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Posts posted by RimBlock

  1. After a rather frustrating weekend working on this, Some progress.


    Phase 1 (should be fairly easy).

    • More realistic fill rates so a car takes less cycles to fill than a heli based on pump rate of fueling truck used or pump [Ready for Beta].
    • Fuel sources can include fuel trucks [Bumped to phase 3 - requires a rework of fuel pump code].

    Phase 2

    • A menu to choose which vehicle to fuel out of those within range [Ready for Beta].

    I believe the two tier action menu is now working correctly with the second tier auto-refreshing each time you fill a vehicle.  The second tier is generated on the fly based on what vehicles are in range (range can be defined by the server owner).


    I will take a look at packaging it up and putting build instructions together so anyone who wishes to test it out can do so and provide feedback.

  2. I am converting my fuel truck code from Epoch -> and debugging rounding issues (0.994 gets rounded to 1).  It may not seem much but if a C130 hold 34,000L of fuel then 0.006% is 204L (i.e.  more than any cars close to what the Littlebirds can hold).



    Thanks for the offer, what areas would you like to help in.


    Logic - Functional design.

    Anything else ?.

  3. This has been looked at back when the PlayerUID changed to the SteamID and blew out the characterID field in the DB (and my A Plot for Life mod).  The issue report on the Git goes through the investigation at that time and I have linked it to your new issue report (it is this one).


    For my mod, I moved the steamID for buildables to the worldspace field in the DB (a number of other mod makers have also followed suit and it is starting to get cramped in there).


    The Epoch mod team leveraged the getoldplayerUID command that BIS released shortly after the 1.63 release to allow mod makers to get the old PlayerUID for a player rather than the SteamID.  THis function was added to Epoch which was never released and has now become 1.0.6 (due at the end of Oct...... possibly, maybe).


    The code is in the compiles.sqf (lines 547-562).


    It is standalone so does not rely on anything else and I have also included it in my latest version of A Plot for Life for Epoch

  4. Not sure, I have a bunch of other mods installed, tried to follow the instructions but it broke a few things so I had to go back. Im running an epoch origins server from gtx gaming though so idk


    Because this mod changes ownership check with more or less everything to do with building and buildable objects I would tend to advise installing it first and then adding other mods on top.  Now, Epoch Origins is also a pretty comprehensive change to vanilla Epoch, from what I understand, so it is unlikely to be an easy merge, especially if you are not so familuar with scripting.


    I am sure others have done it and may be willing to share here.  I dont run an Epoch Origins server so can not easily help, sorry.

  5. Nice list.


    A couple of notes:


    • For the dev tools you may just want to link the thread I created a while ago in my sig.
    • Bright green on the default light background forum theme is not so easy to read.
    • A Plot for life has Client mission and server side changes.


    I am sure this would be a great on-stop-shop for links related to the current Epoch mods although I don't envy you the work required to keep it current.  Thanks for taking the time :) .

  6. Damn, thanks man. I am not using any host it's all here on my home box. I did notice you're original post seems to have changed a bit, is an update reccomended?




    SO I did some extensive googling and although I never found a specific case of my error I did find many similar which led me to look in "MySQL Server\my.ini", lo and behold right there was no-beep right in the first line after the [client] class.


    Weird Huh?


    Glad to see you got to the bottom of the problem :) .  With hindsight I guess wingrep may have found it for you as well.


    The update in the original post should only be to add a couple more options for mysqldump so that events and triggers also get dumped out (if you have any).  There should be no harm adding the parameters and it means the dump is a bit more comprehensive rather than just the databases and their objects / data.

  7. Clearly no -no-beep option in the msqldump line.


    Are you using a hosting provider as they may be running a backup for you are well and you may be picking up their error.  GIve a check to your Windows scheduler to make sure you do not have another copy running from the distant past or something.  The bat file you posted will not be the cause.

  8. They have a lot of things going on right now.  Getting A3 Epoch ready to be open to the public is probably their highest priority at the moment.  A2 Epoch works fine for the most part, so it will likely be way down on the priority list.  And let's face reality here too, folks.  Shortly after A3 Epoch is released further development of A2 Epoch will likely cease.  A2 Epoch 1.0.6 will probably be the last A2 Epoch release.


    I would tend to agree.  The demand on the dev team for A3Epoch is likely to be pretty high for quite a while and, even with the best of intentions, they most likely just don't have the time available to concentrate on A2 Epoch.




    It is kinda hard to justify spending lots of time on A2 based mods when A3 gives a lot more power with more security (for the most part), nicer graphics, more play options and character customisation.  Someone has also released a pack for A3 allowing you to load the A2 maps and someone else has a mod that puts all the A2 civ vehicles in A3.  DayZ in A3 may be possible although I think a lot of people are moving away from the questionable zombies :) .




    Think of all those empty, non-loot spawning buildings that no one would ever go in to if they didn't have to get away from running zombies that can only walk indoors  ;) .

  9. I meant Temporarily :) Good Job RimBlock with P4L


    Thanks :) .


    Traffic cones sound a nice touch :)


    I did have them blinking at night which was pretty good but unfortunately not all of them would light at any one time.  Seemed to be a limitation and was probably not so good for the game framerate for what was a bit of eyecandy.  Oh the shadows were pretty terrible at times too so I removed the blinking.  When I first put them in, they would fall over if on a hill as well :D .  Had to disable simulation but that means you cannot walk through them.  Hopefully they will not stop vehicles etc ..... although..... if they did then they could be used as anti traffic protection ;) .


    Anyway, back to this mod...


    I am just halfway through trying to clear some bugs from a much more expandable and secure mod framework for A3 I am putting together with someone Raymix at the moment.  Once done, I can put that one on hold for a bit whilst I get some stuff finished for this one.   Should only take a few evenings.


    Try use this.





    %mysqldumpexe% --user=%dbuser% --password=%dbpass% --databases --routines --log-error=%errorLogPath% %%F > "%backupfldr%%%F.%backuptime%.sql"
    %mysqldumpexe% --no-defaults --login-path=local --routines --events --triggers --quick --add-drop-database --log-error=%errorLogPath% --databases %%F > "%backupfldr%%%F.%backuptime%.sql"


    Thanks, apologies for missing these extra options.


    --events : Dumps out DB events (db Epoch housekeeping events for example).

    --triggers : Dumps out any triggers which are fired id a row in a table changes depending ont he trigger definition (non used for vanilla Epoch).

    --quick : Dumps out a row at a time rather than pooling in the MySQL server ram and then writing in one go.


    One other option that may be of use to some is 


     --single-transaction : Does the dump in a single transaction (sets a begin tran) negating the need to lock tables (no user lock privilege required for DB backup user).


    The one I have deliberately left out is --add-drop-database as this will cause the original table to be dropped from the DB (if it already exists) when the backup sql file is reloaded in to the DB.  The reason I have left it out is that it is usually better to load the backup in to a staging DB so the data can be checked before moving it over to the prod DB.  If anyone would prefer just to be able to load straight over the top of the existing data in their DB then you can add this option.


    Original code amended on my Git and a pull request has been raised for the Epoch base code to absorb.

  11. this is not being worked on anymore


    Really ???  Who said that ?.


    ha ha i am gonna work on a new mod script , so i will talk about it, then just not complete it! lol


    What mods have you produced free for the community ?.


    So since the last update;

    Config changes for realistic fuel values (air and sea vehicles).

    • Pushed realistic fuel values to the Epoch config files for air and sea vehicles which were merged by the Epoch dev team.

    Gamespy -> Steam fiasco resulting in;

    • A complete rewrite of A Plot for Life.

    Push for A Plot for Life to be added to the Epoch core build

    • An extensive rewrite of A Plot for Life to align it with Epoch and to enable it to be an option to save people having to go through the hassle of merging files.

    Due to delays with Epoch coming out and the Dev teams concentration on A3Epoch, convert to allow use as a standalone mod for

    • A medium rewrite to allow people to use it with as a mod.

    General discussions on the build functions.

    • Working with Raymix on the modular building framework for Epoch

    Due to issues of merging various mods.

    • Built a merged version of A Plot for Life incorporating Snap Build pro and the Modular Building Framework (with Raymix s agreement), both optionised so they can be turned on or off.

    People having issues with historic bases having to be rebuilt if using A Plot for Life.

    • Built a Take ownership option and added it to A Plot for Life allowing base owners to realign their bases to the new system for recording base ownership.

    Plot pole markers having limited control.

    • Added the option to turn plot markers and turn them off again and changed them to lit road cones to help night building (sort of fun addition for a change).


    On top of that has been the code management (learning the basics of Github releases / branches etc), daily support for A Plot for Life releases including issues with merging other mods.  That is, of course, excluding normal work and family life.  Essentially the last 3 months have been pretty busy with a large proportion of my spare time being spent working on stuff for the Epoch community.


    A Plot for Life is finally fairly stable and is unlikely to be added too going forwards (just bug fixes).  I have some time to get back to this now.  


    Epoch RC build (now changed to 1.0.6) being delayed time and time again means I cannot use the updated config files.  Although I can code around their need, I would then need to re-code again when they are released for better efficiency.


    Your post and attitude makes me a lot less likely to spend any more of my own free time on this.  It also makes me a lot less likely to help you in one of your scripting help posts if I happen to come across any.


    You could have just PM'd me for an update (like Hellwalker did) or asked me to update the thread via PM as I don't always catch individual thread updates, but no... you thought making that comment was by far the most intelligent and funny thing to do.


    Good job moe.


    I will take a look today to see if I can get the small rounding issues with the refueling from the fuel truck fixed and if so will release that part shortly.

  12. Does this require any special permissions as get this error?


    "Access Denied for user when using Lock tables"





    Doesn't seem to work creats a file with no .sql at the end plus the file ony has a few entries for each table


    If the chosen user does not have access to lock tables then it will not be able to lock the tables in order to dump the contents without it being changed whilst the dump is in progress.  Give the backup user lock permissions.  I use a specific backup user profile (backupadmin) for the account that does the dumps.  It is pre-defined in MySQL Workbench.


    hey Rim,


         I have been trying to get this to work for about an hour now and I can't seem to figure out whats wrong. My server and SQL DB are both on my "B" drive, but for the sake of space I have the backups saved on the "C" drive. When I run the batch everything appears to be ok, the files are created where they are supposed to be but they are completely empty. When i add "Pause" to the bottom of the batch to read what it says all I see is


    "mysqldump: unknown option '--no-beep'"


    and then the error about no files found with search criteria which I know is normal when the backups are still new.


    What is the mysqldump line you are running in the .bat file.  My code above does not include a -no-beep option.


    Yep, you are correct about the no files found message.  Just means there are no files to be house kept as none are old enough yet.

  13. I can easely add this to doorManagement, 


    I can even save it to database with the people data! ^^


    ( and make several option for server owners to choose from ^^)


    Yep and would also be good to have it as an option for a standalone enhancement for people who may not wish to add the whole door management suite for whatever reasons.


    If you'd rather not then I could probably have a look as a break from the database / sqf A3 coding I am currently doing for a new project.

  14. In that case, I cannot think of anything to do with this mod that would cause it.  The mod only deletes objects when taking ownership (it then recreates with the new owner) and on a player choosing to remove the object.


    Check your server RPT file for any object deletions.


    Let us know what you find and myself or someone else will try to help getting to the bottom of this.


    The Take Ownership is a new feature, hence is not so mature and will get more priority from me to make sure any issues are ironed out.


    If you were using A Plot fr Life v2.xx onwards and all buildables were built from new after A Plot for Life was installed then you will not need to take ownership of bases to align to the new system although the take ownership option will realign all buildables to the plot owner regardless of who built them ;) .

  15. Yeah just


    _tempHumaity = player getvariable["humanity",0];


    player setvariable ["Humanity",_tempHumanity, true];


    Just off the top of my head so may not run as is ;) but should give an idea.


    There is also a big thread on the issue although I have not read through it yet.

  16. This one is a bit baffling .


    Random deletions should not occur.


    When you say old verion, do you mean v1 or v2 old version ?.


    The Take Ownership have two main uses.

    Allow people who were not using A Plot for Life or who were using v1 of A Plot for life to align their bases to the new system.

    Allow base raiders to destroy the original plot pole and place a new on and then take ownership of non-ocked buildables so they can do what they want (which seems reasonible).


    It is set as an option so it can be turned on for base ownership realignment and then turned off again for Servers wehre the admins do not want base takeover to be available.


    I would check your DB and look at the damage field to see if it is anything othere than 0.  The maintenance function may be 'degrading' the buildables and theny they are deleted when the server cleanup is run or when the server restarts.


    Try taking control of a base (pref on a test server) and checking all the base buildables have got the new SteamID in the worldspace field or if some of them are missing.


    If it is locked items that are vanishing it may be because they are deliberately excluded from the take ownership functionality to make it so base raiders do not automatically get access to locked doors (although they can remove the walls around the locked doors after taking ownership).

  17. Yep have mentioned the idea a number of times and it should be pretty easy to implement.


    Booby trapped door

    Requireds: locked door & frag grenade.

    Action: Boobytrap the door.

    Result: X wrong tries (keep it random so it is more like Russian roulette) spawns the activiated frag grenade in front of the door (with no warning).


    Same could be done with an alarm system with a generator, a light of some sort and possibly a siren.  Could do the same again and electrify the door resulting in XXX damage for each incorrect attempt.


    Personally I like the frag grenade as it is consumable but not so hard to replace.

  18. Need to be careful that the character record has been written to the DB recently as it is not saved all the time, only on certain events.  If possible grabbing the environment variable for humanity (if set) would be much preferred.


    You cannot access the DB calls directly from the client code (deliberately) so you would have to set up a new public variable to request the data from the server.  The server would then catch this request, query the data (by running a server side SQF with the code snippet above in it - don't forget to initialise variables etc).  The server would then pass the public variable back the calling client via another public variable.  The client would then receive the variable and could manipulate it.


    You could need to define the public variable calls at each side for client to server and server to client as well as write the sqf to query the db and whitelist the public variables in Battleeye / Infinistar.


    Not such as small job as it may have seemed but very do-able if you want to go that way.


    I have not looked at the humanity issue but saving the current humanity to a local variable, changing the clothes and then writing the saved humanity back ot the player object variable would be the normal way to do it.


    If you want to give an overview of the issue then I may be able to offer some better suggestions, if you would like.

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