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Adding Vehicles



As the title says, I am curious about how to add vehicles to my dayz Epoch server, such as the M113 or the BMP, or say the Mi24D or any other vehicles, would i need something like Rmod, or does dayz epoch already support adding vehicles which are not already whitelisted by default dayz

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I think rmod was/is on by default  -  but lets get down to the adding vehicles thing.  do you want them added to the trader for purchase, added to random spawn,  or both ?  (the randomly spawned ones don't contain ammo, that's a plus if you don't want certain weapons being used)

Both, I've been longing to add some armored/tracked vehicles to Epoch

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mi24, lav 25, btrs ka52's,ka60s, M2 tusk all work as well as loads of others - use and existing vehicle in your database and change its classname is easiest way to try out

I'd prefer to add new ones to spawn and to the traders to be bought and sold then messing with existing ones (though i really would like to remove the C130J from the traders and spawn, they just take up space and spawn in the most impossible to get out of positions)

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to stop them spawning delete them from the dynamic_vehicle.sqf


to add them into the traders do a search on forums about adding them.


i would suggest manual spawn via the database so you know what classnames work and what doesnt


to remove the c130j from the traders just delete the lines in the database tables r trader_data,traders_items

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to stop them spawning delete them from the dynamic_vehicle.sqf


to add them into the traders do a search on forums about adding them.


i would suggest manual spawn via the database so you know what classnames work and what doesnt

thanks, but still not really what i wanted to know about how to go about adding them, there is alot of places where people are asking the same question but i have yet to find a post where a similar (or the same) question being asked which resulted in someone saying exactly what is needed to remove or add vehicles to the database and make them available at the traders and spawn in world. 

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Ok, sooo here goes - 



We have 2 files we need to work with and a database table


Locate   your     dynamic_vehicle.sqf , server_traders.sqf  and inside the database your traders_data table



   Dynamic_vehicle is responsible for adding randomly spawned vehicles to your map -  personally I've wiped out the boats on cherno, because when the #$%^ do you use boats?!? maybe if it had some internal water ways.. sorry off topic rant...


Locate the classname for the vehicle you want , lets for giggles use the m113 (Tracked medic vehicle with no weapon) M113Ambul_UN_EP1




inside the dynamic spawning table  add   ["M113Ambul_UN_EP1",1],  someplace into your file - save it


to add it to my traders, i need to open my server_traders and locate the TID (trader ID) for the trader I want... for giggles - lets use the hero camp, I'm going to use ["Military Armed",562]  as an example, even though this vehicle is not armed.  my TID for the Hero vender is 562


inside my database I have to add this using SQL code


INSERT INTO `Traders_DATA` (`id`, `item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `order`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES
(758411, '["M113Ambul_UN_EP1",2]', 496, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 50, 562, 'trade_any_vehicle')



the first number is the ID for the table - this has to be unique, so make something up if you need to.



best and shortest explanation i can give at the moment

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Ok, sooo here goes - 



We have 2 files we need to work with and a database table


Locate   your     dynamic_vehicle.sqf , server_traders.sqf  and inside the database your traders_data table



   Dynamic_vehicle is responsible for adding randomly spawned vehicles to your map -  personally I've wiped out the boats on cherno, because when the #$%^ do you use boats?!? maybe if it had some internal water ways.. sorry off topic rant...


Locate the classname for the vehicle you want , lets for giggles use the m113 (Tracked medic vehicle with no weapon) M113Ambul_UN_EP1




inside the dynamic spawning table  add   ["M113Ambul_UN_EP1",1],  someplace into your file - save it


to add it to my traders, i need to open my server_traders and locate the TID (trader ID) for the trader I want... for giggles - lets use the hero camp, I'm going to use ["Military Armed",562]  as an example, even though this vehicle is not armed.  my TID is 562


inside my database I have to add this using SQL code


INSERT INTO `Traders_DATA` (`id`, `item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `order`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES

(758411, '["M113Ambul_UN_EP1",2]', 496, '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 50, 562, 'trade_any_vehicle')



the first number is the ID for the table - this has to be unique, so make something up if you need to.



best and shortest explanation i can give at the moment

Okay newb question, where is the Dynamic_vehicle.sqf file located? I have yet to really learn much about opening and modifying pbo (the first time i've ever thought about running a dayz server since dayz 1.7.6, let alone modifying or adding scripts to it

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what confuses me is on the wiki it says its supposed to be in the mpmissions folder in the instance you're running, in my case instance 11 - but when i go into that folder its not there, confuses the piss outta me, thanks for the help though.


Yeah, the wiki says a lot of things, and DOESN'T say a lot of things....  unfortunately




The files I'm linking you to include a PBO extraction tool  - so feel free to open shyt up and see where things are ^_^



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Yeah, the wiki says a lot of things, and DOESN'T say a lot of things....  unfortunately



what really sucks is when people come to a forum to ask for help and they get refered back to the same wiki which did nothing to help them to begin with. Though overall this has been one of my better forum/asking for help interactions. 


EDIT - Probably doesn't help that i am running a 1.0.4b server at the moment, and no plans to go back to (as i don't have the files to revert and don't want to take the time to reset everything)

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Yeah I have to give it to the people who frequent here -  I've not bumped into too many that were not willing to take a moment to explain something or point me into a direction I could locate it -  I think over all the community seems "older" (maturity and/or age of the player base)  than many of the communities I've had the misfortune of being a part of. I try to give back because of that.

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Indeed, this forum seems to be very friendly and welcoming, makes me even more proud to be a supporter of Epoch. Great community, great devs, great mod - what more could someone ask for?


Though, i am still confused as to where the dynamic_Vehicles.sqf is - its clearly somewhere, as it's still working because vehicles are spawning, but where is the better question, i'm willing to bet its in the .pbo but i dont have any programs or know of any to get into it and take a peek around.

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It should be located in a 'missions' folder:



I'm not sure if you're confused as to what i am talking about, but my server is a official epoch server - anyone can connect to it (given they have the password) - its not a single player sever so i don't know why any of its files would be inside the singleplayer missions folder, especially saying that the server files i downloaded from the epoch website did not modify anything within the missions folder...

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The contents of: "MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus" are part of the mission PBO







The contents of: "missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\" are part of the server PBO


Up until a couple of releases ago, dynamic_vehicle.sqf was stored in the mission PBO but has since been moved to the server PBO. 

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so that means i am right and to modify it i am going to have to get into the server pbo itself because inside my missions folder there is literally nothing but a readme file saying 'Singlemissions' and that is literally it, unless there is another 'missions' folder somewhere else that i am unaware of.

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