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[Release] FMission Launcher Script


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FMission Launcher 1.0


This script adds scalable random selection for launching missions from the modules folder. This script can be modified to launch anything from anywhere but I wrote it for launching my custom missions.


Currently when launching missions from the modules folder you use an entry like this:

EpochEvents = [["any","any","any","any",35,"mission.sqf"]];

What that gives you is predictable mission launches, not to mention when you run a bunch of missions that time setup gets full and dicey.



Using this script means 2 - 3 entries at most for unlimited missions, depending on how many times an hour you want to run the chance to spawn one. I personally run the sequence twice an hour.


To use, put this script in your modules folder



	File Name: FMission_Launcher.sqf
	File Created: 12/25/2013
	File Version: 1.0
	File Author: Foamy 
	File Last Edit Date: 2/2/2014
	File Description: Foamy Missions Launcher

Variables to set:
_eventspawnChance = xx; <--- is the % chance it will spawn (example: .50 = 50%)


private ["_spawnRoll", "_eventSpawnChance", "_scriptselected", "_scriptslist"];

_eventSpawnChance =  1;
_spawnRoll = random 1;
diag_log("Checking Spawn Chance");
if (_spawnRoll < _eventSpawnChance and !_debug) exitWith {};

diag_log("Spawn Chance Success");

diag_log("Selecting script and launching");

_scriptslist = 
_scriptselected = _scriptslist select (floor(random(count _scriptslist)));
[] execVM _scriptselected;

(Put your mission file names in the spots in the file that say mission_file_name.sqf)



Then to launch FMission_Launcher.sqf you add it to your init.sqf in this spot.

EpochEvents = [["any","any","any","any",35,"FMssion_Launcher.sqf"]];

Add an entry for each time you want it to run. Easy script but I found it very useful so why not share. Enjoy.

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