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ich selbst kann dir das mit L3DT nicht richtig erklären, Momo hat das alles gemacht, aber die Textur (Sat) ist eben 20480² und damit ging es auch. Mit dem Roadtool von Visitor hatte ich nie Probleme, man muss nur aufpassen die richtigen Teile aneinander zu setzen. D.h. die Winkel der Kurven usw. müssen zusammenpassen.


The roadtool is ok, no problems, but the script to smooth the roads is crappy. 


When i started to create the map, it was a bet. Why a bet? Here the answer:


With the World of Warcraft Guild  have we played a custom DayZ map. Don't ask for the name. This map was so bad, that i sayed in teamspeak, that i can do it better. A guy from the guild sayed: "do it!". i begann to made the map and so the map was a fast-selling item. I never thougt, that my map was a standard map for epoch or a released map. So i do my best to erease the made mistakes. Hey its my first map! :) 


Dont forget, there is no team behind me. i made all self, map, models, trees etc. :)



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Yeah I know, no team. Maybe you could have taken it easy on the quest front (don't do too many things at once), but still, hard work that has to be acknowledged, hands down. I thought about offering help, but with Arma3 Epoch ante portas I think Sauerland is good as it is right now. It's a great map.


I wouldn't use the SmoothRoads script. As you said, it hammers things up.

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