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Posts posted by Kronky

               G                 GM    G             A      
       GMAEN  M E     E IGM   IG   N   AEN    EN    EN      
              E IG    I MAE  GM        NIG  EN G    IGM     
       N      I  AE   M ENIG A         G  ENI  A    MA N    
       G      MA  IG  E I MAEN         A  IG   N    E  G    
       A      EN  MA  I MAENI          N       G    I   E   
       NIGMA  IG   NI M  NIGM         IG       AE  GMAENI   
       G      MA    MAE  GMAEN      IGMA       NI  A   GMA  
       A      EN    E I  AEN G      MAEN       GM  N    EN  
       N       G     GM  NI  AEN    ENIG       AE        G  
       G       A     AE  GM   IGMAEN GM        NI M         
       AENIG  E          A       N             G        

    Have you ever wished you could set your own loot positions? 


    Have you added in custom buildings that dont spawn any loot objects?


    With the latest version of Epoch 0.3.1 you can now define any buildings lootable objects and their position within said building!





    Go to - https://github.com/happydayz-enigma/Enigma_EPOCH_CfgBuildingLootPos to get the tools!




    There you will find a sample mission file and included inside the custom folder is a copy of the generic CfgBuildingLootPos.hpp




    Unhide the Spoiler for the Readme!





    Load this mission up with your favourite 3D editor and you will find the scroll option "Take Loot Position" is now on your mousewheel.


    Go to any building that you want to spawn loot for and postition any of the following lootable objects:


    Next looking at your newly placed loot object select "Take Loot Position" from your mousewheel.



    You should get a message in the top right of the screen saying something like this: "Chair_EPOCH position has been copied to your CLIENT RPT"


    If you get the message " ---- is NOT an epoch Lootable Object" then you are either not looking at a lootable object as listed above, or as seems to happen with a few editors, they take a while for the object to be properly seen by the script. In which case give it 10seconds and you should be able to look at it and try again.



    Open up your client RPT file. It can be located by opening up run and typing ----- %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Arma 3


    You are looking for your most recent RPT!


    scroll to the bottom and you will find something like this:

    23:11:03 "class Land_i_Stone_Shed_V3_F: Default
    		fridgePos[] = {{ { [346.734,-264.233,-11.4554] },273.825 }};

    Now open up the CfgBuildingLootPos.hpp.


    First thing you need to do is check that the building you are adding objects too isnt already included in the file!


    So in this case search for





    In this case it is already in the files!


    But imagine it isnt for this explanation.


    You can now add 

    class Land_i_Stone_Shed_V3_F: Default
    		fridgePos[] = {{ { [346.734,-264.233,-11.4554] },273.825 }};

    Right after

    	class Default
    		fridgePos[] = {};
    		shelfPos[] = {};
    		pelicanPos[] = {};
    		wardrobePos[] = {};
    		bedPos[] = {};
    		couchPos[] = {};
    		cookerPos[] = {};
    		tablePos[] = {};
    		lockerPos[] = {};
    		toolRackPos[] = {};
    		shoeboxPos[] = {};
    		lootBiasPos = 25;
    		lootType = "normal";

    Do the same for any other objects you place. 


    Note: if the classname is already there you only need to copy the line

    		fridgePos[] = {{ { [346.734,-264.233,-11.4554] },273.825 }};

    and place it into the relevant buildings classname!



    If you have multiple positions for the same object (in this case a filing cabinet) then you would enter the positions like this:

    filingPos[] = {{ { 1.82031,0.972656,-1.75876 },91.8 },{ { 1.82031,1.55664,-1.75876 },91.8 }};

    Now take your new edited CfgBuildingLootPos.hpp and place it anywhere into your servers mission file.




    Inside your Description.ext add the line:

    #include "custompath\CfgBuildingLootPos.hpp"

    and next time you load up the server your newly set loot positions will have a chance of spawning when a player is near!





    Got to give this a try ...

  2. it may be completely irrelevant but shouldnt @esseker be the first mod in the "-mod=" section?


    I have to be honest from Dayz Epoch i remember reading somewhere that epoch should be the first run before the map so I kept the same idea.


    I added the EpochHive second because i thought it makes sense to be connected to the Epoch and then comes map and AIA.


    I may be wrong but it's pretty easy to test some combinations anyways.

  3. Ok, so I decided with the new 0.3.1 to try a new map and so I started a fresh Esseker map.


    I did all the settings and started the server with this:

    start "arma3" /min /high "arma3server.exe" -mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive;@Esseker;@AllInArmaTerrainPack; -config=SC\config.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=SC -cfg=SC\basic.cfg -name=SC -autoInit -loadMissionToMemory

    Server started successfully and i was able to log in. I also spawned ok to the trader and started doing some jogging on the map for a minute or two just to get my cloned body in shape.


    Good, so far no problems. I decided to log out and then to shutdown the server. Once i shut it down I noticed that besides the rpt file i have 2 new more files, a mdmp and a bidmp file.

    I have no clue how to analyze those.


    However, the rpt seems to offer more info but I still have the same no clue as before.

    Here is the rpt file and I am curious if someone has encountered this or can offer a slution or is this just how it is suppose to be from now on ?




    I thought I would share. I have a panthera map that i put this loot spawner and I have all the bulidings for that map. Here is the list

    //custom buildings
    ["Land_Airport_left_F", 0],
    ["Land_Airport_center_F", 0],
    ["Land_Airport_right_F", 0],
    ["Land_i_Barracks_V1_F", 1],
    ["Land_i_Barracks_V2_F", 1],
    ["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_F", 1],
    ["Land_Airport_Tower_F", 1],
    ["Land_Mil_Barracks_i_EP1", 1],
    ["Land_MilOffices_V1_F", 1],
    ["C130J_wreck_EP1", 1],
    ["Land_Offices_01_V1_F", 0],
    ["Land_Sara_domek_zluty", 1],
    ["Land_Deutshe_mini", 0],
    ["Land_Dum_rasovna", 1],
    ["Land_Sara_stodola", 1],
    ["Land_Sara_Domek_sedy", 0],
    ["Land_Dum_istan3_pumpa", 0],
    ["Land_House_C_4_EP1", 1],
    ["Land_Hruzdum", 0],
    ["Land_House_C_10_EP1", 0],
    ["Land_House_C_5_EP1", 0],
    ["Land_Dum_Istan3_hromade2", 0],
    ["Land_House_C_11_EP1", 0],
    ["Land_House_C_5_V1_EP1", 1],
    ["Land_House_K_7_EP1", 1],
    ["Land_House_C_1_v2_EP1", 0],
    ["Land_Clhlovej_Dum_mini", 0],
    ["Land_dum_lstan3_pumpa", 0],
    ["Land_Dum_mesto_In", 1],
    ["Land_Hruzdum", 1],



    Thank you, however when i used these buildings :

    ["Land_i_Barracks_V1_F", 1],
    ["Land_i_Barracks_V2_F", 1],      my loot spawns in the air, and when I use the "WeaponHolderSimulated" they fall under the building.

    can't remember where i found it, but for the floating loot it was saying to modify 2 files, "Lootspawner.sqf" and "fn_LSgetBuildingstospawnLoot.sqf".

    Replace all "GroundWeaponHolder" to "WeaponHolderSimulated" from the 2 files.


    edit: Found it back here http://killzonekid.com/arma-rotating-weapon-holders/


    i tried that but the items spawn under the buildings and sometimes some guns spawn on the ceiling ... so that change is not that good. But thank you for the effort.

  6. He is the boss version like the fat sapper... I haven't seen what he does though since I haven't seen cloaks on any of my servers since .0.3. I was hoping I would start to with this update but looks like may be a bit longer.


    How cool ... That would be awesome to see it working. Well, soon I guess ...

  7. Thanks for this!

    But if they are broken actually because of Epoch, i think its senseless to spawn them in :) I mean, i want them spawn normally.

    Anyways, thanks, perhaps i can do something with it...


    I read that too. I only started recently working on Arma 3 Epoch, so I had not had the chance to see the cultist in action. Seems like is a lot of fun.

    I did spawn one in just to see what it does and how it kills you but it only tp's and does damage with the mind and that only if I get closer to it .... lol.


    What I've seen recently is framework for a new enemy ... PHANTOM ... what's up with that ?

  8. I noticed no Cultist spawns since

    Setted the spawnrate to maximum and ofcourse i tried it at night but nothing...


    If i spawn them "manually", an error message pops up "File "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\System\Cloak_Brain.fsm" not found",

    then they spawns but they just attacks and stand still, didn´t move and make no sounds.


    Do you know about this or is it an issue of my own ?


    Sappers and SapperB´s doing their job correctly :)




    you get that error if you run infiSTAR and try to spawn in the game.

    easy fix ...

    go to AH.sqf search for "cloak" and you will find this "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\System\Cloak_Brain.fsm" just edit it to show cloak.fsm and try then.


    I know it tp's for sure but i don't know about the cultist how is supposed to work anyways.

  9. You can set loot to 1 in the epoch config.

    You can also use the epoch loot containers with the lootspawner script.


    You can set loot to 1 in the epoch config.

    You can also use the epoch loot containers with the lootspawner script.


    I did that for changing it to 1. Didn't touch the containers yet with lootspawner, I'll look into that. Thanks.


    With the latest experimental branch you can specify your own positions of loot able objects within a structure.


    Can i add new structure/ building ?

  10. Is it possible to control and increase the number of lootable objects (chairs, couches, gun boxes, trash, fridges, boxes, etc) that spawn in buildings or outside on a map?


    I know that I can use Lspawner for extra loot but it spawns loot in the air or on the ceiling and the fixes provided are not necessarily working.

  11. I think I am wrong on this one but (this will be close, you may need to adjust):

    !="createMarker [format[/"GreenZone:%1/", _name], _center];"
    at the end of the line that starts with: 7 createMarker

    It is almost correct, you need to use\"Green Zone:%1\" instead of /

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