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Posts posted by Kronky

  1. Is what he means. Those tell the server what that is. For example "atm_01_f.p3d" thats an atm. It tell the server that this is an atm and it uses the object file instead of classname to define what is what. So you could be this rock "stone_medium_f.p3d" in the atm array and the server will make that rock an atm.


    thank you for your explanation.

  2. I am trying to import panthera which is not supported yet and I am using the description.ext of another map.


    I can see a class with the name of the map and I want to understand what does the blockedArea array does?


    In fact while I am at it what are the other arrays are used for ? The ones regarding trees, rocks, wrecks, trash?


    considering that this map is not ported should i even use the sample of the arrays from my sample class?


  3. Zupa - I want to put the ZHB folder under an addons folder in the root of the mission.


    I have edited the description.ext to reflect the new path with the addons path first

    and I also changed the path in the fn_initVariables.sqf this:

    Z_HUD_imageFolder = "ZHB\gui\"; 

    with the addons path first


    i couldn't find any reference to paths that i may edit in all the files,  however when I start the server I get an infinite loop like that :

    Script ZHB\fn_loopHud.sqf not found
    22:22:48 Mission epoch.panthera3 read from bank.
    22:22:48 Roles assigned.
    22:22:48 Reading mission ...
    22:22:49 Script ZHB\fn_loopHud.sqf not found
    22:22:49 Mission epoch.panthera3 read from bank.
    22:22:49 Roles assigned.
    22:22:49 Reading mission ...
    22:22:49 Script ZHB\fn_loopHud.sqf not found
    22:22:49 Mission epoch.panthera3 read from bank.
    22:22:49 Roles assigned.
    22:22:50 Reading mission ...
    22:22:50 Script ZHB\fn_loopHud.sqf not found
    22:22:50 Mission epoch.panthera3 read from bank.
    22:22:50 Roles assigned.

    So the questions are, is there a way to put that folder under another and still work?

    Or MUST it be in the root of the mpmission to work?

  4. Ok so i read this thread and i can't seem to make the sounds work.

    here is what i did:


    -  in mpmissions inside my epoch.panthera3.pbo i created a folder named "dependent_files"

    - inside of it i created onPlayerRespawn.sqf and inside of it i put "enableEnvironment true;"

    - in the init.sqf i put [] execVM "dependent_files\onPlayerRespawn.sqf"; and packed it back the pbo and start server


    But still no sound.


    I imagine that the last bullet is not correct but then what is the correct form of using that to make the sounds back?




    EDIT: **********************


    I managed to get it working.

    I re-read the thread and put the file in the root of the mission pbo.

    so no need to call from init cause it doesnt work.

  5. I was finally able to update and restart the server, however, now when I log in the game I cannot hear the environment sounds.


    I am able to hear my foot steps and the gun sounds  and breaking windows or shooting in an object close to me but I can't hear the

    sea when i am on the shore, or the wind in the trees when Im in the forest.


    Does anyone have an idea what may cause that ?




    It offsets from respawn_west, so anywhere the spawn box is then it knows where to place the portals, it's all automagic now, just use :

    // N [-0.286865,8.17383,-10.3098]
    // S [-0.415527,-7.05298,-10.3098]
    // E [13.5127,0.410156,-10.3098]
    // W [-14.4316,0.112793,-10.3098]

    Got it, thanks.

  7. Oh shoot .. i just ported Panthera and created a lot of things. made Panthera.h,


    So I need to change Panthera.h as I noticed that the telepos array takes different arguments for positioning.


    I guess I have to start efverything all over and modify my panthera.h file.


    This will be fun. :(

  8. Yesterday I noticed that there was an update to Arma 3 and downloaded the last server files ...


    I am trying to minimize the work on the update.


    Is there a particular file that would need to be updated or do I have to re-edit everything in the a3_epoch_settings.pbo? and also in the new files of epochcofig.hpp and AH?

    Plus, do I need to copy everything from the zip file ?


  9. I see the new BE filters, but I am still having issues understanding where to put it and what the difference is between the 5 and 7.


    The guide says 5, but the BE script has 7 in it....


    You would think, by now, a GUI would be made that will allow you to edit your BE filters easier ...


    Thanks for any help and suggestions .....


    Yeah .. It may be a good idea to have a GUI.


    In any case on the links above there are some explanations about the filters and what 5 and 7 mean.


    Basically 5 it kicks and  writes in a .log  while 7 kicks and logs in .log and also in the console of the arma3server.exe.

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