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Posts posted by RimBlock

  1. Not a problem.  I know it's just a bandaid fix, but for now it's working.


    Question to you sir.  My players and I cannot tag as friendly.  I mean, we can, but we cannot build in each others bases.  Any thoughts on where to look?


    Check the character_data -> currentstate field to make sure the SteamIDs are being saved.  There is a max of 5 tagged friendlies allowed in Epoch.  Friendlies have to look at the plot owner after logging on before they can build on their plot.  Check the .rpt files (client and server) to see if you are getting any errors.


    Have a play around with that and let me know if it is still an issue and I will try to help suggest where you can dig a bit deeper.

  2. For some reason on my server after restart you have to replace the plot-pole to build again... any ideas?






    Oddly enough, I"m having this problem too... I'm trying to figure it out




    The mod works out of the box on vanilla Epoch.  Most issues are either with other mods not being merged correctly or with anti-hack.  The mod also has a number of options to turn various parts on and off.  For people to help we really need the full picture.


    What other mods do you have installed ?.

    What A Plot for Life options have you turned on (the variables you set in the mission init.sqf) ?.

    Any errors in your server or client .rpt files (please use the spoiler tags if you are going to paste examples) ?.



    Different build sqf files are used for different options, so whilst it sounds like the ownerUID is not being set on the newly created game world object, which of the building files to check is still a mystery.



    Sounds like the plot pole is not being built with the correct information saved in to the worldspace of the DB record or there is an issue in the server_monitor.sqf file.

  3. Not really following on that,


    THe thing i proposed, it doesnt matter which position it's in? 


    But i dont really get the while sentence ^^ i'm sorry


    What you have proposed is a way to read the values.  There is no unified way to write them though.  Some mods have modified the server object publish scripts and some just modify the worldspace data before it is sent to the server.  Something that is unified on both sides of the equation would be more balanced.


    Having to scan the worldpace variable each time you want to save it to find the correct position for the data you want to save rather than using a lookup table (global array) to tell you the position to save that data (could be populated on server load I guess) would seem to be pretty inefficent.


    A couple of other poiints on why a guide rather than a server pack may be better;

    • If the server owner only wants one or two of the mods, the clients still have to download all the mods code making a bigger download on connection (mission.pbo or code is not pbo'd).
    • VBAwol has on the forums.

    Put a guide together on how to merge based on this framework.  I am sure there are lots of people out there who will be extremely grateful.


    It would probably be prudent for someone to check the max data size for a buildable item (i.e. a safe) with max items, all having long names and sample info from all the mods and see if the ext.dll limit causes issues. 

  4. I fixed the issue of being banned for taking ownership.  


    Open your AH.sqf, and search for limit = 5.  Change 5 to whatever number you want (I have mine at 200).  


    Yes it means a person could delete 200 items on your server; but you can take over bases.  I have vigilant admins, so I am not worried.


    Nice. If infinistar holds that number in a server side variable then there is probably the potential to whitelist someone taking ownership so this value is increased for them for that action (script) only and thus not exposing the rest of the server.


    Thanks for posting the information for others.

  5. I would suggest you make a guide about how to integrate these mods using this system.  That way the separate mod owners can control and manage their mods independently and the guide can be updated by you independently when required.


    Note: For A Plot for Life, I will probably be pushing it to the core Epoch build after a month or so.  When the Dev team get a break and can do some testing for A2 Epoch 1.0.6 I would expect it to be added and then the issue is likely to go away for A Plot for Life.


    If we agree on a system then I am ok to modify my code to make it easier for other mods to integrate in to 1.06 using the worldspace variable.


    I would suggest that positions are allocated for each of the mods using it currently though so the values placed in the worldspace field can be at targeted positions rather than having to scan the array for the correct place each time you need to update / create objects.

  6. Firstly I would sort out the issue you have with mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_24.Napf\custom_monitor.sqf


    Secondly it sounds like the player_build.sqf is not setting the ownerUID variable on the newly build object (it will be set on the server start as the objects load hence it working after a restart).


    Are you also using the modular build system (part of this mod but needs to be turned on) ?.

  7. Hi Guys.


    I have this script running on my server, and the Snap system is perfekt.

    But the plot pole for life is a nother story, when i set a plot pole, i can offcause start build. But if i foreksample set a cinderblock wall, then i can upgrade it cause there is a Plot pole hearby, then i have to remove the blot pole and then i can upgrade, but then i cant build anymore, so have to set the plot pole again to keep build, then take it away again if i will upgrade.

    Anybody that has any ide ore a fix for this??



    Do you have any other mods installed ?.


    Do you have any errors in the client or server .rpt file ?.


    Something is not implemented correctly with your install.  I have no issues building, upgrading and downgrading.

  8. I recommand a change on line 114 of your compiles from

    DZE_snap_build_file = 		"Custom\Snap_Pro\snap_build.sqf"; // Set as a global variable as it is also referenced in snapbuild.sqf


    if(isNil "DZE_snap_build_file")then{
       DZE_snap_build_file = 		"Custom\Snap_Pro\snap_build.sqf"; // Set as a global variable as it is also referenced in snapbuild.sqf

    since u use it as an DZE variable which are mainly configurable for users ( meant to be?)


    The snap build variable is used for the snap build mod.  Ideally it should only be defined in one place.  Sure it could be over ridden in the init.sqf but for what ?.  Just change it in the compiles.sqf.


    The variable could go in the variables.sqf file but I put it here so it would only be defined if DZE_modularBuild was set to true (i.e. it was needed or snap build pro).


    edit: For the version I will probably be pushing to the Epoch Git, I will be setting it up as a !isnull as you suggest as the core files will not be easy to edit.



    hmm, Why not just use the following like upgrade?



    Check out server_swapobject.sqf (called with the PV you mentioned).  It deletes and publishes.  Update object would be good but the call that updates the worldspace works by objectID and that is only populated on server reboot so any objects built after the last server reboot would not be updated.


    I spent many hours cursing and swearing trying to get this working with standard calls and finally having to write a slight variation of the publish object as the standard one would not let you publish with an inventory.

  9. Yeah, I just got banned from my own server for taking ownership of my own base, lol!


    I tried increasing the limit in infiSTAR, since it think that you're base nuking by deleting so many items at once.  I have mine set to 500, and got banned for taking ownership of 65 or so items.  I'll e-mail infiSTAR about it.



    EDIT:  Seems I forgot to put the limit back to 500 after I installed the new AH.  I'll reply here when the next restart hits and I can up the limit.  If it works, I'll post my solution here.


    Thanks for taking the time to look at the mod and solutions for people using infinistar.  Unfortunately the standard Epoch hiveext.dll does not allow updates that would allow me to just add ownership to the objects so I have to delete and recreate.



    So something I found out today after more testing and not sure if it is a feature or I got a bug.  After installing a few more mods on the test server my friend and I were making sure tagging friendly still works.  Still does just fine but we started putting out safes and lock boxes messing around.  Noticed any safes or lockboxes I put down never required a code to open.  Same with him.  If I went to his I did need a code.  I restarted the server just to make sure not a bug / glitch but still could open my safes and lockboxes without a code.  His still required it.  So my question is does PP4L make this change to the way safes and lockboxes work?  If so that is a really nice feature but if not then dang it I did something wrong.


    I see additional features mentions something along those lines but does not specifically say the above so trying to confirm.


    Yes.... and no.


    The code that manages you being able to unlock locked items you own without needing the code has been in Epoch since (possibly earlier but this is the version I started with).  The problem was that locked items had no ownership information stored as the cahracterID field was used for the locks code.


    Moving the ownership info away from the characterID field now means the ownership of the locked item can be checked and the lock code is also stored :).  This results in the feature you are now seeing. 


    There were some posts about it earlier in the thread and it is noted that some people would rather their players use door codes so they are forced to remember them (less admin resets).  The ideal solution (within the current framework) would be to have auto unlocking for the owner but allow them to manually change the lock code with an option in the action menu. 

  10. I appear the be having the same problem here. I have disabled BE and removed infistar to try and track things down but still no luck.....


    I am getting prety much the identical logs as the previous post and the same symptoms.. Take Ownership gets as far as the delete_object section and nothing more so the items are removed from the DB and not republished


    This is a fresh vanilla install of and this is the only mod installed..


    Any Help will be greatly appreciated.






    Please read through my responses to OSUapoc, let me know which ones you have tried and their results and we should be able to help you narrow down where the problem lies.

  11. EDIT:  Wiped my test server and started over.  Confirmed tagging friendly to another player allows them to build.  Not sure what caused my issue last go around but too many changes to try to troubleshoot.  Easier to start over.  If anyone was looking into it please disregard. 


    EDIT 2:  And forgot to say Thank you for the great mod :)


    Good to hear it is working for you.  Thanks for letting us know you resolved the issue.


    Friendly tagging is not my favorate thing in Epoch and its client to client communication can take a bit to get your head around.

  12. Thanks man, I do greatly appreciate your work trust me, as you can imagine it's just very painful as an administrator having to constantly sit there pouring over notepad++ with the compare tool working out what I need to change between various mods, gives me many headaches :P


    Didn't mean to say that I didn't think you'd made enough effort, I meant on all sides. Would be very nice to get it all merged, I might see what I can do to get them all together and at least release a combined one.


    Believe me, as a mod maker it is painful for us working out install instructions to convert from vanilla to modded version :) .  I understand your intentions and agree with them but also have lots of mod ideas to explore and limited time. 


    Good luck  ;)

  13. @ havoc302


    He said that efforts had been made (by myself) but just about no-one approached responded when the subject of collaboration was raised (to the point of not even replying).  Raymix was a notable exception and so we have been working together to make it easier for people installing both of our mods.


    I have also instigated a suggesting a unified way of handling the worldspace field for different mods, which no one replied to for a month.  


    It seems to me that, as I have been trying to get people to collaborate, coming to this thread where collaboration is happening and 'suggesting' that people should collaborate more is a bit counter productive.  Saying ' sounds to me like there wasn't much effort made' to the person who has made the effort is borderline offensive.  


    Surely the suggestion should be made to the mod makers who have not shown any interest in collaborating rather than telling one of the only two guys who is collaborating that he should be making more effort.


    Please remember we do this in our own spare time and provide these mods for free and then support them as best as we can.  Most mods take many hours to put together , test and debug.  Some people do not want to share the 'kudos' for creating a popular mod or loose full control of it which is why it is generally better to have them absorbed in to the core Epoch build although some mod makers would rather not have that done either.


    If you feel that not enough effort is being made to get people collaborating then I would suggest you lead by example.  You can then supply all the effort needed getting all the mod makers you mentioned to put all their code in to a single mod.  Let me know when all the other mod makers sign up for it. 


    I am going back to writing, testing and debugging my next mod whilst supporting this one, trying to manage 3 kids and an aircon servicing guy who is currently working on our aircon units.

  14. You guys seriously need to merge this into a single management tool, everytime one of the mods is updated every server admin has to go through and merge the changes with the other mods they have. I'd think most admins have Snap Pro, Build Vectors, Plot Management and possibly may use CPC Indestructible bases, Elevator mod and / or the Door Management mod. Don't suppose you guys could start a combined project on Github?


    Believe you suggested that and PoweredbyPot responded  I expect you would have to wait until the mods are all added to the next Dayz Epoch release (whenever that may be) if the mod makers wish them to be added.




    Try taking a look at you dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf .  Raymix is better placed to be able to advise you on this though.

  15. Also check the event handlers are correctly configured so the PV call actually gets picked up server side.

    308 is the correct call iirc.

    Put some debug lines in the publish full objects Sqf file to confirm it is actually being given fired.

    Just out for dinner. Will have a look when home but still think likely that battle eye / ah is blocking get the new PV call.

  16. So I ran into an interesting problem while merging this into our server.  When the "Take Ownership" function is enacted, no message appears on the screen.  This seems normal, based on what the plot_take_ownership.sqf has.  However, upon restarting the server, I find all of the objects that were "Taken" have been deleted.  Now I've tried tracing down the issue, and am coming up empty.


    The log is showing these things:


    As for the hive logs, I get the 302 calls when the server starts up, but I don't have any record of the 308 for publishing the new information to the DB.

    To me it seems like the PVDZE_obj_Delete is removing the object, and the script kind of stops there without calling for the new publish. The items it is deleting, at least on this test, are those which were place on the server pre-P4L, so they have no playerUID in the worldspace field.

    I've added the server_publishFullObject into the server\compile\ directory, and added the path/define to the server_functions in the server.pbo

    I've added in some diag text to the script to see where the script is going:

    Any ideas at this point would be greatly appreciated!



    Ok, there are a fair amount of itmes in your log files.  Seems like you are not running vanilla Epoch.  What mods do you have installed ?.


    I cannot really comment on what Infinistar is doing as I don't use it.


    Ok so now on to the more helpful stuff (hopefully).


    Firstly, this line jumps out at me from the logs.

    23:29:12 "infiSTAR.de - iproductVersion: 09092014IAHAT335 | Server productVersion: ["ArmA 2 OA","ArmA2OA",163,112555] |


    Are you running the latest version of AH and A2 OA as Arma2 OA v 112555 is prior to the latest stable release (which this mod was tested on).  I don't really expect that to be the issue but worth keeping in mind.


    Some things to try....


    Take ownership of some buildables.

    Check the items in your DB to make sure the newly owned items have replaced the original items.

    Make sure the damage is not set to 1 on any of the items.


    If you have not done so already, whitelist the "PVDZE_fullobj_Publish" public variable in AH and Battleeye.


    I am also not seeing the "Preparing to PUBLISH! " line in the logs.  Was that added after you grebbed the logs or before ?. 


    It looks fromt he logs that you logged in at 23:50, presumably tried the "Take ownership" option and then logged out.


    Unfortunately, with the current server side hive calls and sqf files, in order to update an object with something in its inventory you need to delete it from the DB, create it in the DB and then update the inventory in the DB (3 DB calls per item).  I cut this down to two in order to delete and then create with inventory (possible with the hive call but not with the server side sqf) with the publishFullObject.  If AH has a threshold for the number of objects deleted per XX minutes / seconds then you could put a pause in to each round of the loop to go under that limit.  You could probably change the addaction in fn_selfactions.sqf to call a wrapper sqf whos only purpose is to spawn the take ownership script which allows it to just run in the background.  You would need to pass the playerUID and plot pole object through IIRC.

  17. I've run into a problem with my plot poles and walls.  I can't maintain / upgrade built objects, and I can't maintain or preview anything on my plot pole.  I know this has to do with the self actions; but I can't for the life of me find out where.


    I added in a few mods today, and I am fairly certain I messed something up, but as I said, I can't find out where.  Here is my self actions:

    I appreciate any help you guys can offer!  For the record, I am using Zupa's single currency base maintain and his version of service points.  


    (Sorry about the long code, I don't know how to make it a spoiler tag)



    EDIT: I cannot use traders either.  No menu comes up.  Also, can a mod perhaps move my code posted above into a spoiler tag?  I just saw how obnoxious it looked.  Apologies.


    I will have a quick browse a bit later but it is usually like trying to spot a needle in a 1000 line haystack.  Any .prt errors on server or client ?.  You can try using windiff or diffmerge to highlight the differences between your copy and the vanilla Epoch copy which may help.  Both are in the post "Tools..." linked in my sig below.


    Spoiler tags are (spoiler) (/spoiler) -- replace () for []

  18. The first object was with build vectors or accurate building.  The second object was with just A Plot for Life installed..


    This mod will work out of the box with the objects in the second objects format.  For the first objects format you will have to look at adding the other mods and hope they have also not changed.


    I cannot really help with the other mods but it looks like the object variables are out of sync with what the sqf is expecting.


    You may want to put in a diag_log line like

    diag_log format["Server_monitor.sqf: _objWpnTypes = %1",_objWpnTypes];

    above the loop around line 219 but below where it gets populated.  That should give an idea of what values are going in to that field so you can look at realigning them.

  19. I  added an exception for "PVDZE_fullobj_Publish" and  "PVDZE_obj_Delete" in the publicvariable.txt and it worked :) Thanks anyway! ^^ Oh, btw, what exactly do I give my "tagged" friends the option to do, is it still just building? Sorry if its a stupid question ;) 


     "PVDZE_obj_Delete" is standard so you should not have to add for that one.


    Tagging just does the same as vanilla Epoch (friendlies have green names, can build on plot where they are friendly with the owner).

  20. I think you are the first person to openly state you got the meaning of my nic :) .  Most think it relates to car rims (it doesn't).  It does tend to be pretty unique and available wherever I go though ;) .


    Would you be willing to let us know the settings you are using for it.  I am finding it 'problematic' getting it only up to knee height. It also seems that setfog is not compatible with setovercast.


    Have been reading up on the hidden Simulweather commands (what little is known about them).  Should be great when they are finally made available / stable / documented.


    A little taster for those who have not seen it in full action.  Beware, the commands are hidden but some are usable if you can figure out how and have been so for quite some time.  This is unlikely to become available soon in A3 (although I am wishing I am very wrong on that front). 




    Fully empathise on the work / life balances you are playing with at the moment.

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