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 As the topic suggests im adding my own map maker  on napf  however i take the co-ords from the world space where i logout and add them to the below code


class Item23
            text="Danger Zone";



this is in the mission.sqf as per normal however as you can see by the attached image  its slightly off where it should be this is the exact world space from the db [103,[16413,18408.4,0.001]] im slightly confused at this pont any help would be great im sure its a simple mistake and im looking right at it lol




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you could try a marker.sqf with:

_marker = createMarker ["DZ", [416413, 18408.4];
_marker setMarkerText "DangerZone;
_marker setMarkerType "mil_circle";
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
marker = _DZ;




this did it thanks, using the same co-ords as well weird very weird, thanks for the quick reply btw very helpful :) 

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 As the topic suggests im adding my own map maker  on napf  however i take the co-ords from the world space where i logout and add them to the below code


class Item23
            text="Danger Zone";



this is in the mission.sqf as per normal however as you can see by the attached image  its slightly off where it should be this is the exact world space from the db [103,[16413,18408.4,0.001]] im slightly confused at this pont any help would be great im sure its a simple mistake and im looking right at it lol





Just a heads up if you plan or anyone else plans on doing this in the future , when you add the marker directly to the map like you did, the coords are not X Y Z   they are  X Z Y 

AKA  16413,18408.4,0.001  would be  16413,0.001,18408.4

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Just a heads up if you plan or anyone else plans on doing this in the future , when you add the marker directly to the map like you did, the coords are not X Y Z   they are  X Z Y 

AKA  16413,18408.4,0.001  would be  16413,0.001,18408.4



this makes perfect sense now as to why the marker is where it is thanks for that mate i shall remember this for future ref

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