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Mr White

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Posts posted by Mr White

  1. I'm not really a pro on the A2 version of wasteland, I've played it on A3 and it was a hoot... so please pardon my ignorance.

    in the mission.sqm you can define spawns for the other sides. DZGM doesn't really autojoin people on sides, since the only side enabled generally is blufor I believe it is seen as a constant. If I were to attempt alter code on the DZGM I would probably do as you mentioned. Since A2 doesn't directly link sides to faction (faction is more associated with the player model), that's probably the most viable way of handling it. Funny because I never really thought of it when you mentioned it. I originally was more intent on binding players to faction based on the side they spawned in on... and I gave up.

    vehicle spawn can be found in the server_functions.sqf in the server files

    Sorry it's late, and my brain is barely functional.

  2. #1 they can be turned on, but don't really mean anything. Everything is pretty much hard coded one way.

    #2 You can have groups, which will allow tagging via https://github.com/ebaydayz/DZGM

    #3 I asked about this a while back and people acted like I was a space alien. It appears doable, but I myself am too lazy to do it.


    The architecture of wasteland makes things considerably difficult to blend. It isn't impossible, but you're fighting a lot of built in structure to do it. What you really end up doing is duplicating effort.

  3. I'm in the process of rebuilding all my files and I wanted to do the same thing.

    I followed the instructions to the letter but something very fundamental in the system was damaged. It could have been operator error, but everything really wasn't difficult at all. Very common basic scripts no longer worked, and they really had nothing or little to do with plots or construction. My advice would be to drop P4L and go exclusively with Plot Management. You can tell people to add themselves to it, and they will not have to worry about resetting their plot poles.

    Not the words of encouragement I would like to give, but it may save some angst in the long run.

    If you do go that route, and you've been using p4l already. There will be some bumps you need to get over if you don't want to wipe the objects table in the database. Elevators break, they just fly off into "who knows where". The other issue is that the server will freak out on the way the worldspace data was saved by p4l. I managed to get through part of it by re-inserting the code:

    		if (count _worldspace >= 2) then
    			/* pp4l wrecked stuff now I have to use this */
    			if ((typeName (_worldspace select 0)) == "STRING") then {
    				_worldspace set [0, call compile (_worldspace select 0)];
    				_worldspace set [1, call compile (_worldspace select 1)];
    			/* end pp4l repairs */
    			_dir = _worldspace select 0;
    			if (count (_worldspace select 1) == 3) then {
    				_pos = _worldspace select 1;
    				_wsDone = true;

    If you're running elevators I am not entirely sure on a fix, I am going to change them back to metal floors and re-upgrade them to see if that works.

  4. Right now I am working in a test server, so I wipe when I restart to see if changes fix it. So far the spawn_vehicles function is bone stock.

    This appears to work, but I'm not feeling the love on it. In server_functions.sqf I had to hard code the center location. From that, things seem to be .. . . ... ... better?

    // Get all buildings && roads only once TODO: set variables to nil after done if nessicary 
    //MarkerPosition = getMarkerPos "center";
    MarkerPosition = [10000,10000,0];

    just not sure why the added gobledeegoop would make the game decide center was 0,0

    MarkerPosition doesn't appear much in the files, just in one of the modules... unless it is tied to the respawn points I cleaned up in the mission.sqm after installing dayzgm. Guess I can put them back in just for laughs.

    oh, hey... look

    		class Item0


  5. I've been attempting to rebuild my server, newer scripts and just getting my brain back into the scripting.

    Things generally go well, until <insert random catastrophe>. Then I have to start over. Recently, the latest discovery before completion is that vehicles are spawning relative to 0,0,0 instead of center. They just seem to huddle at the lower island, pack full, and then stop. If I do this with a bare set of config files, no issue. So yeah, something I added (or added improperly) is causing this but I don't know what. My hope is to fix it, rather than start over and then have to test spawning every time.


    Any thoughts or tips, otherwise I just chew it up and start over. No errors in the log, real clean stuff oddly enough.

  6. On 7/20/2015 at 10:37 AM, Zupa said:

    The mission files are full of supported maps.


    A few of the maps have been deprecated. Many work, they are just really old school or the easy launchers don't support them so no one ever uses them. I ran into security issues with podagorsk and the key, I think they must have fixed a few broken links so it works now (just not to the degree most other maps as far as signing).

    I wish I knew what it took to make my own maps, I'd crank out one or two.

  7. yeah, right after I posted this, I noticed the SMD Sahrani config files... now things work, and with very little effort.


    I also tried podagorsk, but it appears all the server keys for 1.1 are unavailable. I am not sure if the setups were intended for 1.0, but it's worth mentioning if someone tries.

  8. I've been fighting with trying to get a sahrani server up in test. I tried the by the book setup, downloading caa1 and it just went downhill from there.


    I've seen a few people running with @dayz_sahrani, and I actually connected to an epoch server with only having to download the @dayz_sahrani files (hooray) but I never managed to find a server key for it.


    I dug around, and found what looks like a revised version, @day7_sahrani, but it kept hammering at me for caa1 components.


    Does anyone have a link to getting this thing up and running? I played around in the editor, and man, the place looks awesome.


  9. how do I add this to my server I have looked in my mission pbo and there is no system folder I am fairly new to this stuff so I am a little confused please help


    it doesn't go in the mission.pbo, it goes in the dayz_server.pbo which is housed under @DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons


    you might want to try building a test server, and blowing it up a few times. it may keep you out of trouble.

  10. do you have a bans.txt file in your BattlEye folder, the one where all your filters are (addbackpackcargo.txt, addmagazinecargo.txt, etc.)


    if any one file it is looking for is missing, it will not start properly.


    bans happens to be the one usually missing.

  11. Hello,


    I am attempting to build a weapons/magazine list for AI. I'm using fnc_buildWeightedArray which right now is an agent of Satan in my eyes.


    I can build two arrays:

    _weapons = [["SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_RCO","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"],["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO","20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR"]];
    _chance = [0.1,0.2];
    _weightedArray = [_weapons,_chance] call fnc_buildWeightedArray;

    no big deal, but when the array gets huge... it becomes pretty painful


    What I'd really like to do is run a nested array, but I haven't had any luck splitting the data off.

    _weaponsList = [
    Oh noes I am lost here
    _weightedArray = [_weapons,_chance] call fnc_buildWeightedArray;

    I've tried quite a few things, this was the strongest lead I had. I do need the split weapons and chance further in the script.

    _listCount = (count _weaponsList) -1;
    _weapons = [];
    _chance = [];
    for "_x" from 0 to _listCount do
        _weapons = ((_weaponsList select _x) select 0) + _weapons;
        _chance = ((_weaponsList select _x) select 1) + _chance;

    but, doesn't work... I'm hoping it is simple, and I am starting to wonder if it is treating my arrays as strings.


    not a lot of examples of the weighted array out there. Can anyone throw me a bone?

  12. I too am getting these errors any luck fixing this? 


    yeah, I'll post corrected files


        File: FAI_fn_vehiclePatrol.sqf
        Author: Joris-Jan van 't Land
        Create a random patrol of several waypoints around a given position.
        _this select 0: the group to which to assign the waypoints (Group)
        _this select 1: the position on which to base the patrol (Array)
        _this select 2: the maximum distance between waypoints (Number)
        _this select 3: (optional) blacklist of areas (Array)
        Boolean - success flag
        Customized by Foamy for FMission
    //Validate parameter count
    if ((count _this) < 3) exitWith {diag_log "Log: [taskPatrol] Function requires at least 3 parameters!"; false};
    private ["_grp", "_patrolpos", "_maxDist", "_blacklist"];
    _grp = _this select 0;
    _patrolpos = _this select 1;
    _maxDist = _this select 2;
    _blacklist = [];
    if ((count _this) > 3) then {_blacklist = _this select 3};
    //Validate parameters
    if ((typeName _grp) != (typeName grpNull)) exitWith {diag_log "Log: [taskPatrol] Group (0) must be a Group!"; false};
    if ((typeName _patrolpos) != (typeName [])) exitWith {diag_log "Log: [taskPatrol] Position (1) must be an Array!"; false};
    if ((typeName _maxDist) != (typeName 0)) exitWith {diag_log "Log: [taskPatrol] Maximum distance (2) must be a Number!"; false};
    if ((typeName _blacklist) != (typeName [])) exitWith {diag_log "Log: [taskPatrol] Blacklist (3) must be an Array!"; false};
    _grp setBehaviour "SAFE";
    //Create a string of randomly placed waypoints.
    private ["_prevPos"];
    //_prevPos = _pos;
    for "_i" from 0 to (2 + (floor (random 3))) do
        private ["_vwp", "_wpPos"];
        _wpPos = [_patrolpos, 50, _maxDist, 1, 0, 60 * (pi / 180), 0, _blacklist] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
        //_newPos = [_prevPos, 50, _maxDist, 1, 0, 60 * (pi / 180), 0, _blacklist] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
        //_prevPos = _newPos;
        //_prevPos = _pos;
        _vwp = _grp addWaypoint [_wpPos, 0];
        _vwp setWaypointType "MOVE";
        _vwp setWaypointCompletionRadius 20;
        //Set the group's speed and formation at the first waypoint.
        if (_i == 0) then
            _vwp setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
            _vwp setWaypointFormation "STAG COLUMN";
    //Cycle back to the first position.
    private ["_vwp"];
    _vwp = _grp addWaypoint [_patrolpos, 0];
    _vwp setWaypointType "CYCLE";
    _vwp setWaypointCompletionRadius 20;
        File: FAI_fn_heliPatrol.sqf
        Author: Joris-Jan van 't Land
        Create a random patrol of several waypoints around a given position.
        _this select 0: the group to which to assign the waypoints (Group)
        _this select 1: the position on which to base the patrol (Array)
        _this select 2: the maximum distance between waypoints (Number)
        _this select 3: (optional) blacklist of areas (Array)
        Boolean - success flag
        Customized by Foamy for FMission
    //Validate parameter count
    if ((count _this) < 3) exitWith {diag_log "Log: [taskPatrol] Function requires at least 3 parameters!"; false};
    private ["_grp", "_patrolpos", "_maxDist", "_blacklist"];
    _grp = _this select 0;
    _patrolpos = _this select 1;
    _maxDist = _this select 2;
    _blacklist = [];
    if ((count _this) > 3) then {_blacklist = _this select 3};
    //Validate parameters
    if ((typeName _grp) != (typeName grpNull)) exitWith {diag_log "Log: [taskPatrol] Group (0) must be a Group!"; false};
    if ((typeName _patrolpos) != (typeName [])) exitWith {diag_log "Log: [taskPatrol] Position (1) must be an Array!"; false};
    if ((typeName _maxDist) != (typeName 0)) exitWith {diag_log "Log: [taskPatrol] Maximum distance (2) must be a Number!"; false};
    if ((typeName _blacklist) != (typeName [])) exitWith {diag_log "Log: [taskPatrol] Blacklist (3) must be an Array!"; false};
    _grp setBehaviour "SAFE";
    //Create a string of randomly placed waypoints.
    private ["_prevPos"];
    //_prevPos = _pos;
    for "_i" from 0 to (2 + (floor (random 3))) do
        private ["_hwp", "_wpPos"];
        _wpPos = [_patrolpos, 50, _maxDist, 1, 0, 60 * (pi / 180), 0, _blacklist] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
        //_newPos = [_prevPos, 50, _maxDist, 1, 0, 60 * (pi / 180), 0, _blacklist] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
        //_prevPos = _newPos;
        //_prevPos = _pos;
        _hwp = _grp addWaypoint [_wpPos, 0];
        _hwp setWaypointType "MOVE";
        _hwp setWaypointCompletionRadius 20;
        //Set the group's speed and formation at the first waypoint.
        if (_i == 0) then
            _hwp setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
            _hwp setWaypointFormation "STAG COLUMN";
    //Cycle back to the first position.
    private ["_hwp"];
    _hwp = _grp addWaypoint [_patrolpos, 0];
    _hwp setWaypointType "CYCLE";
    _hwp setWaypointCompletionRadius 20;


    I almost submitted a github push for that, but... eh...


    it added spaces when I first tried, lets see if editing fixes.

  13. the problem is related to the function, which calls the units and vehicles: bis_fnc_findsafepos. this function is spawning the units in the center of the map, if it cant find a safe position. but I have the feeling, that it sometimes just spawns them in the center, wether it could safely spawn them or not.

    I removed that function and spawn the units now like DZMS does.


    Just working with the example and not NetShark's code, what I see is the default way the example calls the mission. It will find a position for the mission, and then within that it will index the loot location within that. From that loot location, it will spawn the mission itself. My presumption is the intent is to add more randomness to it, and make it more harder to pinpoint the objective from the map.


    If he didn't account for that when he built his mission, that may explain why they spawned in such a detached manner.

    // Random location
    _position = [getMarkerPos _spawnMarker,0,_spawnRadius,10,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    _loot_pos = [_position,0,(_markerRadius - 100),10,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

    _position is the safe location found by the game

    _loot_pos is the location found within the confines of the marker radius (minus 100 as indicated by the code).


    I'm still figuring this all out myself. I like the bones of it, though I need to learn a lot of stuff just to get it to do what I want it to do. The open layout of things makes this a bit fun. Anyways... take it sleazy.

  14. This is what I am getting with both vehicle and heli patrols:


     6:15:16 "FAI Vehicle 1.0: -=HMMWV_M1151_M2_CZ_DES_EP1_DZ=- Spawned @ Location: [6770.97,12809.2] | Patrol Radius: 100m"
     6:15:16 Error in expression <pletionRadius 20;
    if (_i == 0) then
    _hwp setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
    _hwp se>
     6:15:16   Error position: <_hwp setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
    _hwp se>
     6:15:16   Error Undefined variable in expression: _hwp
     6:15:16 File z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_fn_vehiclePatrol.sqf, line 59
     6:15:16 Error in expression <
    _vwp = _grp addWaypoint [_wpPos, 0];
    _hwp setWaypointType "MOVE";
    _hwp setWay>
     6:15:16   Error position: <_hwp setWaypointType "MOVE";
    _hwp setWay>
     6:15:16   Error Undefined variable in expression: _hwp
     6:15:16 File z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_fn_vehiclePatrol.sqf, line 53
     6:15:16 Error in expression <
    _vwp = _grp addWaypoint [_wpPos, 0];
    _hwp setWaypointType "MOVE";
    _hwp setWay>
     6:15:16   Error position: <_hwp setWaypointType "MOVE";
    _hwp setWay>
     6:15:16   Error Undefined variable in expression: _hwp
     6:15:16 File z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_fn_vehiclePatrol.sqf, line 53
     6:15:16 Error in expression <
    _vwp = _grp addWaypoint [_wpPos, 0];
    _hwp setWaypointType "MOVE";
    _hwp setWay>
     6:15:16   Error position: <_hwp setWaypointType "MOVE";
    _hwp setWay>
     6:15:16   Error Undefined variable in expression: _hwp
     6:15:16 File z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_fn_vehiclePatrol.sqf, line 53
     6:15:16 Error in expression <
    _vwp = _grp addWaypoint [_wpPos, 0];
    _hwp setWaypointType "MOVE";
    _hwp setWay>
     6:15:16   Error position: <_hwp setWaypointType "MOVE";
    _hwp setWay>
     6:15:16   Error Undefined variable in expression: _hwp
     6:15:16 File z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_fn_vehiclePatrol.sqf, line 53
     6:15:16 Error in expression <vate ["_hwp"];
    _hwp = _grp addWaypoint [_pos, 0];
    _hwp setWaypointType "CYCLE";
     6:15:16   Error position: <_pos, 0];
    _hwp setWaypointType "CYCLE";
     6:15:16   Error Undefined variable in expression: _pos
     6:15:16 File z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_fn_vehiclePatrol.sqf, line 66


    nothing obvious is jumping out, it happens with all example missions I have used that spawn vehicles and heli patrols


    edit, I noticed your github history, the arrays are named slightly differently.

  15. I have added:


    8154 ["AH64D_EP1",2] 993 [12,"ItemSapphire",1] [1,"ItemSapphire",1] 0 493



    to my database witch works fine but when the vehicle is bought the sapphire done get removed from the gear


    Anyone know how to resolve this issue?


    change trade_any_vehicle to trade_any_vehicle_old

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