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I cant Save anyting in SQL inventory.


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I cant Save anyting in SQL inventory.its Empty,I tried to manually add but does not work .i try to add somting to safe or Vehicle Gear.but when i restart servers.Everything inside gear disappeared。just need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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Hmmm any MySQL client will be fine - but you need to know how to use it.


It shoulds like you're struggling to run a server, did it use to work, or is it a new server?


Need some more info really:


* Did the server work previously

* Have you added your database credentials in the hive.ini file

* Check those credentials by using Heidi (or Navicat) to connect to your game database using the same details you put in the hive.ini file

* Make sure MySQL is running on your server, of course!



yes,but i cant know how to use。I used to use navicat
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Hmmm any MySQL client will be fine - but you need to know how to use it.


It shoulds like you're struggling to run a server, did it use to work, or is it a new server?


Need some more info really:


* Did the server work previously

* Have you added your database credentials in the hive.ini file

* Check those credentials by using Heidi (or Navicat) to connect to your game database using the same details you put in the hive.ini file

* Make sure MySQL is running on your server, of course!

yea.i know.all of them work.but it cant save anything in building or Vehicle Gear.SQL object_data linventory line was Empty.have no Data.you know my means?friend.!

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