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Posts posted by blckeagls

  1. As always, this is a WIP.


    Not a bad script at all, but a zombie animation+model needs to be made.


    Other than that, this is a pretty good script so far :D

    That is impossible without having the client download a seperate "MOD" before joining the server..

    You could just use a SAPPER...

    To use the SAPPER model do this in the SERVER (ZombieMission.pbo) init.sqf:
    //"Epoch_Sapper_F" createUnit [_coords, _aiGroup, "_ai = this", .1, "PRIVATE"];
    "b_g_survivor_F" createUnit [_coords, _aiGroup, '[this] execVM "zombie\shaun.sqf"', .1, "PRIVATE"];
    "Epoch_Sapper_F" createUnit [_coords, _aiGroup, '[this] execVM "zombie\shaun.sqf"', .1, "PRIVATE"];
    //"b_g_survivor_F" createUnit [_coords, _aiGroup, '[this] execVM "zombie\shaun.sqf"', .1, "PRIVATE"];
  2. So something of the sort?


    while {_num < 30} do { //*********CHANGE 5 to how many you want, v0.0.0.5 has 2x this ammount (5 will spawn 10 not sure why************

        _coords = [_pos,5,150,5,0,50,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

        _num = _num + 1;

    that will spawn 60 AI per city

  3. Worked for me.


    Waiting for zombies to spawn.


    Let's see how it goes.



    Can anyone make the number of zombies in the area of the player be set to a certain amount?

    It's the same per city..  

    You can edit the number per city in the ZombieMission.pbo init.sqf file here:


    while {_num < 5} do { //*********CHANGE 5 to how many you want, v0.0.0.5 has 2x this ammount (5 will spawn 10 not sure why************
    	_coords = [_pos,5,150,5,0,50,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    	_num = _num + 1;
  4. Same issue. Still does not run.


    Will check on a few things.

    Seee what this guys said fixed it for him:




    I finally made it  :)

    the code in description.ext >> #include "zombie\zombie.hpp" is the problem.


    I have now put everything from zombie.hpp into my description.ext like other sounds into the command block below:


    class CfgSounds


     sounds[] = {};


    <content from zombie.hpp>




    I will try now if they spawn also - till now no errors.


    So long,


  5. So if we change combat mode from careless to red will that make them follow the client? Mine pretty much just ran off as I changed them to sappers instead

    Not sure.

    As a side note:  i tried using Sappers, but they don't do the "hit" action that I wanted them to do...  Since they don't have arms...  I didnt try cloakers though

  6. Followed your instructions down to the T, and still having issues.

    Delete it all and try it from scratch again..  

    if it doesnt work...  Send me a screenshot of your @EpochHive/addons folder and your mpmissions/epoch.chernarus folder



    because the ZombieMission.pbo you sent me was all messed up


    Did you follow the instruction and get the latest version (


    There is a MISSION FOLDER (mpmission/epoch.altis/  or mpmission/epoch.chernarus)

    and there is a SERVER FOLDER (@EpochHive/Addons)

    What goes in the mission folder:

    Zombies (folder)

    Sounds (folder)

    zskin.jpg (file)

    init.sqf (change your files) (in my zip its called init.sqf.txt, dont use that file make your own)

    descriptions.ext (file) (change your current file, mine is descriptions.ext.txt, dont use this one)

    What goes in mission folder:

    ZombieMission.pbo (just put this file in there)

  8. Tried it with "q" and also with "x", as well as "isServer" and "isDedicated" - still not working.


    1) I also deleted now the zombiemission.pbo - restart - tried to join >> Black screen (no Lobby)

    2) deleted zombiemission.pbo, deleted the commands in init.sqf >> Black screen (no Lobby)

    3) deleted zombiemission.pbo, deleted the commands in init.sqf & in description.ext (so complete rollback) >> I can see the Lobby and join the server.


    Maybe something wrong with the #include "zombie\zombie.hpp" ?


    Did you include the zombie and sounds folder in your mission folder?

  9. Hi blckeagls,


    For the face skin, have you tried to use "setIdentity" and "setFace" variables?


    I guess you can define it in the description.ext and then apply on the client side... However I'm not good with scripts, but here are reference for you:


    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setIdentityand https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setFace





    With setIdentity you have to configure an identity.  Unfortunately it doesn't appear you can configure one with custom images

  10. please why id the face skin loading on the zombies shirts and not the face

    Because as far as I know there isnt a way to do that...  If you dont like it

    go to mpmission/epoch.map/zombies/shaun.sqf


    _zombie setObjectTexture [0,"zskin.jpg"];

    and change it to:

    //_zombie setObjectTexture [0,"zskin.jpg"];

  11. face skin is loading on shirts

    I know...  said that it doesn't look alot like zombies... can't really tell that much that they are faces when on shirts, but looks better than a camo shirt...

    Still in alpha.. But I don't know if that can change..  Maybe someone else can figure it out and post it here

  12. This script is designed for a dedicated server (using the arma3server.exe)..  this can be a game host provider or a dedicated one you set up

    Trying to launch this through the Arma3 client as a server wont work



    If you are trying to do that change:

    if (isDedicated) 


    if (isServer)

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