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Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ problem



Here is my 2 problems.



When i try to maintain area or show preview of area on any plot pole i receve this message:


0 Object around



I always receve the too many object around 30meters warning when i try to add nex wall ...

I edited the variable.sqf to be able to place 500 objects and called it on my Init.sqf but nothing change



So it's impossible to maintain any area around the plot pole.


I looked at different thing ( classname of the plot pole etc) but problem still occur.

It's sad to dont be able to use plot pole function on an Epoch server isnt it?

Any help?


PS: Yes i got plenty of construction around the plot pole

Yes i tryed serveral time with a new plot pole.

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4 answers to this question

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1st - You'll always get '0 objects in range' until there are objects in range that need maintaining. So you can have 100 items within the plot pole radius, but if none of them are at their maintenance point, it will still show 0.


2nd - Try putting DZE_BuildingLimit = 500; into your init.sqf under Epoch configs, instead of trying to do it in the variables file. (I think 500 is a bit high given the default is 150)

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Yeah 500 are probably too many.

But i was testing different number before reaching 500.

I use the variable.sqf because i added some more liftable vehicle to the list and some more chooper to be able to lift.


I will try to add the DZE_BuildingLimit = 500; directly to the init.sqf.


Thanks for the info about maintenance

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My players have a problem when


1. they remove plote pole


my deleteVehicle.txt

1 ""
5 "FunctionsManager"
5 "CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ"
5 "CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ"
5 "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"

This is log from deleteVehicle.log

05.01.2015 01:00:39: xxx(1933.3333.3333304) 643434343434343434347a557 - #0 2:3734 Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ
05.01.2015 01:00:39: xxx(1933.3333.3333304) 643434343434343434347a557 - #4 2:3734 Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ

How Can I fix it?



Whats mean in createvehicle.log

Count Restriction "Plastic_Pole_EP1" 3:92 [6650,9309,340]
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