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Reducing trader stock to 0



I've set up a new server and on it, I set the quantity of all trader items to 0. I've confirmed the database shows the totals as 0. As players sell them items, the stock grows. However, when I went to a trader, I was able to buy an ALICE pack, a full jerry can and a UAZ, even though the database shows these items had 0 stock. Am I missing something? I tried to buy some other items, like a blood bag, and it told me there was insufficient stock.


*EDIT * Nevermind. Looks like I forgot to remove the sql trigger to restock them :)

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Just some more information... it appears that after a server restart I may be able to buy one of an item, even if it's stock is at 0. For example, yesterday I bought one AK mag when it said stock was 0. When I tried buying a second one, it said it had insufficient stock. I just tried it again and the same thing happened. So, I'm thinking that perhaps every item in the trader's database also has a minimum of 1, even if the quantity is 0?

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try to put a negative value in the database (-1 for example) to test it.


I'll give it a shot.


Something else I've found today. I bought an AK mag, then got the message about no stock when I tried to buy the second. I went back later and was able to repeat it. Bought one, couldn't buy another, and there was no server restart between that.

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