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Server RPT + Log "streaming"



I have been using TCadmin the past few months through our hosted service, and my group has decided that we are in dire need of a dedicated to increase performance with the population we've been having. What I am wondering is what is the best way to view logs etc. 


I have enjoyed the feature of TCadmin to be able to realtime stream my RPT and other logs in a browser window, and I haven't been able to find a program or another way to view the logs in this manner.


Does anyone know of a way to replicate this feature on a dedicated box without TCadmin?


I've done some searching on it, and have came up with nothing I may be using the wrong keywords in my search.

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As far as have seen in the list there was one example program which does this via a web page. I just wanted to point out that HE could search (e.g. in google) for something like this which should be easy to find (if someone wants to invest a few minutes). Took me 5 seconds. With searching a bit longer you should find that. I guess this is a problem which people have not only in Arma/dayz/epoch, right?

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