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Mr White

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Posts posted by Mr White

  1. negative, hfbservers... I decided to make the jump after a non-alcohol induced frenzy, that and I saw that sadistic intentions also moved their server over. There is some kind of weird symbiotic relationship with takistan and vilayer, though they aren't exclusive.



    hfb hasn't released a canned update for yet, I ended up reverting back to a previous version. I'll have to wait for that, though I really don't want to.

  2. I'm getting the same error, I'm not sure if this has anything to do with being takistan or not. I noticed that there was a takistan_vilayer bikey. I pruned it along with everything but the specified files. oddly enough, the vilayer ones are the only ones I didn't have copies for in the update files.


    I'm wondering, am I fine making new pbo files with the stuff included or do I actually have to strip the old ones and update the existing ones with the new?

  3. Howdy,


    I have my server set up, a bunch of little goodies started (like my AI) and a laundry list of stuff still to go. One of the things left to go are the goofy random side missions. I'd eventually like to build a few big persistent stronghold type missions, but for now I'd like the random spawning missions where people get to go blow up spawned AI (I'm going to the blue dot...etc).


    Are these type of missions something that are canned, that I can just choose random spawn points for them or do I have to completely build these from the ground up? I'm using Takistan, a place that seems to be left out of most people's plans. So I am pretty sure that if there is stuff that is supposed to work out of the box, I'd have to tweak it anyways.


    Could someone give me a high enough level explanation as to how it works, so I can either figure out more on my own or at least ask more educated questions.

  4. I have the same issue with it grabbing default loadouts. I even scripted in an if/else statement to force it to choose. The only way I got it to take, was to delete all records of the id from the database and it would spawn in.




    Ah, I figured out a trick to deal with it. When a player with a custom loadout dies, they have to complely log out and close the client. When I upgraded to, I discovered this step wasn't needed, until I re-added Sarge AI.


    Oh well

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