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Posts posted by blckeagls

  1. Has anyone been able to get this to work?


    I have tried for days and dayz to get this to work.  I have followed the instructions carefully, tried on 3 different servers.  I get the command tester to work (which make me think that all the prerequisites are good) but it doesn't seem to load as a Mod in the server.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!  



  2. Whatever... don't use them.. use them.. just trying to help out.


    I know what I saw on a live stream and what I saw in my DB backups..  Pretty suspicious to have a satchel charges in a HUMVEE at the same time you were playing and have they key to the humvee...


    But take it as you will.  Just want to help

  3. I am getting an issue with the syntax I assume for the CHILD:999/998 though....  Is there something wrong with these SQF statements?

    _key = "CHILD:999:insert into donor_bank (PlayerUID,Balance) values (555555,1111):[0]:";
    _result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite;
    _key = "CHILD:998:insert into donor_bank (PlayerUID,Balance) values (444444,2222):[0]:";
    _result = _key call server_hiveReadWrite;
    _key = format ["CHILD:998: INSERT INTO donor_bank (PlayerUID) VALUES (?):[""%1""]:", player getPlayerUID];  
    _key call server_hiveWrite;
  4. Ok I changed them... Still doenst work...  Here is latest scripts....  (This is a AI Base Guard Script...  When a player enters an area the ai gets removed.. when all leave they come back)

    At server start this runs:

      danespawn = true;
      natespawn = true;
      alynxispawn = true;
      publicVariable "danespawn"; 
      publicVariable "natespawn"; 
      publicVariable "alynxispawn"; 
      [[1288,4078,1],"ItemAmethyst"] execVM "PlayerBase\spawnguards.sqf"; 
    while { _a < _b } do {
    		if ( danespawn && natespawn && alynxispawn ) then {
    			[[1288,4078,1],"ItemAmethyst"] execVM "PlayerBase\spawnguards.sqf"; 
    			while { danespawn && natespawn && alynxispawn } do { };
    	if ( !danespawn || !natespawn || !alynxispawn ) then {
    		_rb = magazines _x;
    			if ("ItemAmethyst" in _rb) then {
    				deleteVehicle _x;
    		}forEach allUnits;
    		while { !danespawn || !natespawn || !alynxispawn } do { };

    When player enters area:

    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["163214982","11032256"]) then {
      danespawn = false;  
      publicVariable "danespawn"; 
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["13192774"]) then {
      natespawn = false;  
      publicVariable "natespawn"; 
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["164931206"]) then {
      alynxispawn = false;
      publicVariable "alynxispawn"; 

    When player leaves area: 

    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["163214982"]) then {
      danespawn = true;  
      publicVariable "danespawn"; 
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["13192774"]) then {
      natespawn = true;  
      publicVariable "natespawn"; 
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["164931206"]) then {
      alynxispawn = true;
      publicVariable "alynxispawn"; 
  5. I have three scripts..   
    This one launchs only at spawn from server_functions.sqf:

      _danespawn = true;
      _natespawn = true;
      _alynxispawn = true;
      publicVariable "_danespawn"; 
      publicVariable "_natespawn"; 
      publicVariable "_alynxispawn"; 
    while { _a < _b } do {
    	if (_danespawn && _natespawn && _alynxispawn) then {
    			[[1187,4138,1],"ItemAmethyst"] execVM "PlayerBase\spawnguards.sqf"; 
    			waitUntil {!_danespawn || !_natespawn || !_alynxispawn};
    	} else {
    			_rb = magazines _x;
    				if ("ItemAmethyst" in _rb) then {
    					deleteVehicle _x;
    			}forEach allUnits;
    			waitUntil {_danespawn && _natespawn && _alynxispawn};

    This one that executes when a player enters an area:

    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["163214982","11032256"]) then {
      _danespawn = false;  
      publicVariable "_danespawn"; 
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["13192774"]) then {
      _natespawn = false;  
      publicVariable "_natespawn"; 
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["164931206"]) then {
      _alynxispawn = false;
      publicVariable "_alynxispawn"; 

    And this one that executes when a player leaves an area:

    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["163214982","11032256"]) then {
      _danespawn = true;  
      publicVariable "_danespawn"; 
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["13192774"]) then {
      _natespawn = true;  
      publicVariable "_natespawn"; 
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["164931206"]) then {
      _alynxispawn = true;
      publicVariable "_alynxispawn"; 

    Why does this not work?  It spawns the AI..  but it doesn't remove them when they enter the area...

  6. That error Cannot use magazine FlareRed_M203 in muzzle M9SD is still unknown to me as it does happen from time to time on a vanilla server as well. In your case I think it might be more common due to AI having weapons.

    You cannot sell a vehicle unless it has been spawned by the server and not the mission file. 



    How do I change this sell requirement?


    Saw this in dayz_code - trade_any_vehicles.sqf:


    _objectID 	= _obj getVariable ["ObjectID","0"];
    				_objectUID	= _obj getVariable ["ObjectUID","0"];
    				_notSetup = (_objectID == "0" && _objectUID == "0");
    				if(local _obj and !isNull _obj and alive _obj and !_notSetup) then {
    					if(_okToSell) then {

    So if you do this to any spawned vehicles:


    _hummer = createVehicle ["HMMWV_DZ",[(_coords select 0) + 25, (_coords select 1) - 5,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

    _hummer setVariable ["ObjectUID",1,true];


    it should not get deleted....

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