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Dayz Epoch server, script pack help



Hello, I recently set up  an epoch server and installed a script pack called "dayz-Dnetwork", it has the usuall like tow, selfbb, admin tools, etc but everytime i try to launch my server with the script pack installed and try to log in, I get to the screen after "waiting for server authentication" or whatever it is called, to a screen that has the dayz epoch background, a loading bar at the bottom that is faded out because of the lack of progress that is happening and a number counter in the bottom right. When the counter gets to around 140(seconds i think), it takes me back to my server's lobby and says "login timout". If you are going to post some instruction on how to fix this, please make it detailed because i am still new to this.Thanks


Also, i forgot to mention that this problem doesn't happen on any of the 10 servers that i play on and i have set up the server correctly because before i added the script pack, it worked fine.

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Well I am not sure what dayz-dnetwork is. But those mods that you are adding have to be added correctly or what your talking about will happen. Your not really giving enough information. Here is a example, to install some one script pack as you call it, you would have to be doing the same thing to the t they did. Using the same file structure, same server ect. First thing is, did the server work before you added that? If it did then you are installing your server different the the person that made that pack. You should install those each individually, and check the server each time you install one. 

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You mean install each script one by one? If you do, well, i'm not to sure on how to do that but i can give you the link to the script pack. My server was working before i installed this pack and i installed it exactly as the instructions say which is also in the link that is below if you scroll down. If you think that there is a file there that needs to be changed to the specifications of my server, then please say. Thanks



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Hmm seems good, I am not sure why it wouldent work then. You would have to ask the guy that made it for help. In the mean time you can have mine. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2xqsubo6h0rpy2l/epoch1.pbo. un pbo that, put the server pbo in your dayz epoch server addon folder. Then just take the mp missions there and put it in yours. See if that one works for ya. Its not all that, but its selfbb, sarge ai, dzmissions, epoch admin tools, safe zones, 

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