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1 certain players has tp problems

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Not sure if in correct section so feel free to move if needed.

Anyways I have one player that seems to have problems with his player randomly tping to a previous spot on the map every now and again.

We know he ain't doing it as he's been on my server since the beginning and everyone knows him as a legite player etc.

I have infistar running and gotcha antihack

Krixes self bloodbag

Remove clothes

Agn safezone

Any ideas what's going on?

I also have a player or 2 complaining that the server seems to show up with 10000 ping for them sometimes when it's fully running.

They have no problems with others

Not sure if both could be related?

Any ideas?

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If you would like skip gotcha, EPM RCon works perfectly for me, managing temp bans, talk as admin, or managig players ID & GUIDs.




On my server I have problems if a player disconnected or the server i s restarted with the player, the Player most likely teleported to the shore. Is any idea on that?

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Not sure if in correct section so feel free to move if needed.

Anyways I have one player that seems to have problems with his player randomly tping to a previous spot on the map every now and again.

We know he ain't doing it as he's been on my server since the beginning and everyone knows him as a legite player etc.

I have infistar running and gotcha antihack

Krixes self bloodbag

Remove clothes

Agn safezone

Any ideas what's going on?

I also have a player or 2 complaining that the server seems to show up with 10000 ping for them sometimes when it's fully running.

They have no problems with others

Not sure if both could be related?

Any ideas?


Is he reverted back to a previous character state (location and gear) or just location? When does it happen, after a restart or does it happen when he logs off? What map are you running? What version of epoch?

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