LINK "Chegou_Perto_">*/
            class Chegou_Perto_
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"(_agent distance _newPos) + (_newPos distance (_choosen getVariable [""donn_pos"",getPosATL _agent])) < _ZdistToWalk"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;
            /*%FSM<LINK "Humano_Morto_">*/
            class Humano_Morto_
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/"_newPos = _agentOriPos;" \n
               "_agent moveTo _newPos;" \n
               "_agent forceSpeed 10;" \n
               "_found = false;" \n
               "_away = false;"/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/;
            /*%FSM<LINK "Perdeu_de_Vista">*/
            class Perdeu_de_Vista
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/"_newPos = _agentOriPos;" \n
               "_agent moveTo _newPos;" \n
               "_agent forceSpeed 10;" \n
               "_found = false;" \n
               "_away = false;"/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/;
            /*%FSM<LINK "Perto_Humano_">*/
            class Perto_Humano_
              priority = 0.000000;
              precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/;
              condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"damage _agent >= 0.5"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/;
      finalStates[] =
    OBS: fsm files are created by FSM Creator, but since they are text files, they can be provided like above.

    More help:

    Where to put the files?

    - Script 1 runs on server (i run it at the end of the file server_functions.sqf).

    - Script 2 runs on client (i run it in init.sqf).

    - Script 3 does not need to run, but you need to put it in the correct place in the mission file: \terror_zombies\zombie_agent_terror.fsm.

  3. HOLLY DOLLY CRAP! The problem all the time was:


    My "dedicated" server is not a dedicated server... this means i can't use 100% of it's processor power! So when i turn on HC, i LOST performance in all ways, because i hit the limit! (the server alone already consumes 100% of the processor power directioned to me).


    Made a proper test in a real dedicated (my computer) and it was awesome! Back on road! With releases!


    Long Live HC!


    DZMS with 15 missions and 384 bots! Bots fast as hell! FPS perfect!

  4. Man, Headless clients is just a way to sell more Keys. Without real support from the BI devs, and yes, they do not give any real support on that, it just make things worse than better.


    Just for connecting the headless client i already lost 10 fps on server.


    Until now i'm running HC on the server machine, 2 cores for the server and 2 cores for the HC.


    Not sure why, but now i will try to run then on different machines, even if they are separated by a 200 ms latency.

  5. Hello MattL!

    Your code is incredible simple and effective!

    I just did my bit of work to make it more simple: Just add that at the end of init.sqf and voyla! We have Take Clothes!


    [] spawn {
    	private ["_playerBody","_skin","_skinOk","_result"];
    	waitUntil {r_player_dead};
    	_playerBody = player;
    	_skin = typeOf _playerBody;
    	_skin = "Skin_" + _skin;
    	_skinOk = isClass (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _skin);
    	if (_skinOk) then {
    		_result = [_playerBody, _skin] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;
    		if (!_result) then {
    			(unitBackpack _playerBody) addMagazineCargoGlobal [_skin, 1];
    The line waitUntil {r_player_dead} check for player death, but since this is a boolean check (true/false) it has little to no performance impact!
  6. Problem solved:

    "Hello Andre,

    There was a problem with the port blocking on the server, I have set the port to the following ("") we have specific ports for DayZ assigned and it seems 2309 is not enabled for this node, and rcon is now able to passthrough and work without any problems. Please test the server, check it works and let me know, once it has been confirmed as working. The previous member of staff who worked on your server has already compensated you for some of the problems caused by the server is less that 24 hours old and we have done all we can to fix your problems in a timely manor.

    Let me know if you need anything else or have any further problems.

    If you have any other queries or issues don't hesitate to get in touch."

  7. Hi,

    My server was set on ip:port x.x.x.2:2902, and this port seens to not work with any RCON tool.

    Make the test, try to connect with Dart to any ip with this port, it will give the message that is show when the password is wrong... now change the port to 2903, for example, the message is the normal "trying to connect".

    Anyone have a workaround?

    Thank you.

    Edit: Sorry, it just happens with my ip:port... i have a password error if the server is offline and if the server is online.

    Since its not related to nothing more than my Villayer server, i will solve the problem with then. Thankyou.

  8. I want to address this here due to the number of questions we are getting. 


    You can still use that same Overpoch guide with our servers.  


    The only difference between our servers and a traditional server is that the server and mission pbo are compiled each time the server starts. 


    The pbos are already extracted and sit in the vilayercodecustom folder



    mcarey, i have a DayZ Epoch server with the map Chernarus. What i need to put in the template var, in the mission class? (see bellow).

    class Missions {
        class DayZ {
        	template = epoch.chernarus;
        	difficulty = "Veteran";
    Thank you.
  9. Nice! But i'm having some problem.

    On this code:

    _vehicleName = "CinderWall_DZ";
    _textureArray = getArray(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehicleName >> "hiddenSelectionsTextures[]"); 
    _textureArray is an empty array [] in modular items, because they don't have hiddenSelectionsTextures[].

    Can't see anything related to texture on their class:

    class CinderWall_DZ: ModularItems {
    	scope = 2;
    	destrType = "DestructBuilding";
    	cost = 100;
    	offset[] = {0,1.5,0};
    	icon = "\ca\data\data\Unknown_object.paa";
    	mapSize = 2;
    	armor = 3400;
    	displayName = "Cinder Block Wall";
    	vehicleClass = "Fortifications";
    	maintainBuilding[] = {{"MortarBucket",1}};
    	GhostPreview = "CinderWall_Preview_DZ";
    	class DestructionEffects : DestructionEffects {
    		class Ruin1 {
    		simulation = "ruin";
    		type = "\z\addons\dayz_epoch\models\wreck_cinder.p3d"; /* path to the object*/
    		position = "";
    		intensity = 1;
    		interval = 1;
    		lifeTime = 1;
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