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Posts posted by CartoonrBOY

    • Zombie Speed based on time of day (in game).

    This is intriguing. Certainly worth looking at. I'd rather have more walkers during night-time and more runners during the day. I too think this is possible. Thanks muchly for the share...beans.



    Edit to speed assignment (untested).


    zombie_generate.sqf & wildspawn_zombies.sqf:

    // Slow zombie down.
    _agent forceSpeed 2;
    // Create random runners during daytime only
    _rnd = random(1);
    if(daytime > 6 || daytime < 18) then {
    	if (_rnd > .8) then {
    		_isrunner = true;
    	} else {
    		_isrunner = false;
    } else {
    	_isrunner = false;
  1. The effect should've been default, well spotted. I've reduced the effect to something a little less zany for one minute.

    // medMorpehe.sqf
    private ["_array","_unit","_medic","_display","_control","_id"];
    _array = _this; //_this select 0;
    _unit = _array select 0;
    _medic = _array select 1;
    if ((_unit == player) || (vehicle player != player)) then {
    	r_fracture_legs = false;
    	r_fracture_arms = false;
    	_unit setHit["legs",0];
    	_unit setHit["hands",0];
    	//Ensure Control is visible
    	_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display';
    	_control = 	_display displayCtrl 1203;
    	_control ctrlShow false;
        [] spawn {
                Remove_Drug_effects =
                                ppEffectDestroy _x;
                        } forEach (_this select 0);
                        ppEffectDestroy ppe2;
                        ppEffectDestroy ppe3;
                        setaperture 0;
                        "dynamicBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0];
                        "dynamicBlur" ppEffectCommit 16;
                        "colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0.0], [1, 1, 1, 1],  [1, 1, 1, 0.0]];
                        "colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0;
                _time = time;
                _effects = [];
                while {true} do
                        ppe2 = ppEffectCreate ["chromAberration", 1555];
                        _effects = _effects + [ppe2];
                        ppe2 ppEffectAdjust [0.1,0.01,true];
                        ppe2 ppEffectCommit 1;
                        ppe2 ppEffectEnable true;
                        ppe3 = ppEffectCreate ["radialBlur", 1555];
                        _effects = _effects + [ppe3];
                        ppe3 ppEffectEnable true;
                        ppe3 ppEffectAdjust [0.02,0.02,0.15,0.15];
                        ppe3 ppEffectCommit 1;
                        if (_time + 60 < time) exitWith {[_effects] call Remove_Drug_effects;};
    	// _id = false spawn dayz_disableRespawn;

    Thanks for the share. Beans.

  2. I'm using the emerald designer mod to spawn a dog when near a kennel with raw meat.

    _isKennel = cursorTarget isKindOf "MAP_psi_bouda";
    if (_isKennel) then {
            if (s_player_doggy < 0) then {
                s_player_doggy = player addaction["Heel hound", "fixes\tame_dog.sqf", cursorTarget, 1, false, true, "",""];
        } else {
            player removeAction s_player_doggy;
            s_player_doggy = -1;

    I added an extra parameter in the script for the meat.

    private ["_hasdog","_type","_pos","_dog","_animalID","_fsmid","_hasRmeat"];
    closedialog 0;
    // Check if player currently has a dog
    _hasdog = player getVariable ["dogID", 0];
    _hasRmeat = "FoodSteakRaw" in Magazines player;
    if (!_hasRmeat) then exitWith {cutText [format["You have no Raw Meat"], "PLAIN DOWN"];};
    if (_hasdog == 0) then {
       _type = "DZ_Pastor";
       _Pos = getPosATL player;
       // Create dog
       _dog = createAgent [_type, _Pos, [], 0, "NONE"];
       PVDZE_zed_Spawn = [_dog];
       publicVariableServer "PVDZE_zed_Spawn";
       _animalID = [_pos,_dog] execFSM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\animal_agent.fsm";
       // Tame dog
       _animalID = _dog getVariable "fsm_handle";
       _animalID setFSMVariable ["_isTamed", true]; 
       _dog disableAI "FSM";
       (group _dog) setBehaviour "AWARE";
       _fsmid = [_dog, typeOf _dog] execFSM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\dog_agent.fsm";
       _fsmid setFSMVariable ["_handle", _fsmid];
       player setVariable ["dogID", _fsmid];
       _dog setVariable ["fsm_handle", _fsmid];
       _dog setVariable ["CharacterID", dayz_characterID, true];
       systemChat "Your dog has been spawned!";
       player removeMagazine 'FoodSteakRaw';
    } else {
       systemChat "You already have a dog!";

    Great mod - better than the one I was using, more natural. Beans!

  3. Or how about copying the entire CfgMagazines.hpp and editing every class line with : WC, at the beginning eg: CfgMagazines becomes CfgWCMagazines, Class Skinbase becomes: Class WCSkinbase and so on...?


    As the different classes are never called except in the case of WarmClothes.sqf wouldn't that work?

  4. When you state that everyone would have to download the entire PBO? Do you mean the game itself (@DayZ_Namalsk) for example? I'm trying to add warm clothes to Epoch Namalsk. I have them working but they do not remain after the restart (I can figure out DB writes) but the main problem is the CfgMagazines.hpp file throws up an error: NoEntry\Config.bin/CfgMagazines.hpp.


    I've also considered overwriting the CfgMagazines.hpp (#include "CfgMagazines.hpp") but that comes with a massive rework. I understand that all instances in the PBO where it states: configFile >> CfgMagazines >> etc, need to be changed to: missionconfigFile >> CfgMagazines >> etc.


    Which in turn means overwriting all files in compiles.sqf to point to the new CfgMagazines.hpp. Although a lot of work do you think this would work?

  5. I have just amended my Chernarus server to become a hardcore Namalsk server. I hoping to capture the survival elements of DayZ. This includes no traders, 3rd person limits and no food spawns. Hardcore players should have a look, casual players please do not apply, you will die...

  6. This is the code with the problem: drunkmusic.sqf:

    _musicdist = 100;
    _coords = [4079.77675, 2738.2970, 4.3325453];
    _music = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty", _coords,[], 0, "NONE"];
    REPEATMUSIC = true;
    while {true} do {
        _nul = [objNull, _music, rSAY, "danceMusic", _musicdist] call RE;
        sleep 49.8;

    I had an init.sqf to initiate the loading of the mod but all it did was check for the player spawn then load the file. I've combined this into one file.


    I think if I add:

    waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_animalCheck"};
    _musicdist = 100;
    _coords = [4079.77675, 2738.2970, 4.3325453];
    _music = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty", _coords,[], 0, "NONE"];
    REPEATMUSIC = true;
    while {true} do {
        _nul = [objNull, _music, rSAY, "battery", _musicdist] call RE;
        sleep 49.8;
    if (REPEATMUSIC) exitWith {
    	execVM "drunkard\drunkmusic.sqf"};

    This should check whether the track is already playing if another player enters its range and exit if it is.


    I'm yet to test this until the next restart. I'll post whether it's correct. Thank you muchly for your input Spodermayt.

  7. Got it sort-of working. Are you making it so the player can "listen" to the music from his radio so everyone hears it? Or are you trying to make it so the entity "Radio" plays music?


    The radio needs to know it's playing a track so that, if another player chooses to listen it does not play the same track over itself. At present it's possible to listen to several tracks at once. Do you think this would require a public event handler of sorts?

  8. Umm, and what did you mean by the "sleep" command? It is in seconds... [delay: Number of seconds].

    All you need is here.


    Thanks. From experience the sleep command is unreliable as a timer, but I totally appreciate your advice. I'll experiment as I know the track length, but as you stated it should therefore work as intended.


    I'll also give yer script a run. At the last test, each player that triggers the music eventually made a cacophony. Do have any idea how to make the music play one at a time, despite the number of players in the vicinity? Otherwise I may have to swap the track for thrash metal...

  9. For me; the passion for survival is the key reason why I started playing. Before DayZ I was playing Kerbal Space Program, and even there I'd add/write mods which would make the game difficult; for example adding O2 consumption and realistic weight.


    If I wanted to have an uber gun, helicopter and instant base then surely I'd be playing Arma II. I'm not a reactive gamer, pro-active I'd say. Before leaving my home base I have to consider where I'm going, what I'll need and where the resources are, should I find myself in trouble. That for me is my buzz. Nothing beats getting chased through a forest in the rain at night with fog rolling in, becoming so disorientated and desperate. Should I survive it becomes a tale to tell the grandchildren.


    Players don't care about hardcore survival. The sooner you come to accept that fact, the faster your server will populate :)

    That was the response I got from a successful military style server host when I protested that my hardcore survival server is devoid of a meaningful player-base. Despite that I continue to write mods for and play upon my own server in the hope that it will populate. The longer this goes on though the more I think he's right?


    It's interesting to note that the survival theme is constantly coming to the fore, yet the most popular servers are military servers...where are the survivalists?

  11. Personally I prefer survival, I prefer the challenge and in trying desperately to gain a player base I've had to dilute my integrity to provide a balance between the hardcore survivalist and the military player. It's an ongoing struggle and one which I do not shy from.


    I have added a lot of mods, but I have been careful not to go too far. My starting kit is (almost) vanilla (certain kit items can be crafted from trash items in true survival fashion) and my Ai do not wander around killing players, instead they are confined to specific areas (dungeons) so you know where the risks are.


    But in the last 6 months I have seen very few new players, instead the masses pouring into servers providing kits and vehicles for free. I don't understand what has happened, as my love for this game remains as strong as ever. Isn't it more interesting to not only pvp, but to do that against a survival theme?

  12. I have just amended my Chernarus server to become a hardcore Namalsk server. I hoping to capture the survival elements of DayZ. This includes no traders, 3rd person limits and no food spawns. Hardcore players should have a look, casual players please do not apply, you will die...

  13. It's perhaps a desperate attempt to draw attention, but the theme of DayZ/Epoch certainly no longer feels like a survival game, more Arma II/III with building. I remember when I started playing DayZ, there was a much stronger emphasis upon survival and it's that I think which drew in the players.


    Everyone seems to have advice about what they'd do to survive if a zombie apocalypse were to happen. But there appears to be less servers providing a genuine survival theme, instead pushing the more militarised version for the sake of gun-porn/pvp.


    Epoch on Arma III is a little outta my PC's league, but having browsed the available videos the flavour is distinctly of the military variety. Are zombies dead? Is survival no longer appealing to the masses?


    I'd loathe to add too many weapons/tanks/jets but they are available. In war there's an element of survival; you can't run around shooting all day without considering the environment. Almost anyone can shoot straight, so wouldn't you want to test yourself against the odds? Isn't that is more interesting?


    I respectfully disagree with the notion that survival is not popular, one only has to browse google and you'll find an entire industry catering for just that.

  14. For the last 9 months I've been hosting a survival server. At this moment it has over 30 custom mods, 100's of scripts, harsh weather, reduced food spawns, custom crafting/building, Ai, trained dogs, cold/dark nights...the  is lengthy.


    I have a few regular players who all state that the server is the best survival server they've played. Looking around at other servers it's clear that most prefer the pvp or pve elements with custom load-outs, tanks, jets and such, but I've been careful not to impose rules as surely the point of DayZ is such freedom.


    I have built a website which provides a batch file to join effortlessly. There are a few permanent military vehicles and I've also created several YouTUBE videos detailing some of the features. Needless to say I have strived very hard to make my server appealing, but I consistently see players join then leave within a few minutes? As such I get no feedback as to why?


    I absolutely adore this game and I challenge anyone to find an admin more committed. I'll keep the server open for as long as I can afford to, but I'd love for some-one to let me know what they think, to perhaps spend a day or two exploring what I've spent many months crafting/coding/inventing?


    Surely the point of DayZ is survival. If there's any survival spirit left in the player-base then you could do much worse...


    Is survival dead? Is DayZ/Epoch no more than an extension of Arma II/III?

  15. If u want the sound to fade away the further you go, use someting like: _radio say [songname, 1000];

    1000 being the distance. Ill explain better later, at my phone atm.


    Thanks. I added a parameter called; _musicrange = 100. This sets the distance of the sound to that range which works great. It even simulates the doppler effect which is impressive.


    The repetition of the track is controlled by the sleep command, but it must be exactly the same length as the track which can be difficult to get right as the sleep command is not in seconds.


    I'm curious whether there's a better way to repeat the track?

  16. This is my progress so far. To get the music to repeat; the last sleep command must be the exact length of the track. As the sleep command is not in seconds it takes a little trial and error to make it fit seamlessly. I'm hoping there's a better way for the repetition:

    _musicrange = 100;
    _radio = _cursorTarget;
    PLAYMUSIC = true;
    while {true} do {
        _nul = [objNull, _radio, rSAY, "battery", _musicrange] call RE;
        sleep 70.1;

    To stop the music it may be necessary to create another fn_selfActions file which states:

    PLAYMUSIC = false;

    The range of the track does not have to be limited to 100, it could be any figure.

  17. I'm developing a music mod that plays from a radio. At present I can play music using a radio but the music does not get quieter further from the source.This is due to the sound being linked to the player. Other players can hear the music but it does not repeat.


    Unpack your mission.pbo. Create a 2 folders in the root. One called: sound (you may already have this), the other called: fixes, or use your custom mod folder (edit the code in the fn_selfActions file accordingly).


    Download the file.


    Copy the sound file (battery.ogg) into the sound folder.


    Copy the battery folder into the fixes (mod) folder.


    In your fn_selfActions file add to the bottom:

    _ismammoth = cursorTarget isKindOf "MAP_radio";
    if (_ismammoth) then {
    	dayz_addbattery = player;
    	if (s_player_battery_on < 0) then {
            s_player_battery_on = player addAction ["Listen...","fixes\battery\radio_on.sqf",dayz_addbattery, 2, false, true, "", ""];
        } else {
            dayz_addbattery removeAction s_player_battery_on;
            s_player_battery_on = -1;

    In your description.ext add into the class CfgSounds section before the closing quotes:

    class battery
        name = "battery";
        sound[] = {\sound\battery.ogg, 0.4, 1.0};
        titles[] = {};

    And add in this section:

    class CfgSounds

    Note: you only need to add the word: battery, into this section if you already have other sounds.


    Next you will have to add the item: MAP_radio, into the map. Either use the editing tool or as I do use the mod. The radio is the small white radio in the misc section.


    When you look at the radio you'll see the option to: Listen... Selecting: Listen... plays the track once.


    Note: You can change the track using Easy MP3 Cutter to sample the new file into the .ogg format.


    File: MusicalRADIOS


    Ideally I'd like the sound to repeat play from the radio without the switch, and to get quieter the further from the source you go. If anyone has any advice or comments they'd be gratefully received.

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