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Doorways get deleted after a week

Tobias Solem


We've been running Epoch since January of this year, and we have had about every possible issue you can run into when it comes to Epoch, in the beginning our players never got the option to maintain, which of course was solved by adding the database events, we've had issues with people cracking codelocks when the server was empty (at no risk) which made it necessary for us to implement some kind of added difficulty when players crack codes when the server is empty or near empty, we've had issues with plot poles and buildables disappearing and needed to be added to the DZE_MaintainClasses, etc. etc. etc. - and now we have been at a point where I just don't know how to fix the issue.


So here's the problem:


After 7 days, random items that were built recently get deleted, particularly doorways.

Our server variable is set to clear out unmaintained objects every 14 days.



The weird part is that for a lot of stuff that were built a long time ago the issue doesn't appear, it seems to affect recently built objects only.


This is what's in our event:




Since this issue has persisted and been unresolved, users are simply leaving because there's no way to maintain their bases. 

I would very much like to find a solution to this issue (which is why I am posting this).



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Do you have this enabled in your HiveExt.ini?

;CleanupPlacedAfterDays = 8

I had this problem back in October last year, but since I added the above function and amongst other things the problem seem to have subsided.. or atleast the reports of it.
Amongst these changes was actually enabling the event scheduler in mysql.. which I had forgotten to do.

Try building a doorway and check how it's effected by the decay. Sometimes decay can be buggy depending on what the damage you set it to do. 

UPDATE `object_data` SET `Damage`=0.2 WHERE `ObjectUID` <> 0 AND `CharacterID` <> 0 AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 7 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') )

I've been quite paranoid about this, so I set my admins and myself to watch player made bases and count the days they are active with and without maintences to see what may be the cause of the deletion; I have no results as of yet.

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I had it like that at first too. Although I did not like the fact that the HiveExt.ini wants even more to do with my object_data table so I commented it out. More than this I do not really know. Do the door that disappear have invulnerability from damage? 

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I had it like that at first too. Although I did not like the fact that the HiveExt.ini wants even more to do with my object_data table so I commented it out. More than this I do not really know. Do the door that disappear have invulnerability from damage? 


We do not have invulnerable walls at all. It's default Epoch.

What will the ; do that is left of your CleanupPlacedAfterDays?


I have items in the database that have like:


Timestamp: 2014-02-01 16:43:33.000000


Updated: 2014-04-03 19:31:02.000000


So I've drawn the conclusion that Epoch does not update the Timestamp when it maintains, the question is if this has ANYTHING to do with why objects are deleted like this. 

But it should be said that old stuff with an old Timestamp are item containers with stuff in them (like shacks)

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It works as the commentation, pretty much just disables that part of the code from running.
You could try disable it and see if that gives any other results. 

What is the damage you have set in the decay event in your database?

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It is really odd that it cleans out newer stuff that have been built, and not older stuff. 

It is as if things that were built a week ago is what mainly gets cleaned out.


But we have tweaked it according to your suggestions, Defent.

Now comes the long wait to verify if it works or not.

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Try putting this variable in your init:


DZE_DamageBeforeMaint = 0;

This makes it so that no damage is needed in order to be able to maintain. This allows you to maintain your buildables whenever you want. Check if this updates your objects. For me when I maintain, all the affected modular buildings are updated to the date I maintained, that's how it should function.


Also, make sure you don't have a vehicle cleanup script working that looks for vehicles abandoned for more than 7 days and that isn't properly defined so it deletes other objects such as doorways as well.

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