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1.0.2 plot poles


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Hello vbawol,


first let me say that I appreciate and like your work very much. Many thanks!


In the 1.0.2 rolling changelog I read

    [CHANGED] Removed plot pole requirement to build. Plot pole is still used to
    prevent others from building and to increase item deconstruction times.

which raises some questions.


(1) Did you rework the plot pole innards (whatever they are), too?


Because on our server (and judging from many posts here we are not alone in that) we have the problem that plot poles can not be accessed/removed in any way, so even the player who created the plot is denied building after a death and the server  admin has to remove the pole from the database manually.

This problem could be mitigated if the pole was tied to PlayerUID instead of CharacterID. We tried that on our own but ran into problems (see a separate post I'll make later this day).


(2) I wonder about the repercussions of the change:


Afaik a building is tied to the plot (pole) it was built on and that in turn is tied to the player (CharacterID).

This way it is possible for the server admin to indirectly identify a player's buildings and remove them when the player has left the server.


After the 1.0.2 change the link building-pole will be no longer there.

  • Will it be replaced with a direct link building-player?
  • Will the link be to CharacterID or PlayerUID? (Please the latter, it would make the admin's work much easier)
  • Or will the building be left orphaned? (Would be awkward)
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Anyone should be able to remove a plot pole if they find it and can cursor target it. If this does not work for you, you are likely are running some custom code that breaks it.


Buildings are tied to character ID with or without a plot pole, however that doesn't do anything in game as it is the plot pole ownership that allows regular removal times and you to build. With this change you do not even need to use a plot pole unless you want the extra security it brings.


If your looking to do extra cleanup beyond the built-in 6 day cleanup, PlayerUID can easily be looked up to from the Character ID.

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Thanks for the answer.

You may be correct about the custom code breaking plot pole access but we haven't found anything, so far.
Perhaps someone who has identified a culprit can share his knowledge?


If it is possible, I'd very much like to have buildings tied to the PlayerUID. On our server, due to player preference, the auto-cleanup is disabled, so the admin tries to clean up manually after players that have left the server.

While it is correct that you can look up PlayerUID from the CharacterID, you can not identify all CharacterIDs a player ever had on a server, so the admin will most likely miss the buildings the player has created in his earlier lifes.


If this is not more than a simple exchange of variables at not-too-many places, I don't see any disadvantages to it. Gameplay wouldn't be affected at all, as you said.


So, pretty please?

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I think this could break stuff. some items you can't remove. i just think how much trolling can come with this. especially on full servers. someone making a ton of roadblocks. it could get annoying. especially with admins, cause then they have to spend their day cleaning up the map

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You're correct about trolling, but I think that can happen in any case, buildings tied to CharacterID or PlayerUID.


My hope was that you could identify "all buildings belonging to player X" faster when searching for 1 PlayerUID instead of all his CharacterIDs (of those you have the last and the ones before only if you don't clean up dead players).


Should teach the troll a lesson when not only his roadblock is deleted but his base, as well :-)


As for automatic cleanup I'm assuming that the mechanism only looks for construction date and would work for buildings tied to PlayerUID, too. If not, then, of course, my suggestion would break automatic cleanup and I'd withdraw it.

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  • 4 months later...





...you can not identify all CharacterIDs a player ever had on a server...


Here's how to lookup all character id's that a specific PlayerUID has had. Replace __LOOKUP__VALUE__ with the character ID you want to look for...

SELECT CharacterID from Character_DATA
WHERE PlayerUID = (
   FROM Character_DATA
   WHERE CharacterID = __LOOKUP__VALUE__)


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