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Posts posted by Kenturrac

  1. Hey guys,

    some time ago I had my own testserver to test scripts and so on, but time has past and I deconstructed the rig it was running on. It would take too much time to set it up again which leads me to the point where I wonder if someone here could give me access to his testserver. I dont want to touch any files or so. I dont need access to dedi box or the settings. I just want to connect to it as a player with infistar rights. You know, spawning stuff and so on. There are some things I wanna test with bases, weapon dmg and so on. I would pay for my stay! Like 10 bucks for 1 week access. You can make an offer. I would prefer people with some more than just one post on the forum since I am a little bit scared of getting scammed. It would be best if it would be an OverPoch testserver, but pure Epoch should be fine aswell.


    I hope this request does not violate any rules of the forum. If so, I am deeply sorry and someone should tell me

  2. Specifically, which bit do you mean when you refer to "share alike" ? :)


    Either way, I'm not sure if Zombies.nu (DayZero) donation scheme in accordance BI / DayZ ToS/licensing because I've no involvement in the donations.

    Zombies.NU donations are nothing to do with the "Zombies.NU" ARMA 3 Epoch servers.

    You dont share the Server files.

  3. Why do people give a sh*t about other people. Everyone here who complained about pay2win server. Are NOT even running Dedicated Servers and dose not even have a player base compared to the GSP ones. If a player wants to give money, Then thats HIS option. We dont force people to play on pay2win server. Plus if someone pay then he pays to keep that server up. And everyone else gets a great server to play on which stays online. And dose not post "Servers down due to host" topics. We dont lock players down to only our server. They can leave when they want. They can also pay if they want. Pay2Win only happends in FPS Games. Not arma. Just because i get a better gun to start off with dose not change the fact that am a shitty shot.



    Best Regards,


         Knight Instinct Gaming

    Again, dont be stupid. Nothing anyone offers is P2W. All of it is just part of F2P. Besides that, i agree, its up to the player.

  4. Just to clear things up.

    ZOMBIES.NU accept donations towards the mod for that they developed - dayzero - you won't find server files for it anywhere nor will you find another ARMA 2 DayZ mod that has equal performance. As a reward for donating, players are offered a reserved slot and an in-game neckwarmer/bandit skin. That's NOTHING compared to actual in-game items that provide an advantage over other players. That's not a monthly subscription. You don't have to pay to have a teamspeak channel from us.

    No way at all do the DayZero donators get any perks on ARMA 3 Epoch nor will they ever do so.

    I solely fund the ARMA 3 Epoch server and will continue to do so.

    If Fisk and I (the only two admins from the ZNU team that have an interest in A3 Epoch) have to split off from Zombies.NU name and create our own new community for ARMA 3 Epoch so that we are not affiliated with the donation scheme then we have no problem doing so, other than choosing a good new name ;)

    Stop comparing molehills to mountains. They really are not on the same level at all. It's no secret that the Zombies.NU DayZeroC servers have not been earning enough donations to pay for the servers and has been funded by the owner for the past 12months (probably longer). Can the same be said?

    Isnt that against the DayZ ToS? You know, share alike and so on.

  5. I mean for one, the DayZ-related ToS they have isn't even related to A3 Epoch in the first place. I can't see anything in the A3 ToS that mentions it. Reserved slots (especially with the way we have it implemented where they don't kick anyone) aren't pay to play or pay to win. We'd also have them anyway for admins, which is obviously fine.


    It's far different from selling in-game items (or any in-game advantage) or running an actual store. The reserved slots system I have literally benefits everyone involved. We pay for our servers, admins get in when needed, players get in if they really want to. It's a finite resource, it's not like we can give it to everyone. If we didn't have them, the people who didn't donate still wouldn't be getting in because the server would cap. I run the server cap 5 higher than I normally would because those slots never completely fill.


    Can anyone think of a single valid reason why this is a bad thing other than "money is bad". Because if you want to take that route, the advertisements for sites that actually commercialize Arma on the front page aren't any different.


    By the way, I don't give a shit about making money off of this. The reserved slots earn just enough to help me pay the $200 server bill in a way that is fair for everyone.


    Anyway, instead of arguing, how about we propose an actual solution:


    Don't allow in-game perks or advantages (for the A3 Epoch server specifically, if a community does it for other mods that is fine), and make reserved slots an exception. Don't allow anything that violates the ToS directly.


    This should make everyone happy, or atleast as happy as they're going to get.


    I just want to point out that not everyone benefits from it. The player that has no access to the reserved slot will have problems joining a full server with reserved slots. Lets say the server has 55 regular slots and 5 reserved. If all of them are filled, 6 "no matter what"-players have to leave until the first normal player can join again.I mean thats unlikely, but something that I experienced multiple times: You dont get instantly thrown back at the lobby if the server has 5 reserved slots open since you will receive a message that you got kicked because of reserved slots. That makes joining way harder since you cant simply join spam. That can get really really annoying. I am not saying that reserved slots are bad. I like them, but saying everyone benefits from it, is not entirely true.


    Feel free to correct me, maybe you have a different system that avoids all of these "problems".

  6. This times one million.


    I have ZERO issues with epoch devs stating that they want rules followed, it's their right to make any rules they want for their mod.


    The issue I have is that the rules seem to only apply to some and not all.


    Pick a side, either no perks, or allow perks, but don't say no perks then have your first official servers offer up donator perks.


    I don't care what toejam does with his servers, if he doesn't want to offer perks, that's awesome, but so far he's the only host (Dave is ok in my book as well) that has went along with those rules.


    So either let others that have perks host servers, or remove BMRF and Zombies.nu from your "official" servers so it's fair.




    Their all access pass includes reserved slots, which is against BI tos :)


    GOLD! Sequisha, how about liking that post ;)


    Actually I am currently out of the whole scripting, hosting and Epoch business at all and you guys would smile about threads like this, if you would take a step back from it. Its really not worth arguing about and its also not really an important topic at all. At some point BI put out a statement about whats allowed and what not. They probably had a reason for it, but we also learned that they really dont care about it or did anyone of you hear about any actions against any server owner? (Origins is still out there, right?)


    So how about you all look at it as mature human beings and accept that hosting a server can be a business. Some people like to make money with it. Its not about getting rich. I mean look at CCG. Maca owns basically everthing that is left of the A2 Epoch community, but he will not make a living out of it and if he would, he is probably not driving a Ferrari.

    On the other side, he will probably also never get the A3 Epoch files since the Devs dont agree with his actings. So I guess both sides win and the players just lose out of the endless war between these two factions. I mean, I doubt that any player really cares about it. Its not like they have to spent money or they will automatically lose against a player that donated. I guess player would love to see their beloved server running on a better hardware that was only affordable because of donation. I mean, lets face it. If the player gets something in return, its more likely he will donate.


    Having said everything of that, I dont like perks. Not because I dont want that anyone gets money for the time he spend maintaining or because I think its not fair. I just think its spoils and alters the intended gameplay of this Mod. Most servers offer settings that already ruined most of the gameplay that attracted over 1million people at one point and perks these days are often just another step in the same wrong direction.


    Just burry that topic. Respect the player and threat him as that. Both sides. Hosters: Dont put insane perks out for money that alter the gameplay for players who didnt spend money. Epoch-Devs: If the player wants to spend money, let him, if he doesnt want to play on a server with perks on it, he can decide and leave. I really dont get why we are talking about this stuff. It's like every single one of you thinks he is smarter than the player. Dont play mom.


    Besides all of that: Please, dont be stupid. Nothing of this is pay2win. Its all part of a common F2P model. If you want more education in what is F2P and what is P2W, just ask. I can enlighten you.

  7. Whats torture for one is pleasure for another. At least that is the feeling I get when I read your post. I guess its about goal every player has. Mine and the one of my squad is intense squad battles. You get the drill out of surviving and exploring if I get you right. For me, running around and looking in every building for a NPC is not reason to play that game. I just wanna get rid of the stuff I found or loot from dead bodies, if I dont need them.


    Hmmmm, now I red it again and I am not sure what you mean. I dont care about waypoints, but I would like to see the trader markers since these guys move around from time to time.

  8. Try a hardcore server will all the regular setting and just add FP only. Leave it running for some time. Watch it. The biggest change is FP which many people like. I get turned off by all the other things that get turned off like markers and gameplay readabilites. As long as that stays like this, I would never join a a official hardcore server. And there is nothing that I want more than playing on a FP server.


    The history of hardcore server is quite long in games like DayZ. Start it slowly. Play a safe round for now. Test the limits and how changes respond to the playerbase. I said it in another thread. All these changes that came with the FP server are overambitious. Its simply not fun to look for a trader that takes 1m² on a 270km² map. That simply kills the whole random trader feature for me.

  9. Let me know when you open up a FP server without all the additional settings what basically take away the features.


    Lets say a trader takes the space of 1m² and we have 200 of them. Compare that to 270km². I mean its not like they have a big sign on the entrance of their shops... Its fine to remove your HUD elements. People often get the impression thats the most important thing if you wanna go hardcore... (if you thnk about it...so stupid....). But before you remove HUD elements make sure you visual language is fine.


    No indicator + 8h shift. I call that bad design and player torture. Sry for the tone, I'm a little bit mad now. Red the good news about FP server and got dragged down by over ambitious design changes. But we will see. The amount of players on that server compared TP servers will tell us more.

  10. True that, but it introduces a lot of other problems like dsync. Played on you server 4 months ago or so. You should know what I am talking about. We left cause of the dsync. The settings where fine, looting was fast, you know, nothing of the normal problems you have to deal with, but air battles and so on where pointless. Dsyncing all over the place. Noticed that on a lot of HC servers. I guess hoster like the extra calculation power they have but underestimate the effect on bandwith if they put to much code in that needs to replicate.


    Anyway, digging in to it is fun. So go for it!

  11. As one who has a key but didnt play so far I want to tell you why. Cause playing alone is not fun. So I have to wait until my 3 other mates also get keys. So yeah, a lot of people have key, try it once and drop it until they can play with their mates. Never met one in A2 Epoch who wasnt part of a squad and playing a MP game alone is just boring as you can imagine. :D


    So I really really really wanna play and I have a key, but I will not spoil any experience before I can share it. And guess what, I assume I am not the only one.

  12. What the f**k is wrong with you guys? I need only one account for all the gamed. The only think i know is that someone do another account because VAC-Ban or something else, so i think VAC-Ban guys arent good for epoch. One Time Hacker, All Time Hacker.


    There are multiple reasons for multiaccounting. An Epoch related reason would be having a second account for a second char that was dedicated to building. In the beginning you had to rebuilt the plot pole every time you died. So it seemed smart to have a second dude that was connected to the plotpole and that char would never leave the base.


    A epoch unrelated reason would be having a smurf account for highly competive games like dota or cs go. Sometimes you just wanna play with low bracket friends or smash some scrub heads.


    Wonder what guy you are by just joining a conversation and starting insulting people. You mom wouldnt be proud. Next time just think before posting and dont look at the would like you would have a glass half empty. And! Never forget to smile :D

  13. Nope, you cant. You miss all the server files and they will not release it before at least 0.5. If you wanna learn something about how they did certain stuff, you have access to the client files. Its just packed in .pbo and you can easily extract it, but without the server files you will not be able to host the game on your own. Even if you just wanna do it in a singleplayer kinda way.

  14. I just hope they will come up with another distribution of keys than Twitch. But I understand that its not easy. You never can make all people happy. The other problem would be that most people will try it out for 1 or 2h and drop it afterwards. Not because its bad, just because they are alone. Most players are playing in a group. If you would hand out a single key, it wouldnt help. Or maybe its just me. I wouldnt play alone.


    Yeah, as I said. It's not easy, but I assume they have a master plan and a answer to all these questions.

  15. At this time we will be giving keys to twitch.tv streamers to giveaway.


    So if I am a player who loves to play and I dont watch other people playing cause my time is limited and I love to play, I cant play Epoch. That just sounds wrong. :( I mean its not like I have to be there at a specific time. That giveaway takes place over multiple hours.


    So that Mod connected us cause we love to play it and now its about watching other players play instead of playing on our own. I leave that here. Its just something to think about. :D

  16. Without an official statement I wouldnt expect any update of Arma 2 Epoch over the next weeks. I think they really try to finish up 0.1 of Arma 3 Epoch. I remember seeing that "release date" moving multiple times when we were awaiting 1.0.5. Not sure if they set this date or if its kinda procedual generated. Before 1.0.5. multiple RC where made to test the shit out of the patch. Nothing of that happened yet. I also remember one of them saying that they might skip and directly jumping to 1.0.6. I think I heard that in one of their streams.

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