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Posts posted by Logan

  1. DefaultMagazines = ["ItemBandage","ItemBandage","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","17Rnd_9x19_glock17","ItemMorphine","ItemPainkiller","ItemWaterbottleBoiled","FoodSteakCooked"];
    DefaultWeapons = ["glock17_EP1","ItemToolbox","ItemHatchet_DZE","ItemMap"];
    DefaultBackpack = "DZ_TerminalPack_EP1";
    This is what I have on 3 of my servers.
  2. Someone else already asked for recommendations.

    I would say start with one, but I guess you have your reasons. Besides the recommendation of a GSP in that thread there I would always recommend renting a dedicated box with just windows on it and set it up on your own. It's hard in the beginning, but you will learn soooo much. That knowledge will help you in the long run. And, you get probably more performance out of it. But well, its damn expensive and needs quite some time investment.

    Dude I literally posted in that thread and we even talked in that thread.. I already have 4 servers. I'm looking to move them to a dedi.


    My dedicated server hosts have been pretty awesome plus they cut a nice deal. www.colocrossing.com is the dedi I rent through. If you decide to go with them mention blackhole sent ya.

    I'll look into em, thanks!

  3. So what's the consensus on Dedicated server hosts?


    What I would like to run on it would be ('m already running all of this, just not on a dedi)



    2 TeamSpeaks

    4 DayZ Servers (More is better :P)


    Anyone have a good recommendation?

  4. Do you have your version/build number in your hostname?

    Like in red

    hostname = "Protectors of The Wasteland Overpoch Napf PVE [No PVP] -mod=@DayzOverwatch; [snap Build | Select Spawn | Tow & Lift | Self Bloodbag | Take Clothes | Deploy bike | Refuel/Repair | AI Missions | Side Missions | Safezones] (v1.0.5.1/Beta 112555)";
  5. Can't be that there is no lag on a server with at least 40 people online. Never seen that with Epoch. Thats just how it is. That has just something to do with the whole amount of content due basebuilding, but if Logan is right, its a decent rig they offer.


    How open are they? Do you have access to the whole database and the entire Arma folder? Yes, I mean the entire Arma folder.

    I've had 38 people on my Napf server at one point and I was still getting 40-55 fps with around maybe 3-4k objects in my object_data. No complaints of lag either. And no not entirely. No access to batch (They edited it for me) and no access to the HiveExt.dll, apart from that everything else they give access to.

  6. Now I am curious:

    On what hardware is a Vert server running? And is it a dedi box or a virtual machine?

    I asked a few months back. Not sure how many they host on a box, but I've never had an issue with lag.
    Vert Hosting Support: Most nodes are E3-1245v2s, 16GB of RAM and dual 1TB HDDs in RAID 1
    Vert Hosting Support: Our newer nodes are running E5-1620v2s
    Vert Hosting Support: Some of our much older nodes run dual L5520s, but most have been upgraded to E3 or greater Xeons
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