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Asian Kid

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Posts posted by Asian Kid


    Does that work? exitWith might not work like that. It's supposed to be used only to escape loops but seems to work in some other cases too.



    //ASIAN KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    private ["_bunkercode"];
    _Chance = 4;
    _BanditBunker = BanditBunker;
    _heroBunker = HeroBunker;
    _SurviorBunker1 = BeforeHero;
    _SurviorBunker2 = BerforeBandit;
    _bunkercode = bunkercode;
    _Humanity = player getVariable["humanity",0];
    _roll = floor(random 100);
    titleText ["Its top secret so...maybe.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 3;
    sleep 3;
    if((_Humanity > _heroBunker)) exitWith {
    	player playActionNow "Medic";
    	cutText [format["Fine here. The code is %1 \n plz don't tell other players let them have a challenge or I change it.",_bunkercode,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN",10];
    if((_Humanity >= _SurviorBunker2) && (_Humanity <= _SurviorBunker1)) then {
    if(_roll <= _Chance) then {
    	player playActionNow "Medic";
    	sleep 0.5;
    	[] execVM "bunker\ask3.sqf";	 
    	cutText [format["Sorry, its top secret but we could do a trade.......",_bunkercode,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    if((_Humanity < _BanditBunker)) exitWith {
    	player playActionNow "Medic";
    	cutText [format["I told you its top secret so no!!!",_bunkercode,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    //ASIAN KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    private ["_bunkercode"];
    _bribe = bribe;
    _canDo = (!r_drag_sqf and !r_player_unconscious and !_onLadder);
    _bunkercode = bunkercode;
    _magazinesPlayer = magazines player;
     if (_bribe in _magazinesPlayer) then {
    	bunkgold = true;
    	bunkgold = false;
    if(hasBagItem) then {
            player playActionNow "Medic";
    	player removeMagazine _bribe;
    	sleep 0.5;
    	[] execVM "bunker\ask3.sqf";
    	cutText [format["You don't have 1%.",_bribe,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];

    This parth doesnt work but the rest does


    if((_Humanity >= _SurviorBunker2) && (_Humanity <= _SurviorBunker1)) then {
    if(_roll <= _Chance) then 
    	player playActionNow "Medic";
    	sleep 0.5;
    	[] execVM "bunker\ask3.sqf";	 
    	cutText [format["Sorry, its top secret but we could do a trade.......",_bunkercode,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];

    ANd this code doesn't work at all


    //ASIAN KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    private ["_bunkercode"];
    _bribe = bribe;
    _canDo = (!r_drag_sqf and !r_player_unconscious and !_onLadder);
    _bunkercode = bunkercode;
    _magazinesPlayer = magazines player;
     if (_bribe in _magazinesPlayer) then {
            bunkgold = true;
        } else { bunkgold = false;};
    if(hasBagItem) exitWith {
            player playActionNow "Medic";
    		player removeMagazine _bribe;
    		sleep 0.5;
    		[] execVM "bunker\ask3.sqf";
  2. Hey guys update here on the new for the addon
    Got a working version but didnt get the bribe this working but the humanity working (Not on due the the bride)
    Help me on the code

    Redoing the tutorial and the FOB base 

    too easy moving the FOB some where else

    Added a option at the trader 
    Tells the story dialogue and tells what you need to do next

    Fixed the hole in the bunker
    Changed it a little 
    Added a food and ammo box on the bed 

  3. Search for this and remove it

    				if ((groupIconsVisible select 0) || (groupIconsVisible select 1)) then
    					[] spawn "+_randvar2+";
    					"+_randvar10+" = [_name, _puid, toArray 'GroupIcons', toArray (str groupIconsVisible)];
    					publicVariableServer '"+_randvar10+"';
    				setGroupIconsVisible [false,false];
    				_state = true;

    That should do it

  4. update I edited the code and this is what I have


    //ASIAN KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    private ["_bunkercode"];
    _Chance = 4;
    _BanditBunker = BanditBunker;
    _heroBunker = HeroBunker;
    _SurviorBunker1 = BeforeHero;
    _SurviorBunker2 = BerforeBandit;
    _bunkercode = bunkercode;
    _Humanity = player getVariable["humanity",0];
    _roll = floor(random 100);
    titleText ["Its top secret so...maybe.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 3;
    sleep 3;
    if((_Humanity > _heroBunker)) exitWith {
    	player playActionNow "Medic";
    	cutText [format["Fine here. The code is %1 \n plz don't tell other players let them have a challenge or I change it.",_bunkercode,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN",10];
    if((_Humanity >= _SurviorBunker2) && (_Humanity <= _SurviorBunker1)) exitWith {
    if(_roll <= _Chance) then 
    	player playActionNow "Medic";
    	sleep 0.5;
    	[] execVM "bunker\ask3.sqf";	 
    	cutText [format["Sorry, its top secret but we could do a trade.......",_bunkercode,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    if((_Humanity < -_BanditBunker)) exitWith {
    	player playActionNow "Medic";
    	cutText [format["I told you its top secret so no!!!",_bunkercode,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];


    //ASIAN KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    private ["_bunkercode"];
    _bribe = bribe;
    _canDo = (!r_drag_sqf and !r_player_unconscious and !_onLadder);
    _bunkercode = bunkercode;
    _magazinesPlayer = magazines player;
     if (_bribe in _magazinesPlayer) exitWith {
            bunkgold = true;
        } else { bunkgold = false;};
    if(hasBagItem) exitWith {
            player playActionNow "Medic";
    		player removeMagazine _bribe;
    		sleep 0.5;
    		[] execVM "bunker\ask3.sqf";
        } else {
    cutText [format["You don't have 1%.",_bribe,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
  5. The actions can be click,  what they are suppose to do doesn't happen. 

    I checks if the player has the item and then removes the item and does something


    Here is the code

    private ["_bunkercode"];
    _Chance = 2;
    _bunkercode = bunkercode;
    _Humanity = player getVariable["humanity",0];
    titleText ["Its top secret so...maybe.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 3;
    sleep 3;
    if((_Humanity >= 15000) && (_Humanity <= 29999)) then {
    	player playActionNow "Medic";
    	cutText [format["Fine here. The code is %1 plz don't tell other players let them have a challenge or I change it.",_bunkercode,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN",10];
    	} else {
    	if((_Humanity >= -1999) && (_Humanity <= 14999)) then {
    		if(random 100 <= _Chance) then {
    		    player playActionNow "Medic";
    			sleep 0.5;
    			[] execVM "bunker\ask.sqf";
    			 cutText [format["Nahh no code for you but if you can give me something for it *wink*.",_bunkercode,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    		} else {
    		if((_Humanity <= -2000) && (_Humanity >= -15000)) then {
    		    player playActionNow "Medic";
    		    cutText [format["I told you its top secret so no!!!",_bunkercode,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    		} else {
    			cutText [format["Guess what I forgot it.....now leave me alone. ",_bunkercode,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN",3];

    The other one

    //ASIAN KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    private ["_bunkercode"];
    _bribe = bribe;
    _canDo = (!r_drag_sqf and !r_player_unconscious and !_onLadder);
    _bunkercode = bunkercode;
    _magazinesPlayer = magazines player;
     if (_bribe in _magazinesPlayer) then {
            bunkgold = true;
        } else { bunkgold = false;};
    if(hasBagItem && _canDo) then {
            player playActionNow "Medic";
    		player removeMagazine _bribe;
    		cutText [format["Code is %1 plz don't tell other players let them have a challenge or I change it.",_bunkercode,"%"], titleFadeOut 3;
        } else {
    cutText [format["You don't have 1%.",_bribe,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
  6. Just to let y'all know there is a hole on the rock on the island that you can enter the base through from the island and also climb out to the island if you make it in legit. 


    If you stand in the 240 nest inside the bunker you can see the sky through the opening which allows you to climb in or out. 

    I will be releasing my addon soon

    BTW I fxed the hole

  7. /* bloodloss & bloodgain not implemented yet! */
    /* cheers...  jOoPs */
    private ["_display","_uiNumber","_ctrlWeight","_bloodText","_ctrlCombatBorder","_ctrlCombatBorder2","_ctrlBloodOuter","_ctrlFoodBorder","_ctrlThirstBorder","_ctrlTempBorder","_ctrlBlood","_ctrlBleed","_bloodVal","_ctrlFood","_ctrlThirst","_thirstVal","_foodVal","_ctrlTemp","_tempVal","_combatVal","_array","_ctrlEar","_ctrlEye","_ctrlCombat","_ctrlFracture","_visualText","_visual","_audibleText","_audible","_blood","_thirstLvl","_foodLvl","_tempImg","_thirst","_food","_temp","_bloodLvl","_tempLvl","_color","_string","_humanity","_size","_friendlies","_charID","_rcharID","_rfriendlies","_rfriendlyTo","_distance","_targetControl","_humanityTarget"];
    _foodVal = 		1 - (dayz_hunger / SleepFood);
    _thirstVal = 	1 - (dayz_thirst / SleepWater);
    _tempVal 	= 	1 - ((dayz_temperatur - dayz_temperaturmin)/(dayz_temperaturmax - dayz_temperaturmin));	// Normalise to [0,1]
    _combatVal =	1 - dayz_combat; // May change later to be a range of red/green to loosely indicate 'time left in combat'
    if (uiNamespace getVariable ['DZ_displayUI', 0] == 1) exitWith {
    	_array = [_foodVal,_thirstVal];
    _display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display';
    _ctrlBloodOuter = _display displayCtrl 1200;
    _ctrlFoodBorder = _display displayCtrl 1201;
    _ctrlThirstBorder = _display displayCtrl 1202;
    _ctrlTempBorder = _display displayCtrl 1208;
    _ctrlCombatBorder = _display displayCtrl 1207; 
    _ctrlCombatBorder2 = _display displayCtrl 1211; 
    //Border white
    _ctrlBloodOuter ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];
    _ctrlFoodBorder ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];
    _ctrlThirstBorder ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];
    _ctrlTempBorder ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1];
    _ctrlCombatBorder ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1]; 
    _ctrlCombatBorder2 ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1]; 
    _ctrlBlood = 	_display displayCtrl 1300;
    _ctrlBleed = 	_display displayCtrl 1303;
    _bloodVal =		r_player_blood / r_player_bloodTotal;
    _ctrlFood = 	_display displayCtrl 1301;
    _ctrlThirst = 	_display displayCtrl 1302;
    _ctrlTemp 	= 	_display displayCtrl 1306;					//TeeChange
    _ctrlEar = 		_display displayCtrl 1304;
    _ctrlEye = 		_display displayCtrl 1305;
    //_ctrlHumanity = _display displayCtrl 1207;
    _ctrlCombat = _display displayCtrl 1307;
    _ctrlFracture = 	_display displayCtrl 1203;
    //only show the weight-icon if R3F-weight-system is running ;)
    if (DZE_R3F_WEIGHT) then {
    	_ctrlWeight = 	_display displayCtrl 1210;
    _ctrlBlood ctrlSetTextColor [(Dayz_GUI_R + (0.3 * (1-_bloodVal))),(Dayz_GUI_G * _bloodVal),(Dayz_GUI_B * _bloodVal), 1];
    _ctrlFood ctrlSetTextColor [(Dayz_GUI_R + (0.3 * (1-_foodVal))),(Dayz_GUI_G * _foodVal),(Dayz_GUI_B * _foodVal), 1];
    _ctrlThirst ctrlSetTextColor [(Dayz_GUI_R + (0.3 * (1-_thirstVal))),(Dayz_GUI_G * _thirstVal),(Dayz_GUI_B * _thirstVal), 1];
    _ctrlTemp ctrlSetTextColor [(Dayz_GUI_R + (0.3 * (1-_tempVal))), (Dayz_GUI_G * _tempVal), _tempVal, 1];	// Color ranges from iceblue (cold) to red (hot) // << Already Done :)
    _ctrlCombat ctrlSetTextColor		[(Dayz_GUI_R + (0.3 * (1-_combatVal))),(Dayz_GUI_G * _combatVal),(Dayz_GUI_B * _combatVal), 0.5];
    	Blood: round((r_player_blood / 2) / 1000) = _bloodLvl (6 = full, 1 = empty)
    	Thirst: round(_thirstVal / 0.25) = _thirstLvl (4 = full, 0 = empty)
    	Hunger: round(_foodVal / 0.25) = _foodLvl (4 = full, 0 = empty)
    	Temp: round(dayz_temperatur) = tempLvl (>= 36 = full <= 28 = empty)
    _blood = "";
    _thirst = "";
    _food = "";
    _temp = "";
    _tempImg = 0;
    _bloodLvl = round((r_player_blood / 2) / 1000);
    _thirstLvl = round(_thirstVal / 0.25);
    _foodLvl = round(_foodVal / 0.25);
    _tempLvl = round(dayz_temperatur);
    _bloodText = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_blood_border";
    if (r_player_infected) then { _bloodText = _bloodText + "_sick_ca.paa"; }
    else { _bloodText = _bloodText + "_CA.paa"; };
    _ctrlBloodOuter ctrlSetText _bloodText;
    if (_bloodLvl <= 0) then {
    	_blood = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_blood_inside_1_ca.paa";
    } else {
    	_blood = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_blood_inside_" + str(_bloodLvl) + "_ca.paa";
    if (_thirstLvl < 0) then { _thirstLvl = 0 };
    _thirst = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_thirst_inside_" + str(_thirstLvl) + "_ca.paa";
    if (_foodLvl < 0) then { _foodLvl = 0 };
    _food = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_food_inside_" + str(_foodLvl) + "_ca.paa";
    switch true do {
    	case (_tempLvl >= 36): { _tempImg = 4 };
    	case (_tempLvl > 33 and _tempLvl < 36): { _tempImg = 3 };
    	case (_tempLvl >= 30 and _tempLvl <= 33): { _tempImg = 2 };
    	case (_tempLvl > 28 and _tempLvl < 30): { _tempImg = 1 };
    	default { _tempImg = 0 };
    _temp = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_temp_" + str(_tempImg) + "_ca.paa";
    _ctrlBlood ctrlSetText _blood;
    _ctrlThirst ctrlSetText _thirst;
    _ctrlFood ctrlSetText _food;
    _ctrlTemp ctrlSetText _temp;
    // Visual:
    _visual = (dayz_disVisual / 185) min 1;
    if (_visual < 0.2) then {_visual = 0.2;};
    _ctrlEye  ctrlSetTextColor [1, 1, 1, _visual];
    // Audible
    _audible = (dayz_disAudial / 40) min 1;
    if (_audible < 0.2) then {_audible = 0.2;};
    _ctrlEar ctrlSetTextColor [1, 1, 1, _audible];
    if (!canStand player) then {
    	if (!(ctrlShown _ctrlFracture)) then {
    		r_fracture_legs = true;
    		_ctrlFracture ctrlShow true;
    //	Flashing
    if (_combatVal == 0) then { _ctrlCombat call player_guiControlFlash; };
    if (_bloodVal < 0.2) then { _ctrlBlood call player_guiControlFlash; };
    if (_thirstVal < 0.2) then { _ctrlThirst call player_guiControlFlash; };
    if (_foodVal < 0.2) then { _ctrlFood call player_guiControlFlash; };
    if (_tempVal > 0.8) then { _ctrlTemp call player_guiControlFlash; } else { _ctrlTemp ctrlShow true; };
    if (r_player_injured) then { _ctrlBleed call player_guiControlFlash; };
    //only show the weight-icon if R3F-weight-system is running ;)
    if (DZE_R3F_WEIGHT) then {
    	if (R3F_Weight < 125) then {
    		_ctrlWeight ctrlShow false;
    	} else {
    		if (R3F_Weight > 250) then {
    			_ctrlWeight call player_guiControlFlash;
    		} else {
    			_ctrlWeight ctrlShow true;
    Opt-in tag system with friend tagging
    _targetControl = _display displayCtrl 1199;
    _string = "";
    _humanityTarget = cursorTarget;
    if (!isNull _humanityTarget and isPlayer _humanityTarget and alive _humanityTarget) then {
    	_distance = (player distance _humanityTarget);
    	if (_distance < DZE_HumanityTargetDistance) then {
    		_size = (1-(floor(_distance/5)*0.1)) max 0.1;
    		// Display name if player opt-in or if friend
    		_friendlies = player getVariable ["friendlies", []];
    		_charID = player getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"];
    		_rcharID = _humanityTarget getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"];
    		_rfriendlies = _humanityTarget getVariable ["friendlies", []];
    		_rfriendlyTo = _humanityTarget getVariable ["friendlyTo", []];
    		if ((_rcharID in _friendlies) and (_charID in _rfriendlies)) then {
    			if (!(_charID in _rfriendlyTo)) then {
    				// diag_log format["IS FRIENDLY: %1", _player];
    				_rfriendlyTo set [count _rfriendlyTo, _charID];
    				_humanityTarget setVariable ["friendlyTo", _rfriendlyTo, true];
    				// titleText [format[(localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_17"), (name _humanityTarget)], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    			// <br /><t %2 align='center' size='0.7'>Humanity: %3</t>
    			_color = "color='#339933'";
    			_string = format["<t %2 align='center' size='%3'>%1</t>",(name _humanityTarget),_color,_size];
    		} else {
    			// Humanity checks
    			_humanity = _humanityTarget getVariable ["humanity",0];
    			_color = "color='#ffffff'";
    			if(_humanity < -5000) then {
    				_color = "color='#ff0000'";
    			} else {
    				if(_humanity > 5000) then {
    					_color = "color='#3333ff'";
    			if(_humanityTarget getVariable ["DZE_display_name", false]) then {
    				_string = format["<t %2 align='center' size='%3'>%1</t>",(name _humanityTarget),_color,_size];
    // update gui if changed
    if (dayz_humanitytarget != _string) then {
    	_targetControl ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText _string);
    	dayz_humanitytarget = _string;
    _array = [_foodVal,_thirstVal];

    ^^ dayz_code\compile\player_updateGui.sqf




    /* modified for private usage */
    /* cheers... jOoPs */
    	class playerStatusGUIcustom {
    		idd = 6900;
    		movingEnable = 0;
    		duration = 100000;
    		name = "statusBorder";
    		onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_display', _this select 0];";
    		class ControlsBackground {
    			class RscPicture_1901: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1901;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_bg.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.79 * safezoneH + safezoneY;//2
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1201: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1201;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_thirst_border_ca.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.79 * safezoneH + safezoneY;//2
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1900: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1900;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_bg.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.86 * safezoneH + safezoneY; //3
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1200: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1200;
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.86 * safezoneH + safezoneY; //3
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1902: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1902;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_bg.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.93 * safezoneH + safezoneY; //1
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1202: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1202;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_food_border_ca.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.93 * safezoneH + safezoneY; //1
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1908: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1908;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_bg.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.72 * safezoneH + safezoneY; //3
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1208: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1208;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_temp_outside_ca.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.72 * safezoneH + safezoneY; //3
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1203: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1203;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_effect_brokenleg.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.58 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    				colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
    			class RscPicture_1204: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1204;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_connection_ca.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.44 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    				colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
    			class RscPicture_1205: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1205;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_bg.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.30 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1206: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1206;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_bg.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.37 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1207: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1207;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_bg.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.65 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1210: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1210;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_effect_weight.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.51 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    				colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
    			class RscPicture_1211: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1211;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_combat_border_CA.paa";
    				x = 0.956813 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.6502 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.06;
    				h = 0.08;
    		class Controls {
    			class RscPicture_1301: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1301;
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.93 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1300: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1300;
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.86 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1302: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1302;
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.79 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1306: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1306;
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.72 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1307: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1307;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_combat_inside_ca.paa";
    				x = 0.956813 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.6502 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.06;
    				h = 0.08;
    			class RscPicture_1303: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1303;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_bleeding_ca.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.86 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    				colorText[] = {1,1,1,0.5};
    			class RscPicture_1304: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1304;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_noise.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.30 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;
    			class RscPicture_1305: RscPictureGUI
    				idc = 1305;
    				text = "\z\addons\dayz_code\gui\status\status_visible.paa";
    				x = 0.955313 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
    				y = 0.37 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
    				w = 0.075;
    				h = 0.10;


    ^^ RscPlayerUI.hpp (include it your description.ext) (new classname now: "playerStatusGUIcustom")




    _state = uiNamespace getVariable ['DZ_displayUI', 0];
    // Hard code the GUI on and the Debug Monitor off
    if (dayzState != 0) then {
    	3 cutRsc ["playerStatusGUIcustom", "PLAIN",0];
    	//Update GUI
    	call player_updateGui;
    	call ui_initDisplay;
    	hintSilent "";
    dayzDebug = false;
    switch (_state) do {
    	case 0: {
    		if (dayzState != 0) then {
    			3 cutRsc ["playerStatusGUI", "PLAIN",0];
    			//Update GUI
    			call player_updateGui;
    			call ui_initDisplay;
    			hintSilent "";
    		dayzDebug = false;
    	case 1: {
    		if (dayzState != 1) then {
    			3 cutRsc ["playerStatusGUI", "PLAIN",0];
    			//Update GUI
    			call player_updateGui;
    			call ui_initDisplay;
    		dayzDebug = true;
    	case 2: {
    		if (dayzState != 2) then {
    			3 cutRsc ["default", "PLAIN",0];
    			hintSilent "";
    		dayzDebug = false;
    dayzState = _state;


    ^^ dayz_code\compile\ui_changeDisplay.sqf




    in "dayz_code\system\player_monitor.fsm" search for "playerStatusGUI" and replace it with "playerStatusGUIcustom"


    now change the pathes of "ui_changeDisplay.sqf" and "player_updateGui.sqf" in your custom-"compiles.sqf"

    in your mission init.sqf change the path to your modified "player_monitor.fsm"



    Followed your instructions

    ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Panthera2\custom\RscPlayerUI.hpp, line 7: /playerStatusGUIcustom/ControlsBackground.RscPicture_1901: Undefined base class 'RscPictureGUI' 

    and get this


  8. lol almost there.  k i got it to spawn in as in part 1  but when i enter bunker im teleports me back     do i need to install the stuff from part 2 to enter bunker ? or am i gona need a work around for battleye anti teleport thing ?

    Make sure you have disabled EPoch Anti hack system

    And if you have InfiSTAR anti hack be sure to turn off the TP 

    Use Anti Teleport?    */ _UAT =  false;
  9. Change the fastrope init to this

    #include "=BTC=_functions.sqf"
    BTC_fast_rope_h = 40;
    BTC_AI_fast_rope_on_deploy = 1;
    BTC_roping_chopper = [	"CH47_base_EP1","Mi17_base","Mi24_Base","UH1H_base","UH1_Base","UH60_Base","MV22","BAF_Merlin_HC3_D","Ka60_Base_PMC","Mi24_Base"];
    	_rope = _x addaction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Deploy rope") + "</t>","=BTC=_fast_roping\=BTC=_addAction.sqf",[[],BTC_deploy_rope],7,true,false,"","player == driver _target && format [""%1"",_target getVariable ""BTC_rope""] != ""1"" && ((getPos _target) select 2) < BTC_fast_rope_h && speed _target < 2"];
    	_rope = _x addaction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Cut rope") + "</t>","=BTC=_fast_roping\=BTC=_addAction.sqf",[[],BTC_cut_rope],7,true,false,"","player == driver _target && format [""%1"",_target getVariable ""BTC_rope""] == ""1"""];
    	_out  = _x addaction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Fast rope") + "</t>","=BTC=_fast_roping\=BTC=_addAction2.sqf",[[player],BTC_fast_rope],7,true,false,"","player in (assignedCargo _target) && format [""%1"",_target getVariable ""BTC_rope""] == ""1"""];
    } foreach (nearestObjects [[3000,3000,0], BTC_roping_chopper, 50000]);
    And add this file called =BTC=_addAction2.sqf


    _array = _this select 3;
    _param = _array select 0;
    _code  = _array select 1;
    _spawn = _param spawn _code;
    titleText ["God on.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 3;
    playsound "fastrope";//take out if you dont have the sound file
    		player_zombieCheck = {};
    		fnc_usec_damageHandler = {};
    		_thePlayer removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
    		_thePlayer addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {false}];
    		_thePlayer allowDamage false;
    		sleep 8;
    		player_zombieCheck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf";
    		fnc_usec_damageHandler = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf";
    		_thePlayer addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {true}];
    		_thePlayer removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";
    		_thePlayer allowDamage true;
    titleText ["God off.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 3;		
    For the sound add this to the description.ext

    class CfgSounds
        sounds[] = {fastrope};
    	class fastrope
        titles[] = {};
    for the sound file


  10. Got 2 scripts


    They don't work when I activate them through scroll wheel

    There is the 1st one 

    private ["_bunker_code"];
    _Chance = 1;
    _bunker_code = bunkercode;
    _Humanity =     player getVariable["humanity",0];
    titleText ["Its top secret so...maybe.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 3;
    if((_Humanity >= 15000) && (_Humanity <= 29999)) then  {
    player playActionNow "Medic";
            cutText [format["Fine here. The code is %1 plz don't tell other players let them have a challenge or I change it.",_bunker_code,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    if((_Humanity >= -1999) && (_Humanity <= 14999)) then {
            if(random 100 <= _Chance) then {
    		player playActionNow "Medic";
            cutText [format["Fine here. The code is %1 plz don't tell other players let them have a challenge or I change it.",_bunker_code,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    if((_Humanity <= -2000) && (_Humanity >= -15000)) then  {
    		 player playActionNow "Medic";
             cutText [format["I told you its top secret so no!!!",_bunker_code,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];

    and the second one

    private ["_bunker_code"];
    _Chance = 1;
    _bunker_code = bunkercode;
    _Humanity =     player getVariable["humanity",0];
    titleText ["Its top secret so...maybe.","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 3;
    if((_Humanity >= 15000) && (_Humanity <= 29999)) then  {
    player playActionNow "Medic";
            cutText [format["Fine here. The code is %1 plz don't tell other players let them have a challenge or I change it.",_bunker_code,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    if((_Humanity >= -1999) && (_Humanity <= 14999)) then {
            if(random 100 <= _Chance) then {
    		player playActionNow "Medic";
            cutText [format["Fine here. The code is %1 plz don't tell other players let them have a challenge or I change it.",_bunker_code,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    if((_Humanity <= -2000) && (_Humanity >= -15000)) then  {
    		 player playActionNow "Medic";
             cutText [format["I told you its top secret so no!!!",_bunker_code,"%"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
  11. What this is?
    Added a little mission for the original Alpha-Zeta Bandit camp
    -Keypad to get in the bunker
    -New FOB and camp widely place around the map
    -Lights at the bunker
    -Custom humanity settings to get the codes
    -Bride the Ai to get the codes
    -A scroll menu to the traders to start the quest (Its the story dialogue) 
    -Safe zone to the bunker
    -Backpacks are near the box (default 1 large gun bag)
    -Plot poles around the new buildings (able to turn off and on)
    -Zed shield (able to be turned off and on)
    -Health regeneration
    - Admins get code instantly
    -Redid some of the original bunker map
    -Added a wall and other items so people cant just drive up to the bunker
    -Changed the AI system to DZAI
    -Changed the loot in the in box
    -The hole in the bunker
      -Also added more rocks around the bunker just in case
    -Heil patrols around the bunker
    -TWS weapons except the Scar H TWS SD
    -Markers for the bunker and camp
    Don't tell players where the locations of the FOB and the Camps are
    The traders help players get started
    May not be up to date
    The quest 
    - Find out what's in the bunker
    Story dialogue 
    MAN: Hey, did you hear about that bunker down south?
    ME:   No, there is a bunker on this island?
    MAN: Yea, I saw it on the way here. Looked like it was well guarded. I have been asking around about it, and supposedly some guy up north knows the code for it. 
    MAN: People say we are part of the operation. Then he left and became a rebel against the soldiers. 
    ME:   Well, now that you spoken of this. I kinda want to know what's inside, and why they are keeping us out.
    MAN: I can take you up north if you like?
    ME: Nah, I know my way around here. 
    Upcoming change log
    - Sound to the the keypad when you press the button
    How to install
    Just look in the readme files
    -Its on google drive 
    -Look on the bottom right side
    Anti hack system?
    Add this to the CMDMenus  

    Part one

    Part two
  12. Brutus can i have your permission to post this in the custom base fourm?



    Got my own version on DZAI

    Got a keypad system on the 1st info stand

    Safezone in the bunker (campers)

    For the code to the door you have to find the FOB in the same town and ask the AI in the house for it.

    Changed it so you cant access the info stand in combat

    Changed the map so people can't just dive up to the bunker


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