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Changing spawn behaviour





I'm quite new to ArmA editing, so I don't have any clue even where to search for the code. Maybe someone can help me or has a useful link to some tutorial or so.


My players have the following wishes:

- More zeds initially spawning (about 50% more when you go into a town).

- Not more zeds for bigger groups.

- Slower z-respawn (so a town stays clean for about 15 mins or so after killing al zeds).

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Soo let me be frank with you..you don't want to do what you think you want to do.

Ill explain.


The way the spawn code works is like this..

There are a few funny code pieces.

The first, anddd i forget what its called right now, dictates the max zombies in an area. (I think its maxlocalzombies or somesuch)

The second dictates the number of zombies PER person.


You can lag out your server if you play with this.

Normally (in Dayz, not sure how they are set in Epoch) it is set at 40 zombies..per..player. (Not kidding). It is actually a good thing to push it lower, down to 30, for performance. Any higher and lag you will have.

So that first number..if you crank it up..bad things..lag..lots and lots of lag.


I wish i could use the proper terms, but I don't remember them atm and I don't want to go digging for em right now.

But basically..if you increase the # of zombies per person and the max zombies in an area..you will get more zombies.

You will also get lag spikes when they all try to spawn in at once.


There is a 3rd variable..and you shouldn't mess with it.

That is in the loot code actually, max and min roaming for a loot type. Just leave this alone.

If you touch it, what will basically happen is a lot of zombies will spawn in one building until it hits the maxlocalzombie limit, and then the other buildings will be vacant of any zombies.


There are ways to boost the zombie count but you have to do it slowly and carefully or else you will seriously break the game.


As for the timer..haven't figured that one out yet, that sounds like a script thing and i dont touch scripts.

Also..ever consider upping the difficulty? From easy to vet or whatever.


Ill try to go find the code for ya, but take my warning to heart.

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Sorry to OP if this seems like hijacking the thread but its along the lines of the more zed spawn aspect.

Would you know how to spawn more zeds in a specific area? For e.g. I have a custom military base and I'd like more zeds to spawn there and have less roaming zeds. That way you won't need to increase the zed counts etc as they could be taken into account in the maxZombies config variables.


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Hey Richie,

I already do have that variable set but I was hoping for setting something on a location basis. As currently even with that variable I can easily go into this custom military camp and loot it as the zombies are so few. If I wait around then probably that 40 will be reached but as it stands the spawn rate seems slow and I want to make it force more zombies to spawn if that makes any sense.

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