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Spawning into your base


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So I've played Epoch almost since the start and I still love it and what its done. But there is one issue that i constantly see with not only my friends but with other people.  Once you somewhat of a base set up you go and look for supplies to have around such as weapons/ammo/food/medicals. But when you die and you're by yourself you are more likely just to grab stuff as you get back to your base which kind of makes gather supplies redundant, and so I started to think whats the point of a personal base when its just an other area where you are going to travel to. So after some thinking of other games where you have your own "base" or some sort of colonized area and what it feel more of home then just an other awesome loot area. So I looked and the things which were missing in epoch that gave that permanent home feel, and the biggest thing I could think of was the ability to spawn within your area. With the ability to spawn within your base, base raiding would definitely change significantly  and make base confrontation more intense for sure.




Possibly add and item which allows you to spawn within your base, something similar to a plot pole?

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The problem with this is that it has a potential to be abused, mainly on servers that don't require a plot pole to build. If there is no plot pole down, then there is no way to make the server realise that the coordinates you are trying to use are in another users base.


Barring that, it is possible to make it so that users can login in a certain location, but you would need to find out a way to store that location information in the database in one way or another, which unless you snuck it in the Object_data table somehow, I don't think is possible at the moment. As far as I know, Hive 999 calls are still not working.

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The point of a base is so you can have a safe spot to store things when you are not on. Don't want to carry around that sniper rifle while you are simply looting low level spawn areas? Leave it in your base. Don't want to risk your only E-Tool while picking a friend up from Cherno? Leave it in your base. 

As for the respawning thing. With a base you can basically run from the coast to your base and pick up your spare gear. Load it up with one of each of the basics and you can ignore you body and avoid most of the loot points on your way to your base. 

Spawning in your base would remove the very last sting of dying. No thanks. 

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The point of a base is so you can have a safe spot to store things when you are not on. Don't want to carry around that sniper rifle while you are simply looting low level spawn areas? Leave it in your base. Don't want to risk your only E-Tool while picking a friend up from Cherno? Leave it in your base. 

As for the respawning thing. With a base you can basically run from the coast to your base and pick up your spare gear. Load it up with one of each of the basics and you can ignore you body and avoid most of the loot points on your way to your base. 

Spawning in your base would remove the very last sting of dying. No thanks. 


Couldn't agree more

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The point of a base is so you can have a safe spot to store things when you are not on. Don't want to carry around that sniper rifle while you are simply looting low level spawn areas? Leave it in your base. Don't want to risk your only E-Tool while picking a friend up from Cherno? Leave it in your base. 

As for the respawning thing. With a base you can basically run from the coast to your base and pick up your spare gear. Load it up with one of each of the basics and you can ignore you body and avoid most of the loot points on your way to your base. 

Spawning in your base would remove the very last sting of dying. No thanks. 


I see what you're saying but to me that just seems like a warehouse to horde things instead of making it the post apocalyptic home that I have in mind. 

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I see what you're saying but to me that just seems like a warehouse to horde things instead of making it the post apocalyptic home that I have in mind. 


In a way I agree with you. I really wish there were more things we could craft that would be useful to put in our base. An example of which might be something like a sleeping area. If you lay down and sleep 5 minutes of game time goes by with you having a blacked out screen and unable to move. When the time is up you awaken refreshed and maybe the threshold on exhaustion is just a bit higher for a period of time like a half hour. Maybe give us a way to craft a "Water Barrel" that allows you to refill canteens. 

My bases do tend to be little post apocalyptic homes. I have food and drink stocked up and tend to build near fuel or purchase a Fuel Truck. I have fire barrels set up to keep me warm as well as cook the meat I hunt since I tend to build near locations where animals are found and where I can refill water. I cook and craft in safety.


I guess it has a homey feeling to it because for me a base is only partially about storage but more about being the ONLY place I feel safe enough to do things like swap out all my gear, change skins, not use NVGs at night(usually because I have a ton of lights surrounding it), cook food, boil water, craft items, and such. 

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It wouldn't be hard to do at all. You wouldn't need to add a new column to the DB either.


You would be able to use a plot pole, and since it doesn't have inventory you can store and array of UIDs in the inventory column. Obviously you would need to edit how the server loads plotpoles in order to make this work.


You could then add an action for the plot pole owner to add users that are able to respawn there.

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i can see this from both sides, but tbh i feel like it should be possible to spawn in your base if you as example setup a tent


since tents have now ended up as an small "redundant" part of the game, why not change these so you can set one up and spawn from it if you die?


this could quite easy be incorporated aswell using icomrades idea with using the inventory space in the database to read id's, but tbh i feel every player should setup his or her's own tent themself and only allow one player to spawn from a tent and once they spawned from this tent first time, it would auto-selfdestroy automaticly to not allow anymore spawns there.

a player would then have to setup a new tent in order to spawn from that same location again.


this would also reduce items/objects the server has to spawn and keep track of, since obviusly a player should only be allowed to setup one tent also tents would no longer contain any items that had to be spawned in and players would obviusly only have 1 tent each on the server, (compared to 1000's of tents all over the server with items in them it has to load)

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I read somewhere about a hardcore server or an idea for a server that was setup so when you died, your locks and safe combinations would all change making the base only really relevant for your current life.  I can see how this would be kind of cool, but it would also make most people avoid conflicts with other players all together.

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I read somewhere about a hardcore server or an idea for a server that was setup so when you died, your locks and safe combinations would all change making the base only really relevant for your current life.  I can see how this would be kind of cool, but it would also make most people avoid conflicts with other players all together.


Well, I would set up a base in such a manner I only had to lean out to shoot an animal once in a while and could access water from within the base. I'd hunt when it was unlikely anyone was around and read the trashy romance novels we get from documents. 

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I read somewhere about a hardcore server or an idea for a server that was setup so when you died, your locks and safe combinations would all change making the base only really relevant for your current life.  I can see how this would be kind of cool, but it would also make most people avoid conflicts with other players all together.


And also leaves stuff all over the server that is locked and no one knows the combos to lol. Really terrible idea. Unless of course they made that type of storage a lot cheaper to buy and the old locked stuff just deleted or was removed so you had to replace combo locks and put down new safes.


The main problem with spawning in your base is it is now a legit TDM game (instead of its psuedo tdm form now). Die...spawn in base...regear from your dead body while behind locked doors, continue PVP in a 100m radius infinitely since you will just keep spawning there right away. Takes away from being able to siege a base since once you remove it's inhabitants....instead of having time to take down a wall or door, they are right there again already shooting at you.

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